The Takayama festival art museum is the first complete facility using the rock cavern for public use in Japan. The museum uses, as its exhibition hall, a large-scale rock cavern with a diameter of 40.5 m was excavated, where the rock is jointed and the overburden is relatively shallow, 30 m below ground. This paper introduces the deformation and its estimation of the ground surrounding the rock cavern at the time of excavation to study loosened zone around the cavern.


Le musee d'art de fêtes de Takayama est le premier musee d'art au Japon, entierement construit dans une cavite dans la roche, oú il recoit quotidiennement une foule de visiteurs. Sa salle d'exposition est iastallee à 30 m sous terre dans une grande cavite desaffectee, ayant un diametre de 40,5 m. Sa profondeur est relativement peu profonde. En analysant les resultats des mesures effectuees en particulier celles qui concenient le deplaeement relatif à I'excavation, l'expose retrace le comportement de la roche avec une couverture peu epaisse, observe aux a1entourSde la grande cavite durant les travaux d'excavation.


Das Takayama-festival Kunstmusum ist das erste vollstandige Gesteinshöhlen-Kunstmuseumin Japan. Ein standiger Besucherstrom genießt die Ausstellungstueke. Das Museum verwendet als Ausstellungshalle einen großen Höhlenraum mit einem Durchmesser von 40,5 m, ausgegraben 30 m unter dem Boden. Die Tiefe ist relativ gering. Diese Studie, berichtet ueber das Erdverhalten, das bei der Adsgrabung der großen Kaverne in der Umgebung der Kaverne gefunden wurde, mit einer kleinen ueberliegenden Schicht, die die Meßergebnisse bewertet, insbesondere die Ergebnisse der Verdrangung, die aus der Ausgrabung erhalten wurden.


Civil structures and architectural buildings have developed separately in Japan. However, social changes have increased the variety and complexity of construction needs, A typical example is the Takayama festival, art museum that' utilizes a large-scale underground rock cavern. Various facilities utilizing rock caverns have been constructed' in Scandinavian countries, while some structures such as transportation and energy systems as well as urban infrastructure have used rock caverns in Japan. The Takayama festival art museum is the first public-use underground facility utilizing a rock cavern in Japan, and opened at the end of April 1998.

This paper introduces the deformation and its estimation of the ground surrounding the large-scale rock cavern to study loosened zone around the cavern, where the rock is jointed and the overburden is shallow


The museum consists of a hemispherical exhibition space (the exhibition dome) with a diameter of 40.5 m, a tunnel-shaped exhibition space (the exhibition tunnel) with a length of 70 m and peripheral refuge tunnels under the ground, and a management facility on the ground, as shown in Figure 1.


The ground around the construction site consists; in descending order, of topsoil, clayish colluvium and pyroclastic welded tuff belonging to the upper Cretaceous to Paleogene Nohi Rhyolite. The Class 1 faults named Atotsugawa and Adera lie about 25km to the north of the site running north-east to south-west, and about 40 km to the south running north-west to south-east.

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