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Underground Storage of CO2

Possible sites for storage of CO2 include coalbeds, depleted gas and oil reservoirs, deep aquifers, salt domes, and ocean floors. The various storage options must be evaluated for cost, safety, and environmental effects. Storage of CO2 in geologic formations appears to be the most promising long-term solution to stabilizing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. The main issues involved in the storage of CO2 in geologic formations are CO2 capture, transportation, and storage capacity, as well as containment of the geologic formation. In this respect, the petroleum industry is in a uniquely advantageous position because of its vast knowledge and long experience in the processing, transportation, and injection of gas—be it natural gas for sale or pressure maintenance, or CO2 for enhanced-oil-recovery purposes. In addition, the petroleum industry has the large capital and management skills needed for the underground storage of CO2.

This collection is based on the 2009 SPE Reprint Series, special thanks to Subhash Ayirala for suggesting new articles to help update the collection.

Image oxinoxi via Getty Images Plus

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Marcos Vitor Barbosa Machado; Mojdeh Delshad; Kamy Sepehrnoori
Bo Ren; Jerry L. Jensen; Larry W. Lake; Ian J. Duncan; Frank Male
Guijie Sang; Shimin Liu
Emmanuel Ajoma; Thanarat Sungkachart; - Saira; Hang Yin; Furqan Le-Hussain
Olga Ye. Zatsepina; Mehran Pooladi-Darvish
Liang Zhang; Baolun Niu; Shaoran Ren; Yin Zhang; Ping Yi; Honggang Mi; Yongxin Ma
S. M. Benson
D. B. Bennion; S. Bachu
H. Hansen; O. Eiken; T. O. Aasum
L. G. H. van der Meer; E. Kreft; C. Geel; J. Hartman
P. Chiquet; D. Broseta; S. Thibeau
Duane H. Smith; Grant Bromhal; W. Neal Sams; Sinisha Jikich; Turgay Ertekin
P. Egermann; B. Bazin; O. Vizika
J. G. Seo; D. D. Mamora
Karsten Pruess; Tianfu Xu; John Apps; Julio Garcia
Matthew J. Mavor; William D. Gunter; John R. Robinson; David H-S. Law; John Gale
Curtis M. Oldenburg; Sally M. Benson
Qamar M. Malik; M. R. Islam
T. A. M. McKean; A. H. Thomas; J. R. Chesher; M. C. Weggeland
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