Nuclear waste should be disposed with the best warranty for the national health and welfare. Among the several repository systems, the deep underground disposal is considered to be a most suitable system in Korean peninsula. However it demands basically the comprehensive stability analysis such as the behaviour of discontinuities in rock mass, the behaviour of ground water, and the reaction of rock stress according to the heat from the nuclear waste. For these purposes, the underground nuclear waste disposal repository was simulated in two- and three- dimensions. It shows that emphasis will be given to the thermal conductivity of discontinuities and the thermal convection of ground water as well as the thermal stress generated by the nuclear waste for design and construction of repository system, and they should be obtained from the field measurements.

Dechets nucleaires devront tre deposes avec la meilleure garantie pour la sante et le bien public. Parmi les plusieurs systèmes de depôt, la disposition en souterrin profond est consideree au système le plus approprie en Coree. Pourtant ce système demande essentiellement l'analyse etendue de stabilite comme le comportement des discontinues en masse rocheuse, le comportement de l'eau souterrin et la reaction des contraintes de roche selon la chaleur depuis les dechets nucleaires. Pour ce but, le depôt des dechets nucleaires en sous-sol a etè simule en deux et trois dimensions. Il montre que l'accent sera donne à la conductivite thermale des discontinues et la convection ther-male de l'eau souterrin aussi bien que la contrainte thermale generee par les dechets nucleaires pour le plan et la construction du systèmes de depôt, et ils devront tre obtenus depuis les mesures sur place.

Die Kernwueste muβ mit der besten Gewahr fuer die nationale Gesundheit und die Wohlfahrt angeordnenet werden. Unter einigem Fundgrubesystem, das tief unterirdisch Wegwerfen werde in Betracht das passendest System in der koreanisch Halbinsel gezogen. Jedoch, es verlangt grundzatzlich die umfassend Stabilitatsberechnung so wie das Behnehmen mangelnder Konti-nuitat in der Felsmasse, das Behnehmen des Grundwasser, und die Reaktion der Felsenbelastung nach der Hitze von der Kernwueste. Fuer diesen Zwecke, die unterirdische Wegferfenfundgrube der Kernwueste wurde in der zwei und drei Dimensionen gesimuliert. Es beweist daβ die Betonung wird zur thermisch Leitfahigkeit mangelnder Kontinuitat und thermisch Konvektion des Grund-wasser sowie die thermisch Belastung ergezeugt durch die Kernwueste fuer den Entwurf und die Konstruktion des Fundgrubesystem gegeben werden, und sie muessen von den Feldmaβe ergelangt werden.


The amount of electricity that the 11 nuclear power plants are producing in Korea is about 40% of total electricity generated, and the additional 12 nuclear power plants are being expected until 2006 for covering more than 50% of total electricity in Korea. However the nuclear power plants are also producing the radioactive waste which is harmful to human body. Especially the high-level radioactive wastes should be disposed with the best warranty, because they can make an extremely high heat during their half period. Even though there can be several methods for disposal of nuclear wastes, the deep underground repository is considered to be a best system in Korean geological situations. KAERI reported that the KBS-3 disposal concept can be applied to Koran peninsula (Chang et al., 1997).

However we should be concerned about the extremely high heat generated from the nuclear waste, because it can disturb the stress regime around the repository tunnel. In this study, authors are trying to simulate the KBS-3 system and analyze the behaviour of rock mass around nuclear waste disposal repository. These results can be applied directly to the design and construction of nuclear waste disposal repository in the future.

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