Horizontal wells with long laterals are drilled to reduce surface footprint, maximize productivity, and improve project economics(1). Many onshore production wells have been drilled with a lateral length more than 5 km. The lateral configuration varies from well to well to follow the pay zone, but is typically toe-up, toe-down, horizontal, or undulating(2). Flowback operation is often required to clean the wellbore and the near-wellbore region before normal production starts. Flowback operation is a dynamic multiphase phenomenon, so a transient multiphase simulator is required for the study. This paper investigates the effect of lateral profile on gas well flowback performance. The study results are critical to the design and/or selection of flowback skid, hydrate risk management, and reduction of gas flaring.
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ISAVFT 20th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology
June 26–28, 2023
Nice, France
Effect of Lateral Configuration on Horizontal Gas Well Flowback
Yongqian (Richard) Fan
Yongqian (Richard) Fan
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Paper presented at the ISAVFT 20th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, Nice, France, June 2023.
Paper Number:
June 26 2023
Fan, Yongqian (Richard). "Effect of Lateral Configuration on Horizontal Gas Well Flowback." Paper presented at the ISAVFT 20th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, Nice, France, June 2023.
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