I compare three repeatability measures using the time lapse data from Sleipner CO2 storage project in offshore Norway. The three repeatability are NRMS, predictability, and cross-correlation coefficient. I first review the work of Kragh and Christie (2002) who used NRMS and predictability and created a random noise model to explain their relationship. Using the Sleipner dataset, I show an excellent fit to their theory. I then review the work of Coléou et al. (2013), who used NRMS and cross-correlation measures and introduced two new attributes: quality indicator (Q) and anomaly indicator (A). After discussing the relationship between predictability and cross-correlation I apply the Q and A attributes to the Sleipner dataset, showing how well the CO2 plume can be identified.
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SPE/AAPG/SEG Carbon, Capture, Utilization, and Storage Conference and Exhibition
March 11–13, 2024
Houston, Texas, USA
Repeatability indicators in time lapse seismology and their application to the Sleipner CO2 storage project
Brian Russell
Brian Russell
GeoSoftware, Calgary
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Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Carbon, Capture, Utilization, and Storage Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, USA, March 2024.
Paper Number:
March 11 2024
Russell, Brian. "Repeatability indicators in time lapse seismology and their application to the Sleipner CO2 storage project." Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Carbon, Capture, Utilization, and Storage Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, USA, March 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.15530/ccus-2024-4012771
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