This paper describes the engineering properties of Givi dam foundation. Givi dam will be built across the Givi River on the andesitic rocks (Karaj formation) in Ardabil province (northeast of Iran). Geotechnical investigations including drilling, pumping tests, sampling for laboratory testing and discontinuity survey. Physical and mechanical properties of andesitic rocks such as density, water absorption, porosity, uniaxial compressive strength, triaxial compressive strength, durability and direct shear tests are evaluated in this paper. Discontinuity data are process for the determination of dominant sets and for the rock mass characterization in terms of classification systems (RMR, Q and RSR). Correlations between these three classifications are discussed.

Le barrage doit être construit sur la rivi_re givi qui cou_e sur les andesites (formation de Karaj) dans la province d_ Ardebile situee_ a Nord- Ouest de l_ _Iran. Les etudes geophsique comme sondage, Pompage. Et echantillonnage afin de verifier les discontinutes out ete_ effectuees. Les proprietes physique et mechanique des roches andesifique ont ete_ verifiees. Les informations concernauet aux discontinuities afin de montrer leur principale direction ont ete_ verifiees, les proprietes des roches dans leurs ensemble ont ete_ etudiees. Les divers classifications(RMR,Q, RSR) ont ete_ compares et analysees.

Dieses Schreiben ist zur Erklaerung der Ingenieureigenschaften ueber Baugrund des Givi Deiches. Dieser Deich soll im Givi fluss auf Andesitgesteine (Karaj formation) gebaut werden. Der platz des Deiches legit im Ardebil Provinz nordwestlich von Iran. Geotechnische Untersuchungen Sind: Bohrungen, pumpen Versuche, Probenentnahme fuer Laborversuche, Brechbarkeit Bestimmungen, physikalische und mechanische Eigenschaften der Andesitgesteine wurde hier ausgewertet, wie Z.B.: Wasserleitfahigkeit, Porositaet, Scherfestigketswiderstand, Informationen ueber Brechbarkeiten der Gesteine wurde gesamelt, und die meisten Brechbarkeiten bestimdamit man die Gesteine besser klassifizieren kann. In Endefekt wrid die Resultate verschiedene Klassifizierung wie RMR, Q, und RSR besser geachtet und zusammen vergliechen.


The proposed Givi dam, will be built across the Givi River in Ardabil province(N-E) of Iran.(fig 1). The dam will be approximately 87m high with a crest length about 300m and base width of 210m. The type of dam is planed to be earth dam. The aim of the dam is to control and store water for an agricultural development. The foundation and abutments of this dam are Eucenian Andesite (Karaj Formation) with hydrotermal alteration.


Eocene porphyric and megaporphiric andesite is a main geological formation of the studied area(Ev in fig 2). Because of hydrotermal alteration, the plagioclase minerals has been changed to clay minerals and serysite. The plagioclases lenght varies from 0.5 to 3 centimeters. Major minerals in this outcrop are chlinopyroxen, altered olivine, hornbland, plagioclases, (andesine to oligoclas) and the minor and altered minerals are aphatite, lucite, carbonates, clorite, clay and secondary quartz.

Structural geology

Three joint sets which termed j1, j2 and j3 were known in left and right abutments. The characterization of these joint sets has been shown in table 1.

Two dominant fault are distinguished in the area. The first (F1) lies 500m north of dam axes with length about 4.5 Kilometers.

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