Subject Index
"Subject Index", Reservoir Engineering and Petrophysics, Larry W. Lake, Edward D. Holstein
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Abo reef, 1117, 1138
absolute open flow (AOF) potential, 840
acid-generating chemical, 1191
acoustic borehole imaging, 397–400
acoustic caliper, 194
acoustic coupling, 205
acoustic-data processing, 214
acoustic-energy propagation, 180
acoustic-logging, 167, 169
measurements, 195, 203
tools, 172, 175–176, 206, 228
acoustic receivers, 170
attenuation of, 224
propagation of, 214
propagation theory, 167
train, 170
velocity of, 169
waveforms, 179, 195
acrylamide-polymer, 1165, 1222–1223
-acrylamido-2-methyl-propanesulfonic acid (AMPS) monomers, 1164
Adaptive Implicit Method (AIM). See model formulations
adsorption/retention sacrificial agents, 1233
after federal income tax (AFIT), 1589
aggradational cycles, 8–9
AGIP. See apparent gas in place
air-gun wavelet, 29–31
air/oil ratios, 1385
AIT images, 138
AIT logs, 102, 113–114, 116–117, 119–121, 126, 131
Alani-Kennedy EOS method, 905
alkaline-surfactant-polymer (ASP) flooding, 1240
alluvial-fan system, 18
alpha-olefin sulfonates, 1227, 1236
alpha olefin-sulfonate-surfactant foam, 1231
aluminum-citrate acrylamide-polymer gels, 1190
aluminum-citrate colloidal dispersion gels, 1215
aluminum crosslinked gels, 1190
American Petroleum Institute (API), 79, 1079
data, 1491
gamma ray unit, 262, 269
gravity, 369
reports, 902
standards, 334, 426
units, 78, 258, 509
americium-beryllium (Am 241 Be) isotopic source, 269
Amott tests, 1041
amphoteric surfactants, 1227
AMPS polymer, 1169
anaerobic oil reservoirs, 1200
analogous reservoir, 1490, 1559
analytical valuation methods, 1572
anionic surfactant, 1226
anionic tracers, 654
anisotropic reservoirs, 835, 878–879
anisotropy-analysis methods, 211, 220, 335
annual discount rate factor, 1580
annular pressure, 563–566
annular pressure source location, problems and tools, 611
anticlinal reservoir, 1121
anticline trap, 3
API. See American Petroleum Institute
API RP 40, 81–82, 86
apparent gas in place, 1549
apparent wellbore radius, 750–751
appraisal, definition, 1573
aqueous-based foams, 1225
aqueous gel fluids, 1221
aqueous polymer gels, 1203
aquifer water, 1121
Arbuckle formation, 1213
Archie exponents, 454–457, 470
Archie method, 84
Archie parameters, 205
Archie R t -based S w equation models, 469
Archie water saturation equation, 145–146, 150–151, 155, 159–160
ARC5 phase shift, 126–127
areal conformance problems, 1152, 1153, 1155
areal sweep efficiency, 1120, 1124, 1150, 1236
ARI images, 137–138
Arps equations, 1527–1528
Arps-Smith method, 776, 783–785
FF40 array, 107, 112
array electrode tools, 97–99
array-induction tools, 113–114
array resistivity compensated tool (ARC5), 124–126
Arrhenius expressions, 1372
attenuation tomography, 65, 68
autohydrolysis, 1164, 1177, 1189
autoignition, 1368, 1388, 1394
average primary oil recovery, 902
average reservoir pressure, 699–700
average sandstone heat capacity, 1376
average steam zone thickness, 1315
azimuthal anisotropy, 220
azimuthal dual laterologs, 95–97
azimuthal measurements, 181, 193
Azimuthal Resistivity Imager (ARI), 95, 97, 128
Babu-Odeh method, 830, 839
bafflestone, 10–11
Baker Atlas MREX devices, 308
Baker Atlas Multi-Capacitance Flowmeter, 521–522
balanced tangential method, principles of, 384
barrels of oil per day (BOPD), 1309
basin-floor sand lobe, 3
basket (metal-petal) flowmeter, 523
before federal income tax (BFIT), 1589
AFIT and, 1590–1591
BHP. See bottomhole pressure
BHP, and temperature data acquisition, 692–698
applications and interpretation, 699–701
bottomhole conveyance of gauges, 694
drillstem testing, 694–696
measurement while perforating (MWP), 695–697
openhole wireline pressure testing, 695
permanent pressure measurement installations, 697–698
production logging, 695
surface readout vs. downhole recording, 693
surface shut-in vs. downhole shut-in, 693
BHP, and temperature gauges
accuracy, 686
dynamic response during pressure and temperature shock, 687
metrology of, 686–687
resolution, 686
sensitivity, 687
stability, 686–687
bilinear flow method, 767–768, 785, 790
billiard-ball-type collisions, 267, 269
bindstone, 10–11
biological stabilizers, 1177
biopolymer gels, 1191, 1222
biostratigraphy, 372
black-oil reservoir
numerical simulators, 1114
OOIP and, 913
simulation and fluid properties for, 912
blocking-agent conformance treatment, 1153
body waves and surface waves, 33–35
bonded wire transducers, 690
bond index (BI), 192
borehole acoustic array, 215
borehole-acoustic detection methods, 208
borehole acoustic logging, 168, 214
borehole-compensated (BHC) monopole devices, 167
borehole-corrected gamma ray log, 259
borehole flexural waves, 170
borehole fluids, 169
compressional velocity, 173
formation reflection, 183
ultrasonic attenuation, 183
velocity, 189
borehole-geophysical acoustic techniques, 167
borehole gravimetry, 408–412
borehole-guided modes, 182
borehole imaging
acoustic, 397–400
conjunctive acoustic and electrical, 406–408
electrical, 400–406
optical, 397
borehole televiewer (BHTV), 182
borehole-televiewer-type imaging devices, 210
Born response functions, 123
bottomhole conveyance, of gauges
coiled tubing, 694
electric line operations, 694
slickline operations, 694
wireless transmission, 694
bottomhole flowing pressures (BHFP), 840
bottomhole pressure, 724, 726, 759, 912
dynamic temperature correction and, 687
logging tools, 176
monopole-acoustic logs, 176
static metrological parameters, 686–687
and temperature data acquisition ( see BHP, and
temperature data acquisition)
and temperature gauges ( see BHP, and temperature gauges)
transient response variation, 687
bottomwater-drive, 872, 900
boundary conditions
constant flow, 730
no-flow, 726
boundary-dominated flow, 726
boundary effects, 723, 805
bounded reservoir behavior, 770–776
boundstone, 10–11, 13
Boyles-law, sum-of-fluids porosity and, 476
Brar and Aziz method, 864, 869
brine-saturation distribution, 427
broadband transmitters, 171
BTU content, of gas, 360–362
bubblepoint pressure, 748, 1138
bubble size distribution, 1228, 1230
Buckley-Leverett equation/method, 1108, 1123, 1125
Buckley-Leverett solution, 1053–1054
saturation profile computed from, 1056
bulk magnetization, 292
bulk relaxation, 299
bulk tool response, 252
bulk-volume-irreducible (BVI) water, 298
Buna rubber, 1186
BVI determination, 316
calcium-carbonate cementation, 15
calibration cycle, maximum hysteresis during, 688
calibration line-fitting, 444–447
Canadian Rapdan polymer flood, 1183
capacitance pressure transducer, 689
capillary absorption tube sampler (CATS) technology, 658–659, 669
capillary pressure, characteristics, 426, 1111
effects, 704–709
for intermediate wettability, 1047
method, depth of OWC/GWC calculation, 1505–1506
SCAL data, 459–460
of Tensleep Sandstone oil-wet rock, 1046
of water-wet rock, 1043
capillary processes control, 1225
capillary water, 432
buildup, 3
complex lithologies and, 335
diagenetic processes, 15
field, 1617–1619
formations, simulation of SWCT tests in, 638–639
layer thickness determination and, 79
platform, 13
porosity determination and, 83
reservoirs, 9–16, 431, 1062, 1067, 1088, 1117–1118
rock-fabric, facies, porosity, and permeability, 21–23
stratigraphy, 8
waterflood, with strategic well placement, 1620
carbonate sediments
classification of, 10–11
depositional environments, 13–14
diagenetic environments, 14–16
pore space classification, 12
porosity and permeability of, 10–12
ramp facies patterns, 13–14
sabkha and tidal-flat environment, 14
topography and ramp facies patterns, 13
vuggy pore space classification, 11–12
carbon-carbon bonds, 1160
carbon dioxide (CO 2 )
flooding, 1236, 1241
foams, 1236
injection labeling, 677
projects, combustion project
Denver unit, 1296–1297
Means San Andres unit, 1293–1296
SACROC four-pattern flood, 1292–1293
sweep efficiency, 1236
carbon/oxygen (C/O) logs, 278
Carr-Meiboom-Purcell-Gill (CMPG) sequence, 295–297, 301, 303, 323
variations in, 326
Cartesian coordinates, 785, 863
Cartesian grid, 1407–1409, 1411
calipers, 388–389
logs, 175
neutron porosity, 204
resistivity tools, 100–104
saturation tool, 276
wireline tools, 185
cased-hole formation resistivity (CHFR) tool, 100, 102–103
casing collapse part and split, problems and tools, 614
casing-collar locator (CCL), 501
well-logging and, 411
casing inspection logs, well-logging and
cased-hole calipers, 388–389
electromagnetic phase-shift tools, 391–392
flux-leakage tools, 389–391
ultrasonic tools, 392
catalytic combustion detector (CCD), 362
cation-exchange capacity (CEC), 18–19, 155, 457–458, 464
cationic acrylamide polymers, 1165
cationic polyacrylamides, 1165
cationic surfactant, 1227
cationic tracers, 655
cavern collapse, 15
CC/AP gel technology, 1205, 1214
CDR logs, 130
cementation sequence, 1118
cement-bond devices, 187–188
cement-bond logging, 185–186, 189
cement-bond logs (CBLs), 185, 191, 392, 394–396
cement-evaluation logs, 392–397
Cement Evaluation Tool (CET™), 394
evaluation of, 558–559
monitoring, 496
production logging and, 556–559
bonding, 189
interface, 185
cement tops detection, in temperature profiles, 714
centrifuge technology, 1050
Cesium-137, 263, 515, 518, 521
CGR. See condensate/gas ratio
chased slug approach, 571
chemical condensation polymerization reaction, 1241
chemical crosslinking reactions, 1162
chemical-explosive energy sources, 26
chemical fluid-flow shutoff material, 1153
chemical gas tracers, 658–659
chemical gel structure, 1198
chemical-reaction (polymerization) rates, 1241
chemical stabilizers, 1177
chemical tracer, 1174
chemical water tracers, 655–656
chemostratigraphy, 372
Chinese polymer floods, 1183
damage, 789
skin factor, 789
type curve, 794
chromic triacetate (CrAc 3 ), 1194
chromium (III)-carboxylate/acrylamide-polymer gels, 1189
chromium (VI) redox gels, 1190
chronostratigraphic approach, 7
Cinco type curve, 793
Circumferential Acoustic Scanning Tool (CAST™), 400
Circumferential Acoustic Scanning Tool-Visualization version (CAST-V™), 397
Circumferential Borehole Imaging Log (CBIL™), 400, 406
classic material balance, 1519
clay-bound fluids, 315
clay-bound-water (CBW) components, 316–317, 336
clay minerals, 21, 431–432
clean-sand (Archie) model, 461–462
CMB. See classic material balance
CMPG acquisition, 341
coalbed reservoirs, volumetric estimate of GIP (scf), 1535
coarse-grid, 1408–1409
2D and 3D simulation models, 1604–1605
collapse brecciation, 15–16
collar-locator log, 537, 549
colloidal dispersion gels, 1215
Combinable Magnetic Resonance (CMR) tool, 291, 316
dry, 1368
in-situ combustion (ISC), 1367
kinetics, 1371–1372
projects, pollution-control systems for, 1392
reverse, 1367–1368
wet, 1369–1370
commingled gas and water production profiling problems
back-scatter gamma-ray density surveys, 590, 592, 598, 604–605
continuous or fullbore spinner surveys, 593, 596, 599, 602, 608
differential-pressure density survey, 602
diverting-spinner flowmeter survey, 593
flowing spinner survey, 604–605
flowing survey with radioactive chemical tracer, 602
fluid-capacitance survey, 592, 595, 601, 605, 608
fluid density survey, 593
gradient-type density survey, 599, 604–605
gravel-pack surveys, 595, 598, 602, 604, 608
multiarm conductive and multiarm fluid capacitance surveys, 603
noise-logging survey, 590, 597, 599, 604–605
optical gas-detection surveys, 604
pulse-neutron surveys, 595, 599, 602, 608
temperature surveys, 592, 598, 601, 603, 605, 608
commingled-gas production, profiling, 537–539
commingled oil and water production profiling problems
gravel pack and continuous-spinner survey, 608–609
noise logging survey, 609
temperature and fluid capacitance survey, 608
common interpretation method, 259
compaction-drives, 956–961
material-balance analysis, 957–961
performance, 957
reservoir, 901
rock expansivity and compressibility, 958–961
compensated dual resistivity (CDR) tool, 118–121, 123–126
compensated neutron-porosity logging (CNL) tool, 267–268, 270
compensated wave-resistivity (CWR) tool, 127
complete-water drive reservoir, 900
complex faulted structural trap, 3
complex flow geometries, 756
complex seismic trace, 37–39
component analysis, mud logging and, 361–365
composite decline curves, misuse of, 1557
composite expansivities, 908, 917
compressed gas/oil, 899
compressional-slowness measurement, 181
compressional velocity, 202
compressional-wave(s), 169–170
acoustic logs, 210
velocity, 170
compressive strength, 1222
Compton scattering, 254–255
computer-aided fluid-injection control, 1221
computer simulation for well/reservoir performance, 1531–1532
computer thermal-simulation work, 1208
condensate/gas ratio, 1514
condensate reservoirs, 982
condensate well fluid, volumetric behavior, 990
condensation polymerization, 1242
conformance-improvement treatment systems
flooding operations, 1151
fluid system, 1149
foams, 1235
gels, 1187
gel treatments, 1218
polymer technologies, benefits of applying, 1166
systems for, 1149
coning, of well, 872–879
connate-brine, 1045
resistivity ( R w ), 453–454
connate-water, 908
expansion, 917
SWCT tests for, 644
connate water saturation ( S wc ), 615, 1048
consolidated rock, 1550
constant-composition expansion (CCE), 988–989
constant-pressure boundary, 827
constant-rate drawdown test, 772
constant volume depletion (CVD), 904
continuous and fullbore spinner flowmeters, 526–535
continuous/fullbore spinner and temperature survey, profiling
production problems, 600
cool hot wells, water for, 1391
cooling-fluid injection, 1244
core analysis, 78
core-flooding experimental testing, 1200
core/log calculation approaches, porosity determination and
calibration line-fitting, 444–447
density log, 447–449
core-plug Boyles-law porosity measurements, 442
core porosity ( ϕ c ), 443
core sampling, 78
Corey theory, 1128
correlation coefficient, 444
corrosion detection problems
magnetic flux-leakage surveys, 613–614
multifeeler mechanical-caliper and Eddy current wall-thickness surveys, 612
radial-type bond logging surveys, 614
corrosion-monitoring tools, 496
corrosive mixture, 1233
Council of Petroleum Accountants Socs. (COPAS) charges, 1576–1577
counterclockwise rotation (CCW), 532
coupled models, in reservoir stimulation
full coupling, 1449
iterative coupling, 1448
one-way coupling and loose coupling, 1447
coupling types, simulation of geomechanics
flow-properties coupling, 1445
pore-volume coupling, 1444–1445
crestal gas injection, 1119, 1135
critical spacing value, 172
crossed-dipole anisotropy analysis/logging, 211, 220, 224
crossflow behind casing, 563–566
crossflow detection behind casing, problems and tools, 611
crosslinked polymer gel, 1243
crosslinked styrene-butadiene block copolymers, 1243
crosslinker concentration, 1195
crosslinking agents, 1189
crosslinking chemistry, 1190–1191, 1206
crossplots, 280–283
cross-sectional gas/oil problem, 1409
crosswell seismic profiling, 26, 65–68
crude and matrix from ISC project, laboratory studies
chemical reactions, 1370–1371
combustion-tube studies, 1372–1374
kinetics of combustion reactions, 1371–1372
crude oils, 1041, 1046
properties, 1039
temperature dependence of viscosity for, 1321
cryogenic nitrogen rejection plant, 1135, 1143
crystalline carbonate, 11
Crystal Quartz Gauge (CQG) design, 691
cumulative air injected (CAI), 1385
cumulative incremental oil produced (CIOP), 1385
cumulative oil recovery and steam zone size, design
calculations for
Jones model, 1325–1326
Marx-Langenheim model and Mandl-Volek (M-V)
models, 1324–1325
cumulative wellhead gas, 1521
cutoff-BVI (CBVI) model, 316–318
cutoff frequency, 512
cuttings analysis, mud logging and
cuttings collection, 367
sample examination and description, 367–368
sample lagging, 365–366
cuttings board, mud logging and, 360
cuttings return, rate of, 375
cycle hierarchies, terminology of, 9–10
cyclic-steam injection, 1236, 1246
cyclic steam stimulation (CSS), 1324
cylindrical focusing technique (CFT), 103
dalmatian wetting, 1041, 1042. See also reservoir rocks
Darcy flow, 754, 841
Darcy’s law, 276, 436, 719, 721, 756, 1108, 1127
linear pressure dependence of flows for, 1416
data acquisition, 1080–1081
data fit—inversion, NMR and, 303–304
DataLatch system, 695
Dean-Stark water-extraction procedure, 426, 443–444, 452
decision tree analysis evaluation method, 1575
decline-trend analysis, 1556
deep laterolog tools, 453
Delaware basin, 1118
deliverability test
analysis theory, 840, 845
types and purposes of, 840
delta systems, 20
density and elevation survey, profiling production problem, 600
density log/tool, 387, 447–449
density/neutron log, 79, 428
density-porosity interpretation, 264–265
depositional facies model, 22
depth datum, of pressure, 699
depth-derived borehole compensation (DDBHC), 178
depth of investigation (DOI), 309, 335
derivative type curve, 743
deterministic cash flow evaluation method, 1574–1575
developed reservoirs, 704, 829, 841, 856
deviated well, 753
dewpoint pressure, 1560
diagenetic trap, 3–4
difference in gravity, A g (mGal), 409
differential-spectrum (DSM) method, 326–327
differential-vaporization (DV), 904
diffusion analysis (DIFAN), 329
diffusion-weighted mechanism. See dual- T W acquisition
dipole-acoustic sources, 221
dipole and multipole array devices, 180
dipole flexural shear mode, 221
acoustic measurements, 214
dispersion, 220
slowness processing, 218
wave, 215
wave splitting, 221
dipole transmission, 170, 180
directional flow trends, 652
direct-shear velocities, 180
discount rate risk analysis method, 1580
discretization, 937, 1415, 1416, 1449
dispersed clay model, 156–158
displacement efficiency, 437, 616, 901, 921, 1024
macroscopic, of linear waterflood, 1052–1055
displacement equations, 1123
disproportionate permeability reduction (DPR), 1157
dissolved-gas-drive reservoirs, 902
dissolved gas/water ratio, 918
divalent-ion concentrations, 1206
diverting-spinner flowmeter, 523–526
DLL tools, 99
dolomitic carbonate reservoir, 1239
dolomitization, 15–16, 431, 1118
dolostone reservoirs, 15–16
domal structures, 3
double displacement process (DDP), 1135
downhole acoustic measurements, 167
downhole data surface acquisition, 698
downhole gas-fired burners, 1387
downhole gel, 1222
downhole injection pressure, 1181
downhole magnetics, 412–414
downhole NMR spectrometer, 311
downhole shut-in benefits, in pressure transient testing, 709
drainage-area geometry, 725
drainage P c / S w curve, 1043
drawdown and buildup type curves, 745
drawdown test analysis, 870
drilling engineering and operations, 372
connection gas, 374
cuttings return, rate monitoring of, 375
lithology and mineralogy, 373
mud chloride content, 373
mud pit level, 373
normal geothermal gradient, 374
total gas, 374
weight on bit and rate of penetration, 373
drilling fluid, 358–359, 374
calcium carbide and, 366
flow path, 359
hydrocarbons and, 369
invasion, 748
properties, 369–371
induction tools on, 117–119
manipulation and constriction problems, 552
drillstem-test data, 485–486
drillstem-tool (DST) tests, 86, 454, 694–696
dry and wet-gas reservoirs, 901
dry gases, 896
dry-gas reservoirs, 983, 1559–1560
Dual Dipmeter tool, 137
dual induction tool (DIT), 107–108, 111
Dual Laterolog (DLL) Resistivity ( R xo ), measurements, 93–95
dual-porosity, simulation model, 635
ethanol simulation, 641
ethyl formate simulation, 641
IPA cover tracer simulation, 635, 639–640
media, simulation of SWCT tests in, 636–638
reservoirs, 203, 785, 796, 802
systems, 801, 1538
Dual Propagation Resistivity (DPR) tool, 127
dual- T E acquisition, 327–329
dual- T W acquisition, 324–327
dual-water (DW) models, 158–161, 463
Dulang oil field, 478
dumpflooding, 1079
DV test, measurement volatilized oil, 918
Dykstra-Parsons coefficient, 1151
dynamic oscillatory viscometry, 1194
early-radial flow, 809
Earth resistivity, 89–90
echo amplitude, 194
echo ratio method, 329–330
EDCON tools, 411
eddy-current device, 496
effective date, for oil and gas reserves, 1582
Ei -function, 720, 722, 735, 737, 739, 743, 756
Ekofisk oil field (North Sea), injection- and production-well
locations, 1088, 1090
propagation, 169
theory, 224
elastic wavefield
components, 33
imaging, 65–66
electrical borehole imaging, 400–406
Electrical Micro-Imaging tool (EMI™), 401, 407
electric double-layer repulsion, 1228
electric-line tools, advantages of, 550
electric log, 79
electrochemical component, SP logging and, 139–141
electrode resistivity devices
array electrode tools, 97–99
cased-hole resistivity tools, 100–104
laterologs, 93–97, 104
normal and lateral devices, 91–93
SFL device, 99–100
electrokinetic component, SP logging and, 141
Electromagnetic MicroImager (EMI) tool, 137
electromagnetic phase-shift tools, 391–392
electromagnetic wave resistivity (EWR) tool, 118
electromotive force (EMF). See membrane potential
El Furrial field, water and gas tracer injection in, 676
embar carbonate formation, 1212, 1216
Energy and Utilities Board, 1491
energy release, mechanisms of, 898
energy reservoir, types of, 898
Energy Resource Conservation Board, 1491
enhanced-diffusion method (EDM), 323, 329
enhanced oil recovery (EOR), 616
enriched-gas flooding, tracers for, 676
enriched-gas injection, tracers in, 676–677
enriched-hydrocarbon projects
Miscible Injectant Stimulation Treatment (MIST) concept, 1299–1300
Piercement Salt Dome field, 1300–1301
Prudhoe Bay field, 1297–1299
enthalpy, 1310, 1312
environmental capture sonde (ECS), 278
eolian system, 18
epoxy resins, 1240–1241
equation-of-state (EOS) method, 905, 983, 1114
equivalent drawdown time, 746
ERCB. See Energy Resource Conservation Board
ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) complexes, 655
EUB. See Energy and Utilities Board
eustatic sea-level changes, 7–8
evaporite mineralization, 15
EWR-Phase 4 tool, 126
expansion-/compaction-drive reservoir, 900
expansion-drive reservoirs, 901
expansion of oil, rock, and water, 917
expectation curve (EC), 1552
Exxon model, 8
fair market value, 1571
fast-shear wave, 223
field application, design strategies for, 1238
field data interpretation, 670–675
analytical solutions, 674
levels of interpretation, 670
qualitative evaluation, 670–674
response curves, 672–675
sweep volume, 673–674
tracer-response curves with numerical simulation, 674–675
field-log, 114
field-test design, 667–668
filtration testing, 1199
finite-conductivity fractures, 785
fixed-gate systems, 189
Flagship, 522
flame ionization detector (FID), 361–362, 364
flexible-backbone polymer, 1163
flexural-mode propagation, 180
flexural waves, 215, 221
velocity, 171
floatstone, 10–11
flood basin deposits, 20
flood-front saturation, 1054–1055
flood plain deposits, 19
floodpot tests, 1049
flood sweep efficiency, 1151, 1157
flood volumetric sweep efficiency, 1247
Flory equation, 1168
flow-after-flow tests, 839, 845
flow barriers delineation, 652
flow coefficients, 842
flow efficiency, 751
flow geometries, 719
flowing tubing pressure, 1514
flow problems, origin of, 497–498
flow tests, 505
semilog methods for, 735–736
Flowview Plus, 522
flue gas, 1143
fluid-contacts identification
formation-pressure surveys, 451–452
log-based methods, 451
mud logs, 450–451
water-based-mud cores, 451
bilinear flow, 767–768, 785
blocking, 1224
blocking agent, 1160
blocking treatments, 1238
boundary-dominated, 726
equations, mathematical derivation of, 1052
isothermal, 719
laminar, 721
linear, 730, 766–767
non-laminar, 761
pseudoradial flow, 785, 787
pseudosteady-state, 723–725
single-phase flow, 764
spherical flow, 769
steady-state, 726
two-state, 1110
unsteady-state linear, 730
fluid identification and characterization
oil-based drilling mud, 85
water-based drilling mud, 84–85
capacitance-logging tool, 516–518, 540
crossflow, 1220
density log, 528
filled wellbore, 729
influx, 756
injection cycles, 652
injection extent determination, 568–569
movement/potential, 5
NMR properties of, 299–301
properties, 903–905
and rock interface, 171
sampling, 78
and saturated rocks, 169
type, mud logging and, 368–369
viscosities, 875, 895, 1110
epoxy resins, 1242
gel, 1219
gel treatments, 1211
phenolic resins, 1241
plugging agent, 1243
resins, 1241
treatments, 1218, 1243
fluoro-surfactant foam, 1228, 1239
device, 265
method, 150–151
fluvial system, 18–20
flux-leakage tools, 389–391, 496
FMV. See fair market value
advantages and disadvantages of, 1235
agents, 1226
ASP, 1240
blocking agents, 1221, 1237
chemicals, 1234
CO 2 flooding and, 1239
gas-blocking treatments, 1239
gas bubbles of, 1225, 1230
gels, 1221, 1238
general nature of, 1224
generation mechanisms, 1231
induced viscosity, 1229
injection mode, 1235
interactions of, 1234
lamellae films, 1229
for mobility control, 1235
mobility reduction of, 1229
in porous media, 1229
for reducing gas coning, 1237
steamflooding and, 1238
texture of, 1228
viscosity of, 1330
focused gamma-ray density-logging tool, 514–516
foot-by-foot log calculations, 437
formaldehyde, 1079, 1178
formation dip, 1111
Formation MicroImager (FMI™), 403–405, 407
formation permeability/porosity, mud logging and, 371
formation-pressure surveys, 451–452
formation resistivity, 89–90, 135
formation volume factor (FVF), 896, 898, 1113, 1490
formation-water salinity, 139, 141
four-blade propeller-type spinner element, 527
four focused-resistivity measurements, 102
four-way-closure traps, 3
fractional-flow, 1074
curves, 1110–1111
equation, 1108
theory, 1125
viscosity ratio effect on, 1058
of water, 1054, 1070
fracture, 15–16
communication, 1155
damage, 789
face damage, 789
orientation, 1064–1065
plus-matrix flow, 804
porosity, 23
problem sweep-improvement treatments, 1212
fractured reservoir(s), 1216
porosity determination and, 83
water and gas tracer injection in, 675
framestone, 10–11
Free Fluid Index (FFI), 298, 306, 316–317, 340
free-fluid (Timur-Coates or Coates) model, 321
free-gas saturation, 748
free-induction decay (FID), 294, 298
free-pipe acoustic signal, 190
chemical breaker, 1222
chemistries, 1241
crosslinking agent, 1243
free-water level, 450, 466, 1503
fluid contacts, 451
French polymer flood, 1183
Frio Sandstone reservoir, 629–630
FTP. See flowing tubing pressure
fuel availability vs. crude oil gravity, 1376
fuel burned (FB), 1385
fuel geometry, 1370
fuels heating values, estimation of, 1374
Fullbore Formation MicroImager (FMI) tool, 137–138
fullbore-spinner log, 528
Fullerton Clearfork reservoir, 1066
furan oligomers, 1242
furan resin polymerization, 1242
furfuryl alcohol, 1242
FWL. See free-water level
Galerkin finite elements, 1416
gamma-gamma scattering density log/tools, 250, 263–264
detector, 509, 515, 518
log cutoff, 441
log model, 475–476
tool, 118, 253, 278, 549
gas and oil, gravity segregation, 1511
gas-bearing zone, 228
gas-blocking agents, 1235, 1237
gas-blocking foam, 1234
gas blowout, after abandonment, 541–542
gas-cap drives, 920–922
characteristics, 921
dimensionless gas-cap volume, 929
effects on oil and gas recovery, west Texas black-oil
reservoir and, 923, 925
material-balance analysis, 928–931
minimization algorithms speed solution, 630
OOIP and OGIP, solution procedure to estimate, 929–930
performance, nonsegregation-drive gas caps, 922–925
ratio of free-gas-phase and free-oil-phase volumes, 928–931
reservoir, conditions at economic limit, 925
segregation-drive gas caps, 925–928
segregation mechanisms, 921
solution method, 931
total expansivity ( E t ), 929
Walsh’s method, 930
water, oil, and gas in a nonsegregating-gas-cap reservoir, 922
gas caps, 901
characteristics, 921
cycling project, 1298, 1614 ( see also enriched-hydrocarbon projects)
expansion-drive reservoir, 901
gas, 1513
injection, 1119
gas channeling and override reduction, 1235
gas chromatography (GC), 357–358, 361
analyses, 1132
catalytic combustion detector (CCD), 362
flame ionization detector (FID), 362
infrared absorption (IR) spectrometer, 364–365
mass spectrometer (MS) detector, 363–364
thermal conductivity detector (TCD), 362
gas-compressibility/effective-compressibility ratio, 1549
gas condensates, 896
gas coning, 1239
gas cycling, 902
gas deviation factor, 1509
gas-diffusivity equation, 846
gas-drive gravity drainage process, 1135
gas-drive reservoirs, 902
gaseous equivalent of stock-tank condensate, 1521
gas-expansion and rock/fluid-compression term, 1549
gas-expansion-drive reservoirs, 901
gas-filled porosity, 205
gas-filled reservoir, 1103
gas-flow equations, 740, 840
gas formation volume factor, 985
gas injection, 899
operations, types of, 1118–1119
tracers for, 676
gas kick, 535–537
gas law, 983
gas/oil and water profiling production problems
gradient-type density, continuous flowmeter surveys, 610
temperature and fluid capacitance surveys, 610
gas/oil capillary pressure, 1105, 1143
gas/oil compositional effects, 1113
gas/oil contact (GOC), 411–412, 450, 902, 1121, 1237
gas/oil displacement
efficiency, factors affecting, 1110
process, 1105, 1115, 1121
gas/oil gravity drainage, 1104
process, 1117
gas/oil linear displacement efficiency, 1107–1110
gas/oil problem, 1407
gas/oil ratio (GOR), 323, 873, 910, 912, 918, 1114, 1218, 1269, 1301
gas/oil relative permeability, 1107
gas-processing plants, 896, 1114–1115
gas reinjection, for improving oil recovery, 927–928
gas-reservoir performance and production
forecasting methods, 1028–1030
production rate-vs.-time curve for gas reservoir, decline
graph, 1030
recycling of gas aids recovery, 1031
reservoir deliverability, 1027–1029
retrograde-condensate reservoirs, 1030–1032
system performance, 1026–1027
water influx, 1030
gas reservoirs, 437, 1512–1514
determining reservoir-fluid properties, 985–988
forecasting, 1025–1032
natural gas properties, 981–994
natural-gas reservoirs, phase behavior of, 982–983
performance, 1558
petrophysical properties, 994–995
volumes and recovery, 1014–1025
well performance, 981, 995–1014
gas sampling. See gas trap
gas saturation ( S g ), 912
distributions, 1109
testing, SWCT tests for, 644–646
value, 1108
on waterflood oil recovery, 1050
gas-shutoff coning treatments, 1152, 1155, 1215
gas-shutoff gel squeeze treatments, 1215
gas trap, 359–361
gas/water contact (GWC), 439, 450, 466, 1487
gas wells, deliverability testing, 839–872
gas-zone porosity-correction technique, 202
Gates and Ramey method, oil recovery history, 1385–1386
GC-MS system, 363
GEC. See gaseous equivalent of stock-tank condensate
Geiger-Müeller tube, 257
Geiger tubes, as gamma-ray detector, 515, 518
gelation rate
acceleration, 1196
retardation agent, 1197
bottle testing, 1200
breakers, 1222–1223
chemical-liner, 1210, 1216
conformance treatments, 1218
degradation process, 1222
dehydration, 1202
fluid injection, 1219
forming chemical system, 1188
onset time, 1199
placement in fractures, 1202
shear rehealing, 1204
strength, 1198
syneresis, 1196
technology selection, 1207
treated injection well, 1212
treated reservoir, 1222
geochemical logs, 278–279
Geological High-Resolution Magnetic Tool (GHMT™), 414–415
geomagnetic polarity time scale (GPTS), 413, 415–416
geomechanics simulation
coupled model types, 1447–1449
coupling types, 1444–1445
modeling of stress-dependent flow properties, 1446–1447
modeling reservoir, 1446
geometric skin, 751–756
geophone, 30–31, 35
geopressured oil/gas, 1548
geopressured reservoirs, 1550, 1558
geosteering, 379
Geovision Resistivity (GVR) tool, 102, 104, 138
Gold’s correlation, condensate molecular weight estimation, 988
Gomaa model, project performance estimate for, 1329–1332
graben and horst block trap, 3
gradiomanometers, 516
grainstone, 11–14
gravel-packed wells, 1186
gravel-pack logs, 278
gravel-pack skin, 754
gravel placement, 568
gravitational energy, 898
gravitational forces, 875, 899
gravity drainage, 1120
gas caps, 901
immiscible gas/oil displacements, 1117
model, 1131
type projects, 1132
gravity-driven weight droppers, 26
gravity number, 927
gravity segregation, 899
gridding techniques, 1409
grid-orientation effects, 1409
grid properties, upscaling
absolute upscaling approach, 1432–1433
concept of, 1423
global, 1430–1432
local, 1425–1429
regional, 1429–1430
relative approach, 1433, 1435
schemes and techniques for absolute permeability, 1423–1425
grids, in simulation
block-center geometry, 1417–1418
curvilinear grid systems, 1421
dip-normal geometry, 1417
hexahedral grids, 1418–1419
multiple-domain hexahedral grids, 1419
refinement, 1419–1420
regular Cartesian grids, 1416–1418
triangular or tetrahedral grids, 1421
truncated regular grids, 1420–1421
unstructured grids, 1419–1420
Voronoi grid, 1420–1421
Gringarten type curve, 742
GR interactions, with formations
Compton scattering, 254–255
pair production, 255–256
PE absorption, 255
GR logs, 256, 261, 427, 433
API units on, 509
Groningen effect, 94–95, 97
gross bed thickness determination, 79
gross-count-rate gamma ray tool, 261
ground-force phase-locking technology, 27
GR spectroscopy tools, 81
guided waves, 168, 171, 173
gyroscope surveys, 381
Halliburton Gamma-Ray Backscatter Gas-Holdup Tool, 521
Halliburton tool (MRI-LWD), 310
Hall plots, 1204
Havlena and Odeh method, 1558–1559
hazardous waste injection, certification, 563–566
H/C atomic ratio, 1375, 1377–1380, 1383
health, safety, and environmental (HSE) considerations, 375
balance, 1376, 1383
capacity, 1309–1310
conduction, complementary error function, 1312
losses, 1383
zone growth rate, 1313
heavy-oil, 1391–1393, 1544–1546
production, 1236
recovery operations, 1152
reservoirs, 896, 1236
tar sands, and tar mats, 335
heavy-oil-tar (HOT) layer, 475
He-3 detectors, 268–269
Heft Kel field (Iran), 1138–1139
height-above-the-OWC ( H owc ) basis, 429
hemiradial flow, 807, 811, 826
hem-packer, 523
Henry Hub gas prices, 1583
heptanes-plus content, 897
Hewlett-Packard (HP) design, for quartz pressure transducer, 690–691
high-angle wells, logging tools for fluid identification in, 521–523
high-conductivity fracture, 775
High-Definition Induction Log (HDIL) array, 114, 122–123
high-definition lateral log (HDLL) tool, 98
highest known water, 1498
high-frequency cycle (HFC), 8
highly resistive formations, SP and, 142–143
flow, 1233
geological strata, 1221
matrix reservoir rock, 1188
anomaly, 1208
channels, 1157
geological strata, 1219
reservoirs, 843
high-pressure mercury injection (HPMI), 481–482
high-pressure N 2 miscible injection, 677
high-rate wells, 829
high-relief oil reservoirs, 1560
High-Resolution Array Induction (HRAI) tool, 116
High-Resolution Azimuthal Laterolog Sonde (HALS), 97–98, 102–103
High-Resolution Induction Tool (HRI), 111–112
high-resolution laterolog array (HRLA) tool, 97–99, 132
highstand system’s tract (HST), 8–9
high-temperature oxidation (HTO), chemical reactions associated with ISC, 1370
Hilbert transform, 37–38
Hill-Shirley-Klein method, 460
history matching water influx, 944
HKW. See highest known water
homogeneous reservoirs, 742, 1234
gravity effects of, 1069–1071
horizontal borehole, 829
horizontal exploration well, 825
horizontal wellbores, 1215
horizontal wells, 1064
analysis of, 805, 839, 1143
fractures intersecting, 1215
Horner analysis, 825
Horner equation, 763
Horner graph, 780
Horner plot, 763, 813
Horner time ratio (HTR), 738, 761
Houpeurt analysis technique, 846, 848
Houpeurt equations, 841–842, 844
Houpeurt flow coefficients, 867
HWTZ. See hydrocarbon/water transition zone
hydraulic seal, 191
hydrocarbon fluids, 899
spacer, 1244
suspensions/dispersions, 1181
hydrocarbon (fluid) typing, 322–324
dual- T E acquisition method, 327–329
dual- T W acquisition method, 324–327
echo ratio method, 329–330
multifluid methods, 330–331
hydrocarbon pore feet ( F HCP ), 434, 440
vs. permeability, 441
hydrocarbon pore volumes (HCPV), 900, 1262
expansion, 917
formation, 2
gas, 1103
indicators, 196
liquids, 1559
miscible flooding, 1234, 1236
miscible IOR in-situ evaluation, SWCT tests for, 642–643
reservoir maps, 1494–1501
reservoirs, 208, 899
resources and primary drive mechanisms, 1602–1604
traps, 1–3
volumes and technological uncertainty, 1585
wash preflush, 1245
hydrocarbon/water contact ( H hwc ), 465
hydrocarbon/water transition zone, 1506
hydrodynamic retention, 1176
hydrogen index, 225
hydrogen-index linearmixing law, 249
hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) polymer, 1162, 1173
hydrophones, 30, 35
hydrostatic gradient, 208
hypersaline reflux model, 15–16
ideal-gas law, 991
ILD-ILM-SFL logs, 107
illite, 17
imaging reservoir targets, 45–52
imbibition process, 1043–1044
immiscible displacement
microscopic efficiency of, 1040
in two dimensions, 1057–1058
immiscible gas displacement, 1103, 1105
calculation methods for, 1122–1123
efficiencies of oil recovery by, 1120
immiscible gasflood monitoring, 1132–1133
immiscible gas injection, 1115, 1139
performance calculation, 1124
projects, use of horizontal wells in, 1143
immiscible gas/oil
displacement, 1118, 1124
gravity drainage process, applications of, 1137–1138
immiscible water-alternating-gas (IWAG), 1093
impermeable lithologies, 2
implicit pressure explicit saturations (IMPES), 1400, 1402–1403, 1406, 1411, 1438, 1440
improved oil recovery (IOR)
operations, 615–616
process, 639–643
impulsive sources, 26
inaccessible pore volume (IPV), 1174
incremental oil production, 1212
Indonesia model, 462–463
induction logging ( see also resistivity logging)
array-induction tools, 113–117
dual-induction tools, 107–108
field-log examples, 114
induction response, 106
multicoil arrays, 106–107
phasor induction, 108–112
principles, 104–106
infill and observation wells, 1081
infinite-acting drainage, 735
infinite-acting radial flow, 743, 747, 790, 805
infinite-acting reservoir, 731,733, 757–758, 762, 770–772
inflow performance relationship (IPR), 840
infrared absorption (IR) spectrometer, 364–365
initial free-gas cap volume, 910
injection fluids, 899
relative velocities, 652
injection packer seal demonstration, 571
injection profile, 572–580
injection-water. See water-injection
injection wells, 1119, 1180
density, 1120
design, 1389
fracturing, 1181
spacing, 1120
inner zone mobility, 785
inorganic gels, 1186, 1191
in-place and recoverable hydrocarbons, resource classification system, 1480
in situ anisotropy analysis, 220
in situ combustion (ISC), 1367
combining material- and heat-balance calculations, 1374–1384
design considerations, 1384–1385
field experience, 1391–1393
laboratory studies, 1370–1374
operating practices, 1386–1391
predicting the performance, 1384–1385
process description, 1367–1370
production response prediction to, 1385
screening guidelines for, 1393–1394
in situ polymerization, 1191, 1204
instantaneous phase and instantaneous frequency calculations, 39–41
intercommunicating fracture system, 1134
interconnected vugular porosity, 1154
interdistributary shales, 1115
interdune braided-stream deposits, 19
interfacial-tension (IFT), 427, 429, 465, 1040, 1105, 1281
intermediate-hydrocarbon components, 896
intermediate-wet reservoir rocks, 1041. See also reservoir rocks
intermediate wettability, water/oil capillary pressure and, 1047.
See also wettability
Internal Revenue Service, 1574
interporosity flow coefficient, 797, 799–800
interwell interference, 1558
interwell permeabilities, 1118
intramolecular crosslinking, 1163
invaded-zone method, 151–152
invasion parameters, inversion for, 136–137
inversion-processing methods, 224, 228
IRS. See Internal Revenue Service
ISC, equipment for oil production
air-compression systems, 1386–1387
ignition, 1387–1388
safe air injection, 1389–1391
well design and completions, 1388–1389
isochronal tests, 839, 851
isopach maps, 1556
isothermal flow of fluids, 719
isotropic permeability, 826
isotropic reservoirs, 834
iterative methods, 1531
jet washing, 1245
J- function, 460
Joffre Viking miscible CO 2 flood, 1239
Jurassic-age limestone-dolomite section, 1617
kaolinite, 17
Kaufman-Vail principles, 100
Kirkuk oil field (Iraq), 1094–1095
areal map of reservoir sands, 1093
ultimate-recovery factors for, 1093–1094
Kozeny expression, to estimate the flow rate, 969
Kuparuk River oil field (Alaska North Slope), 1075, 1092–1094, 1142
conformance plot for, 1083–1084
waterflood-analysis calculations for, 1086
K-U-Th logging, 263
K -values, water-related, 1450
LaCoste-Romberg borehole gravimeter, 411
laminated sand/shale model, 155–156, 462
Langmuir isotherm, 666
Larmor frequency, 293, 307
late-linear flow, 819
latent heat injection rate, on strategy economics, 1319
latent heat of evaporation, 1310
late-pseudoradial flow, 818
lateral and normal devices, resistivity measurement and, 91–93
laterolog and induction logging tools, 130–132
laterolog device (LLd), 90
azimuthal dual laterologs, 95–97
dual laterolog resistivity measurements, 93–95
environmental effects on, 104
late-time region (LTR), 776
layered waterflood, surveillance-overview logic for, 1086
layer resistivities, 130
layer thickness, determination of, 78–80. See also petrophysics
leakoff current, 100
least-squares multivariate regression, 930
least-squares regression analysis, 848, 854, 863
Leduc miscible pilot, residual-oil saturation in, 677–678
light oil-recovery operations, 1149
light oils, 896, 1393
linear equation solver ( see also reservoir simulation)
combinative or CPR method, 1415
IMPES models in, 1415
Orthomin and GMRES method, 1412
parallel iterative solution, 1415
preconditioning technique, 1412–1415
linear flow, 730, 766–767
method, 791–792
pattern, 807
linear mixing law, 272, 280
linear no-flow boundary, 772–774
linear solver, Orthomin method and, 1407
linear waterflood, macroscopic displacement efficiency of, 1052–1054
liquid hydrocarbon, 1104
liquid-junction potential, 140–141
Li-6 scintillator, 268
listric faulted structural trap, 3
lithology determination, 430
clay-mineral properties, 431–432
direct, 80
evaluation of shale volume, 432–433
indirect, 80–81
reservoir zonation/layering, 433–434
lithology reservoirs, 203
LKG. See lowest known limit of gas
LKH. See lowest known hydrocarbons
LKO. See lowest known limit of gas and oil
LLd electrode array, 94
localized matrix reservoir rock, 1154
logarithmic approximation, 735, 746
conditioning, 427
quality, evaluation of, 424–425
log-formation process, 113
logging documentation, 175
logging tools
downhole NMR spectrometer, 311
LWD tools, 310–311
NML tool, 305–306
pulse NMR, 306–308
wireline-tool designs, 308–309
logging while drilling (LWD), 78
acoustic services, 167
devices, 289, 292
gamma ray tools, 262–264
logs, 423
measurements, 258
resistivity images, 138–139
log-inject-log measurements, for residual oil saturation, 277
log-inject-log tests, 1614
log interpretation, nuclear logging and, 270
advanced processing, 274–275
fluid effects, 273
macroparameters, 275
Monte Carlo modeling, 275
log presentation, 311
longitudinal (spin-lattice) relaxation T1 , 293–295, 298–299
Louisiana volatile oil
compositional analysis of, 909
material-balance calculations for, 920
PVT parameters for, 908
reservoir, pressure and producing GOR as function of
OOIP recovered for, 917
reservoir, producing history of, 916
selected reservoir and fluid properties for, 915
Love waves, 34
low-energy gamma ray flux, 265
Lower San Andres (LSA), 1295
lowest known hydrocarbons, 1555
lowest known limit of gas and oil, 1487
low-permeability gas reservoirs, 1556
low-permeability shale, 825
low-permeability (tight) sandstones, 335
lowstand system’s track (LST), 9
low-temperature oxidation (LTO), ISC and, 1370
low-temperature separators (LTS), 1514
LWD induction tools ( see also induction logging)
on drillpipe, 117–119
multiarray propagation tools, 124–130
propagation measurement principles, 119–124
LWD-NMR services, 310
LWD tools, 310–311, 358
nuclear logging and, 268–270
macroparameter methods, 275
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 298, 309, 1232
devices, 306
magnetic resonance imaging tool (MRIL), 308–309, 339
magnetic sector mass spectrometer, 365
magnetic survey, 380–381
MagTrak, LWD device, 311
Mandl-Volek (M-V) models, 1324–1325
Manning survey, 1182
marine air guns, 27–31
C marine seismic sensors, 31–32
marine seismic vessel with towed-cable technology, 27–28
Mark-Houwink equation, 1167–1168
Marx and Langenheim equations, 1313
Marx-Langenheim model, 1324–1325
mass conservation equations, for gridding, 1416
massive dissolution, 15–16
mass spectrometer (MS) detector, 363–364
mass-to-charge ratio, 363
mass-transfer effect, 1144
material- and heat-balance calculations
heat losses, 1383
initial heat balances and temperatures, 1375–1378
injected air and water, calculating effects of, 1381–1383
no combustion data available, 1374–1375
volume and temperature of steam plateau, 1379–1381
water of combustion, correction for, 1378–1379
material-balance, 905–910
analysis, 918
calculations, 903
equation, 906, 910
mass conservation, in reservoir, 903–910
method, 1519, 1558
object relationships, 1088
shell, RDBMS and, 1087
volatile-oil reservoir analysis, 918–920
matrix-block/fracture network carbonate reservoirs, 1118
matrix-blocks/fracture-system interaction, 1111
matrix-identification (MID) plot, 283
matrix rock, 1217
conformance, 1155, 1192
gelant, gel flow and placement in, 1201
oil reservoirs, 1153, 1155, 1192, 1195, 1211
strata, 1220
(unfractured) reservoirs, 1153
vertical conformance, 1221
Matthews-Brons-Hazebroek (MBH) method, 776, 778
maximum flooding surface (MFS), 9
maximum-length equation, 501
Maxwell’s equations, 98
MCFL log, 134–135, 148
McKelvey box, 1480–1481
mean- T2 model. See Schlumberger-Doll-Research (SDR) model
measurement while drilling (MWD)
devices, 78, 268
tools, 263, 358
mechanical and chemical compaction, 15
mechanical integrity, 277–278
mechanical pressure transducer, 689, 691
mechanical shear degradation, 1177, 1180
mechanical zone isolation, 1201, 1215, 1221
medium-temperature reactions, chemical reactions associated with ISC, 1370
membrane potential, 139–140
mercury-injection capillary pressure (MICP)
curves, 319
data, 460, 464–465
methods, 304, 430
metal-crosslinked synthetic-organic-polymer gels, 1222
metal crosslinking, 1190
metal debris, 343
microcylindrically focused log (MCFL) measurements, 97
microelectrical imaging tool, 137
microgas bubbles, 1225, 1229
microgel sweep-improvement treatments, 1215
Micro Laterolog (MLL), 99
microorganism fermentation processes, 1160
microresistivity imaging devices, 400
measurement principle of, 401, 403
microresistivity logs
MCFL device, 134–135
microlog, 133
MSFL device, 134 tools, 137
microresistivity-vs.-porosity crossplots, 148–150
microscopic fossils, mud logging and, 372
microseismograms, 186
MicroSFL (MSFL) device, 134, 148
Middle East carbonate matrix/fracture-system reservoirs, 1118
middle-time region (MTR), 744, 776
mineral-identification-plot (MID) techniques, 204
minimum degree fill (MDF), 1415
minimum miscibility enrichment (MME), 1265
minimum miscibility pressure (MMP), 1265
miscible flood designing
CO 2 -flood and enriched-gas-drive MMP, correlation for, 1268–1269
laboratory coreflooding studies, 1264
miscibility determination, 1264–1266
miscible project, economic viability of, 1268–1271
MMP and MME guidelines, 1266–1267
MMPs with solvents, guidelines, 1267
performance, factors affecting, 1263
in reservoir study, 1267
slimtube displacements, determining MMP or MME, 1265
miscible flood prediction, compositional reservoir simulator and
equations of state, phase behavior with, 1277–1280
injection-fluid/crude-oil systems, phase behavior of, 1271–1277
miscible fluids, 1124
miscible gas flooding, 1235–1236
Miscible Injectant Stimulation Treatment (MIST) concept, 1299–1300
miscible injection, 1261
miscible processes
compositionally enhanced solvent flood behavior, prediction of, 1281–1292
compositional numerical simulation, 1271–1280
concepts of, 1261–1264
miscible flood designing, 1264–1271
projects using CO 2 , hydrocarbon, and N 2 solvents, 1292–1302
miscible water-alternating-gas (MWAG), 1093
MIST injector 9–31C, 1300
mixed-wet and water-wet cores, waterflood behavior for, 1049
agent, 1236
flood, 1154
foams, 1224, 1234
mobility ratio, 1050–1052, 1062, 1068, 1107, 1151
on oil production for five-spot pattern, 1081–1082
model formulations ( see also reservoir simulation)
choice of formulation, 1403–1405
IMPES vs. implicit GOR and water cut, 1404
IMPES vs. implicit oil rate and cumulative oil production, 1404–1405
implicit and IMPES formulations, 1402–1403
relaxed volume, advances in, 1405–1406
sequential and adaptive implicit formulation, 1402–1403
truncation and numerical dispersion error analysis, 1403
variable choice and adaptive flash calculations, model
efficiency for, 1405–1406
modern and historical evaluation methods, comparison, 1591–1594
modified isochronal tests, 839–840
molecular weight (MW), 1167, 1194
monomer gels, 1186, 1191
monopole-array tool, 171, 179
monopole (axisymmetric) transducers, 172
monopole excitation, 173
monopole transmitters, 170, 178
Monte Carlo model, 249, 252, 275
Monte Carlo Nuclear Parameters (MCNP), 275
Monte Carlo simulation evaluation method, 1575–1576
montmorillonite, 17
moving-coil geophone, 30
MRI analysis (MRIAN), 336
MRIL-NMR data, 336
mudcake resistivity and thickness ( h mc ), 133
mud chloride content, 373
mud contamination, sources, 359–360
mud filtrate, 748
mud-log gas and oil shows, 483–484
mud logging, 357, 450
component analysis, 361–365
cuttings analysis, 365–368
data acquisition, 358–360
data quality, maintaining, 368
drilling engineering and operations, 372–375
formation evaluation, 368–372
health, safety, and environmental considerations, 375
total gas analysis, 360–361
mud pit level, 373
mudstone, 11–14
multiarray propagation tools
ARC5 tool, 124–126
geosteering with, 127–130
multicoil arrays, 106–107
multi-Darcy flow channels, 1240
multi-Darcy matrix rock, 1241–1242
multidimensional simulation models, 1127
multifingered caliper tool, 390
multifluid (forward modeling) methods, 330–331
multilateral wells, 1064
multilayer reservoir, 1215
multiphase flow, 1231
test analysis, 763
multiple-log interpretation
crossplot, visualization and, 280–283
multitrack log display, visualization and, 279–280
multiple propagation-resistivity (MPR) tool, 127, 129
multistage compression, conjectural economics of, 1559
multistage fracture placement, 568
multitrack log display, 279–280
Muskat method, 776, 783, 895
MWD gamma ray tools, 263
nanoTesla (nT), 413
natural gamma ray spectroscopy, 278
natural gases properties
depletion studies, 991
EOSs, 993–994
gas density and formation volume factor, 984–985
phase diagrams, retrograde-condensate gas and wet gas, 982–983
pressure/volume/temperature (PVT) behavior, 983–984
retrograde behavior, 988–993
retrograde-liquid volume vs. pressure, 992
two-phase z factor, 991
viscosity, 985–986
visual-cell depletion, retrograde gas, 990–991
natural-gas foams, 1234
natural gas from shale, 1539–1542
natural-gas liquids (NGLs), 896, 1115, 1300
naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs), 1040
natural petroleum gases, 981
natural reservoir boundaries, 843
near-critical fluids, 896
conformance, 1222
polymer-gel treatments, 1153
pressure gradients, 1121
near-well grid refinement, effect of, 1408
near-well imaging, 213
Nested Factorization (NF), 1407, 1415
net/gross (N/G) ratio, 434, 436
net oil sand isopach of channel sand, 1498–1500
net-pay cutoff, 436–438
applications, 440–441
net-pay determination, 434
calculations, conceptual bases for, 435–437
gas reservoirs and, 437
geologic considerations in, 438–440
isopach maps, 1554
netpay-cutoff, 438, 440–441
oil reservoirs and, 437–438
neutron-density crossplot, 157, 282
neutron logs, 448–449, 540
C/O logs, 278
gamma ray spectroscopy tools, 278
geochemical logs, 278–279
log-inject-log measurements, for residual oil saturation, 277
log interpretation, 270–275
LWD, 268–270
mechanical integrity, 277–278
neutron-scattering porosity tools, 267–268
PNL devices, 276–277
neutron-porosity, 202, 273, 280
log, 253, 267, 269, 274
neutron-scattering porosity tools, 267–268
Newtonian fluid/viscosity, 1167
Newton’s law of motion, 170
New York Mercantile Exchange, 1583
nitrogen projects, Jay field, 1301–1302
nitrogen rejection plant, 1120
N 2 miscible injection, 677
NML tool, 305–306, 314
NMR applications, in petrophysics and formation evaluation, 289
anisotropy and geomechanics, 335
carbonates and complex lithologies, 335
combined, 336–338
heavy oil, tar sands, and tar mats, 335
historical development, 290–292
hydrocarbon (fluid) typing, 322–331
logging tools, 305–311
log presentation, 311
low-permeability (tight) sandstones, 335
NMR acoustic/density combination, 337–338
NMR-log job planning, 340–343
NMR-log quality control, 338–340
NMR petrophysics, 298–305
NMR physics, 292–298
NMR-resistivity combination, 336–337
permeability estimation, 319–322
porosity determination with, 311–319
producibility, 335–336
pseudocapillary-pressure curves, 335
residual oil ( S xo ) calculation, 331–333
viscosity evaluation, 333–335
NMR effective porosity (MPHI), 315, 322, 327
NMR logging
measurements, 289
and reservoir, 86
tools, 294, 298, 304, 327
NMR-log job planning, 340
borehole rugosity, 342
lithology, 341–342
logging speed and running average, 343
metal debris, 343
mud type, 342
wettability, 342
NMR-log quality control, 338
post-logging quality check, 340
prejob calibration and quality checks, 339–340
NMR petrophysics
data fit—inversion, 303–304
laboratory studies, 298
NMR properties of fluids, 299–301
properties, 298–299
T2 decay, 301–303
T2 distribution, 304–305
NODAL analysis, 712–713
no-flow boundary, 732
noise log, 536
in relief well, 541–542
noise-logging tool, 511–514
noisy SP logs, 144–145
non-Cartesian grids, 1407, 1411
noncondensable gas, 1236
non-Darcy flow, 754, 761, 796
coefficient, 842
effects, 722
nonhydrocarbon components, 1143
nonhydrocarbon gases, 1104
nonideal SWCT tests simulation
fluid movement, 634
local equilibrium time length, 635
nonreversing flow, 635–636
nonionic surfactant, 1227
nonionic triple-stranded polysaccharide biopolymer, 1186
non-laminar flow, 761. See also non-Darcy flow
nonlinear partial-differential equation, 757
nonlinear shale-volume models, 260
non-Newtonian viscosity, 1166, 1168
nonpolar hydrocarbon molecules, 1226
nonradioactive water tracers, 655
nonsegregation-drive gas caps, 901
nonvolumetric reservoirs, 900
nonzero skin, 751
normal geothermal gradient, 374
normal (pseudo-Rayleigh) waves, 168
Norsk Hydro tensor method, conservation of dissipation, 1428
North Burbank Unit Flood, 1182
North-Sea reservoirs, 1554
N th-root stack processing, 218
nuclear-log crossplot, 282–283
nuclear logging, 243
gamma ray transport and, 254–256
multiple-log interpretation, 279–283
neutron logs, 267–279
nuclear radiation transport, 245–249
passive gamma ray tools, 256–267
physics of, 244–245
single-log interpretation, 249–253
nuclear magnetic log (NML), 290, 307
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 245, 289
acoustic/density combination, 337–338
devices, 292–293
echo-decay, 318–319
logs, 79, 86
physics, 292–298
porosity model, 308
resistivity combination, 336–337
spectroscopy methods, porosity determination and, 82
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Tool (NMRT™), 309, 414
nuclear radial geometric functions, 251
nuclear radiation transport, 245–249
Numar’s mandrel device (MRIL), 291
numerical reservoir simulation model, 1121
numerical reservoir simulators, 1144
NYMEX. See New York Mercantile Exchange
OBM-core-plug Dean-Stark water-volume determinations,
S w calculations with, 467
OBM-core S w data, 429, 460–461, 469–470, 476
OBM-filtrate invasion, 330
OBM routine-core-analysis data, 426
ocean-bottom cable (OBC), 31–32, 34
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), 414, 416
Odeh-Babu and Kuchuk equations, 814
offending injectors, 651
oil and gas prices, economic/political uncertainty, 1586
oil and gas profiling production
gravel pack density and fluid capacitance survey, 605
multiarm fluid-conductivity and capacitance survey, 606
temperature and back scatter gamma-ray density
surveys, 605
oil and gas property valuations, 1573–1574
oil and gas property ownership
net profits interest and production payment, 1597–1598
royalty interest, 1597
working interest, 1596
oil and gas reserves
adjustment factors for risk and uncertainty in, 1586–1589
asset description, 1595–1598
capital cost, 1584–1585
classification system of, 1582
economic evaluation, 1575
interest positions and prices, 1582–1583
reports and discounted cash flow schedules, 1578–1580
risk and uncertainties in, 1585–1586
study definition, 1572
taxes and operating cost, 1583–1584
oil and gas reservoir management
benefits of, 1611–1620
definition of
description of, 1601–1602
horizontal and multilateral wells for, 1602
leadership team, 1599–1600
models of, 1604–1605
performance management, 1607
performance survey, 1605
process work flow of, 1600
team skills of, 1600–1601
wellbore utilization plan for, 1603
oil and gas reservoirs and depletion plans, 1602–1605
oil and gas zone, volumetric parameters, 1508–1509
oil and wetting effects, 1233
oil-based mud (OBM), 112–114, 199, 311, 342, 424, 426
Oil-Base MicroImager (OBMI™), 406
oil classes, 895
oil-coated injection/film, 1244–1245
oilfield foams, 1223
oilfield furan resin treatments, 1242
oilfield gels, 1192, 1221
oil fields-Offshore Peninsular Malaysia, 478–480
Block A-18, gas/condensate field, Malaysia-Thailand joint
development area, 480–481
oilfield surface separators, 1115
oilfield tubulars, 1217
oil fraction in, in total fluids and cumulative oil production for typical well, 1526
oil, gas, and water saturation, 83–84
oil/gas-expansion-drive reservoirs, 901
oil gravity drainage, 1139
oil in place (OIP), 1385
oil-producing reservoir, 1151
oil production
mobility ratio effect on, 1081–1082
under WAG recovery, profiling, 539–541
water injection effect on, 1038
oil recovery
displacement fluid, 1151
drive fluid, 1151–1152, 1247
flood conformance, 1151
fluid, 1149
improvement, 902
mechanisms, 1139
production, 1241
sweep efficiency, 1153
oil-recovery flooding, 1224
operations, 1149, 1166
system, 1149
oil reservoirs, 437–438, 895, 899, 1037
geological aspects of, 1056
gravity effects on, 1065
structure, 1056, 1497
fractional flow, 1155
profile commingled, 587–589
viscosity ratio, 1409
oil/water contacts, 426, 439, 475, 1121, 1487
oil-wet reservoirs, 1139, 1233
pressure-depth plots and capillary pressure profiles, 706, 709
oil-wet rocks, 1041, 1046
oil-zone perforations, 1104
oolitic limestone, 1132
openhole caliper logs, well-logging and, 387–388
openhole-imaging devices, 194
openhole logging, 276
openhole short-radius horizontal wellbores, 1210
openhole wireline pressure testing, 695, 697
OPMs. See option-pricing models
optical borehole imaging, 397
option-pricing models, 1576
organic crosslinking agents, 1206
organic-fluid-based gel, 1186
organic-rich shales, 211
original gas in place (OGIP), 421, 903, 910, 915
original oil in place (OOIP), 421, 615–616, 897, 903, 910, 912, 916–917, 1038, 1063, 1120, 1179, 1261, 1385
orthogonal Cartesian grids, 1407
orthosilicate monomer, 1192
Output Least Squares (OSL), 1430
overdisplacement fluids, 1211
OWC. See oil/water contacts
oxygen free-radical degradation, 1176
packer flowmeter, 524–525
packer probe tests, 712
packstone, 11–12, 14
parallel resistivity relationship, 155–156
Paroscientific design, for quartz pressure transducer, 691
partial-penetration skin, 821
passive gamma ray tools, 256–261
density-porosity interpretation, 264–265
environmental effects, 261–262
gamma-gamma scattering density tools, 263–264
LWD, 262–264
PE, 265–266
precision, 261
spectral gamma ray logs, 262
pattern gas injection, 1119–1120
P c -derived S w values, 470–471
P c /S w data, 452–453, 460
laboratory-measured, S w calculation and, 464–466
resistivity-log-derived S w and, 467
routine OBM core S w data with, 467–468
PE factor (PEF), 255
Peng-Robinson, EOS petroleum engineering applications, 993–994
perfluorocarbon (PFC) gas tracers, 658, 669
perfluorodimethylcyclobutane (PDMCB), 658
,2-perfluorodimethylcyclohexane (1,2-PDMCH), 658
,3-perfluorodimethylcyclohexane (1,3-PDMCH), 658
perfluoromethylcyclopentane (PMCP), 658
perforating depth control (PDC) log, 502
performance-data analysis, 1558
performance indicators extrapolation, 1556
permanent pressure measurement installations, 697–698
determination, 471–474
estimation, 319–322
matrix reservoir rock, 1235
reducing agents, 1188
reducing polymers, 1184
reduction, 1175
reduction ratio, 750
perpendicular bisector (PEBI) method, reservoir simulation, 1420
Perrine-Martin approximations, 764
Perrine-Martin modification, 762
petroleum fluids, 896–897
petroleum production, types of energy available for, 898
petroleum reserves, classification
proved, 1482–1483
unproved, 1483–1484
petroleum reserves estimation
analogy methods, 1490–1493
volumetric methods, 1493–1494
petroleum reserves status categories, 1484
petroleum reservoirs, 899
commercially productive, 900
fluid flow, 719
fluids, major classes, 982
pressure drop, 725
petroleum sulfonates, 1236
petrophysical applications, 421
case studies, 474–483
data sources and databases, 422–430
fluid-contacts identification, 450–452
lithology determination, 430–434
net-pay determination, 434–441
permeability determination, 471–474
porosity determination, 441–450
water-saturation determination, 452–471
petrophysical data sources and databases
acquisition of, 429–430
conditioning, for reservoir parameter calculations, 427–429
inventory of existing data, 422–423
quality evaluation of existing data, 423–427
petrophysical properties, gas reservoir
Forchheimer equation, 994–995
Klinkenberg effect, 994
Klinkenberg permeability correction, 995
non-Darcy flow, 994–995
absolute permeability determination, 85–86
definitions, 77–78
fluid identification and characterization, 84–85
and formation evaluation, NMR applications in, 289
fractional flow, 86–87
layer thickness, determining, 78–80
lithology and rock type, determining, 80–81
oil, gas, and water saturation, 83–84
porosity determination, 81–83
tools selection, 78
use of, 87
phase-alternate pairs (PAP), 297
phase redistribution, 796
phase-shift, resistivity and, 121
Phasor induction tool, 108–112, 115, 131
phenolic resins, 1241
photoelectric (PE) absorption, 255, 265–266
piercement trap, 3
piezoelectric crystals/transducers, 172, 511
pilot waterflooding, 1078
pipe dope, 368
Pixler method, 369–370
plastic-coated well tubulars, 1222
Poisson distribution, 245–246
Poisson’s ratio, 169, 212
polarization, 292–293
polyacrylamide (PAM), 1162
polyethyleneimine-crosslinked gel, 1190
polyhedra liquid films, 1228
polymer-gels, 1186, 1222
adsorption, 1165
bottle-test gel strength code, 1200
conformance, 1160, 1218
degelation, 1206
technologies, 1190
treatments, 1208, 1219, 1247
treatment technologies, 1155
water-shutoff, 1157
water-shutoff treatment, 1210, 1215
adsorption, 1163
concentration grading, 1179
degradation, 1176
degrading free radicals, 1178
dissolution, 1180
enhanced foams, 1237–1239, 1248
filtration, 1181
flood biopolymers, effects of salt and hardness on, 1172
flooding, 1168–1169, 1176–1177
macromolecules, 1221
microgels, 1154
precipitation, 1176
retention, 1175
self-induced gels, 1191
transport, 1174
waterflooding, 1150, 1153, 1160, 1166, 1171
injection wells, 1181
slug, 1179
viscosity, 1167, 1173
polysaccharide biopolymers, 1177
composition and saturation, 169
mobility, 225
permeability, 224
pore pressure, mud logging and, 372
pore-to-pore interconnections, 1117
pore volume (PV), 1179
contraction, 901, 915
porous rocks, 1550
porosity determination, 441
calculations and uncertainty, consistency of, 449–450
core/log calculation approaches, 444–449
core porosity data and, 442
direct, 81–82
indirect, 82–83
total and effective porosity, 442–444
porosity determination, with NMR, 311
BVI determination, 316
CBVI model, 316–318
measurement, tool version influence on, 314–315
porosity-logging modes, 315–316
SBVI model, 318–319
porosity-logging modes, 315–316
porosity transforms, 202
Portland cement, 1157, 1198, 1217, 1243
possible petroleum reserves, 1484
possum belly, 358–359
power-law, 1170
prejob calibration and quality checks, logging and, 339–340
pressure and temperature
calibration points, 687
nonlinearity in, 688
optical fiber measurement of, 692
subsea acquisition of, 698–699
pressure-buildup (PBU)
permeability values, 473
test, semilog methods for, 736–739
method, 1502
plots, 701–704, 708–709
pressure flow convolution and deconvolution, 708–709
pressure gauges
calibration and standard evaluation tests for, 687–688
nonlinearity in pressures and temperatures, 688
pressure calibration function, 687–688
pressure-temperature calibration points, 687
scheduled time routine for pressure gauge calibration
test, 688
temperature calibration function, 688
density log, 516
instrument ( see gradiomanometers)
method for hydrocarbon/water contact calculation, 1504–1505
pressure maintenance, 899
by gas reinjection, 902
pressure probes in duplex/triplex, 704
pressure-squared and pressure approximations, 757–759
pressure thermal sensitivity, 688
pressure transducer technology, 689–691
bonded wire transducer, 690
capacitance pressure transducer, 689
mechanical pressure transducer, 689
quartz pressure transducer, 690–691
sapphire transducer, 690
strain pressure transducer, 690
thin-film transducer, 690
pressure-transient analysis (PTA), 473
pressure transient testing, 693, 707–715
analysis, 722–723, 839
to characterize reservoir fluids, 713–714
downhole shut-in benefits, 709
multilayer tests, 709–711
NODAL analysis, 712–713
pressure flow convolution and deconvolution, 708–709
temperature profiles in production and injection wells, 714–715
wireline pressure transient tests, 711–712
pressure/volume/temperature (PVT), 1449
parameters, 903
properties, 1114
primary gas caps, 901
primary oil recovery, 895, 902–903
probable petroleum reserves, 1483–1484
producibility indexes, 202
producing mechanisms
for oil, 899–903
petroleum reservoirs for, 899–902
recovery ranges, 902–903
production/decline trend analysis (P/DTA), 1522–1523
production-log flow survey, 829
production logging
application tables ( see production-logging application tables)
categories of, 495–496
depth control, 501–502
flow problems, origin of, 497–498
misconceptions about, 496–497
pricing and record keeping, 502–503
safety and environmental tips, 498–499
sinker bar weight, 499–501
suites of, 535–542
tools, operating principles and performance of, 503–535
production-logging application tables, 549
classification tables, 550
tool-selection tables ( see tool selection tables, production logging and)
production-logging suite
commingled-gas production, profiling, 537–539
gas blowout after abandonment, 541–542
gas kick while drilling, 535–537
oil production under WAG recovery, profiling, 539–541
production-logging tools, operating principles and performance
continuous and fullbore spinner flowmeters, 526–535
diverting-spinner flowmeter, 523–526
fluid-capacitance-logging tool, 516–518
fluid identification in high-angle wells, 521–523
focused gamma-ray density-logging tool, 514–516
noise-logging tool, 511–514
radioactive tracer-logging tool, 508–511
temperature-logging tool, 503–508
unfocused gamma ray (gravel-pack) density logger, 518–521
production wells, 1078, 1083
and designs, 1390
productivity index, 724, 751
horizontal well, Economides et al. method and, 834–839
progradational cycles, 8–9
propagation measurement principles, 119–124
proved petroleum reserves, 1483
Prudhoe Bay field, 433, 474–477
Prudhoe Bay Sadlerochit reservoir, 1127
pseudocapillary-pressure curves, 335
pseudopressure, 756–757
equations, 842
transformation, 757–758
pseudoradial flow, 785, 792–793, 822
pseudo-shear measurement, 182
equations, 719, 841, 852
flow, 722, 778, 798, 831, 841–843
matrix flow, 801
matrix flow model, 798
solution, 841
pseudotime transformation, 759
pulsed caliper tools, 387
pulsed neutron capture (PNC), 1301
pulsed-neutron-lifetime (PNL) devices, 276–277
pulse-echo tools, 307
logging, 299, 306–308
spectrometers, 298
pure solution-gas-drive reservoirs, 910
PVT treatment, of fluids in reservoir simulation
black-oil PVT models, 1454
component partitioning, 1452
density, 1451
equation-of-state models, 1454–1455
fluid initialization, 1456
gas/oil interfacial tension (IFT), 1454
gas viscosities, 1453
phases and phase type, 1450
surface phase behavior, 1455
thermal model PVT requirements, 1455
three-phase PVT behavior, 1455
two-phase flash, 1450–1451
pyrolisis, 1368, 1370, 1372
QGM™ process, 369
quartz pressure transducer, 690–691
Quartztronics design, for quartz pressure transducer, 691
RAB tool, 102
Rachford-Rice (RR) procedure, 1450
radial aquifer
finite and infinite, 939
model, 936
OOIP, water-influx history and model parameters, 949
reservoir partially surrounded by, 946
radial-cement-evaluation devices, 193
radial diffusivity equation, 719
radial-flow, 826
conformance, 1220
diffusivity equation, 740, 840
injection, 1177
matrix-reservoir rock, 1158
matrix-rock reservoir, 1219
reservoirs, 771
radioactive gas tracers, 656–658
radioactive tracer-logging tool, 508–511
radioactive water tracers, 652–655
partition coefficients of, 653–654
used in oil reservoirs, 653
radio frequency (RF), 291, 309
radius of investigation, 722, 739
Ramey-Cobb method, 776, 781–782
Raoult’s law, 662
rate-dependent skin, 721
rate of penetration (ROP), 373–374
rate of return, 1580
Rawlins-Schellhardt analysis, 845, 853, 862, 864, 869
Rawlins-Schellhardt deliverability plot, 869
Rawlins-Schellhardt equation, 843, 871
Rayleigh waves, 34
Raymer-Hunt-Gardner equation, 199, 202
real options analysis, 1576–1577
Recommended Evaluation Practices, 1573
recovery efficiencies (REs), 1487
rectangular matrix-block geometry, 804
reduced-major-axis (RMA) line-fit, 445, 447
reef deposit, 1117
reflection coefficients, 35–37
regression analysis, 827
relative permeability, 875, 1046–1048, 1050, 1076, 1110
relative permeability modification (RPM), 1157
repeat formation tester, 1508
REPs. See Recommended Evaluation Practices
reserves and cash flow projection, 1578
reserves classifications
from areal perspective, 1518
basic guidelines, 1516–1517
reserves estimation, 1482, 1489
reservoir heterogeneities
forms of, 1055
by permeability variation, 1068–1072
Reservoir Management Leadership Team, 1606–1607
reservoir management team (RMT), 77. See also petrophysics
reservoir parameter calculations, data conditioning for
density and neutron logs, 428
gamma ray logs, 427
log data, 427
OBM Sw data, 429
permeability data, 429
porosity data, 428–429
resistivity logs, 428
routine-core-analysis and SCAL data, 428
sonic logs, 428
reservoir pressure, 683–685
distribution, in reservoir during fluid flow, 684–685
pseudosteady-state flow, 684–685
steady-state flow, 684
reservoir rocks, 1039
biodegradation, and tracer flow in, 665–666
pore geometry for, 1042
pore system in, 1045
shear failure and water-weakening of, 1089
absolute permeability determination, 85
architecture, 1, 7–9
base, 5–7
boundary, 723
carbonate reservoir, 9–16
drive mechanism, 1521
economic base of, 7
efficiency, 1313
energy, types of, 898–899
evaluation, by material balance, 616–617
external geometry of, 1–7
fluid flow analysis software, 846
fluids, 199, 206, 713–714, 839, 896, 985–988, 1175
geology, 1–23
heating, 1311–1314
internal geometry, 1, 7–9
lithology, 341–342
matrix rock, 1242
mineralogies, 1216
models, 21–23, 719, 1532–1533
oil, viscosity, 1509
permeability impairment, 1074
petrophysical properties, 1, 7–8
producing mechanisms, classification of, 900
quality, 1554
rock lithologies, 1185
sandstone layers, 1117
saturation tool, 522
sequence stratigraphy, 7–9
siliciclastic reservoirs, 16–23
simulations, 875
stratigraphy, 1
temperature, 685–686
traps, 1–4
zonation layering, 433–434
reservoir simulation
applications, 1461–1465
gridding in, 1415–1422
high-performance computing and, 1456–1461
linear solver, 1407, 1411–1415
models for application and development, 1399–1411
pressure/volume/temperature (PVT) treatment, 1449–1456
simulation of geomechanics, 1444–1449
streamline simulation, 1437–1444
upscaling of grid properties, 1422–1436
reservoir simulation applications
faults in reservoir flow model, inclusion of, 1462
geological model, 1461–1462
history matching and production forecasting, 1464–1465
integrated reservoir and surface facilities models, 1463–1464
larger model use, 1464
pseudofunctions for multiphase flow and gridding techniques, 1463
simulation of multiple reservoirs, 1464
simulation of nonconventional and intelligent wells, 1463
upscaling geological model, 1462
reservoir simulation high-performance computation
application of parallel computing, 1460
characteristics of, 1457
explosion of data and chasm of scale, 1456–1457
parallel computers and message-passing interface, 1459–1460
parallel linear-equation solver, 1458–1459
parallel reservoir simulator, 1457–1458
reservoir simulation models
advances in model formulations, 1405–1406
Cartesian grids and reservoir definition, 1407–1409
generalized model, 1401–1402
linear solver, 1407
model formulations, 1402–1405
Newton iteration method, 1043, 1402
Newton-Raphson method, 1401–1402
perpendicular bisector (PEBI) method, 1420
SPE Comparative Solution Project problems, 1400
stable timestep and switching criteria, 1406–1407
residual oil saturation ( S or ), 615, 1048–1050, 1081
in Leduc miscible pilot, 677–678
residual oil ( S xo ) calculation, 331–333
residue gas stream, 1132
resin(s), 1240
conformance fluid-shutoff treatments, 1247
fluid-shutoff treatments, 1244–1245
polymerization reaction, 1244
squeeze treatments, 1244
resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), 692
resistivity imaging
AIT images, 38
ARI images, 137–138
microresistivity images, 137
resistivity index ( I R ), 427, 456–457
resistivity logging, 428, 453
Earth resistivity, 89–90
electrode resistivity devices, 91–104
environment, 90–91
formation-resistivity determination, 135
induction logging, 104–117
laterolog and induction logging tools, 130–132
LWD induction tools, 117–130
microresistivity logs, 132–135
S w values, 470
traditional R t methods, 135–139
resistivity-ratio methods, 150
resistivity-vs.-porosity crossplots, 146–148
resonant-frequency analysis/measurements, 194–195
retrogradational cycles, 8–9
retrograde-condensate reservoirs, 1030–1032
Reverse Cuthill-McKee (RCMK), 1415
reverse vertical seismic profiling (RVSP), 65–66
Reynolds number, 759
RFT. See repeat formation tester
RF-tipping pulse, correction for, 339–340
RMLT. See Reservoir Management Leadership Team
rock-cutting samples, mud-logging services and, 372
rock expansivity, 907–908
rock-fabric facies, 22–23
rock-fabric reservoir model, 23
rock/fluid expansion/compression terms, 1550
rock-pore distribution, 203
ROR. See rate of return
routine-core-analysis, 425–426, 477
permeability data, 429
porosity measurements, 428
routine OBM core S w data
with P c /S w data, 467–468
with resistivity-log data, 468
R t -based S w calculations, strengths and weaknesses of, 464
R t methods, traditional, 135
invasion parameters, inversion for, 136–137
LWD resistivity images, 138–139
resistivity imaging, 137–138
R t / S w models, 461
rudstone, 10–11
running horizontal well tests, 828. See also horizontal wells
R wa comparison
flushed-zone method, 150–151
invaded-zone method, 151–152
resistivity-ratio methods, 150
R xo / R t quicklook method, 152–154
SABs. See U.S. SEC Staff Accounting Bulletins
Sadlerochit reservoir, 433, 474–476
safety and environmental tips, production logging and, 498–499
SAGA. See surfactant-alternating-gas-ameliorated
saline water, 1038
San Andres carbonate reservoirs, 1062, 1067
sands and shales, layer thickness determination and, 78–79
deposits, 1115
formations, 1217, 1239
photomicrograph and water/oil relative permeability for, 1042–1044
waterflood with low permeability, 1615–1616
sandstone reservoirs, 1062, 1075, 1092, 1117, 1175
and gas and water injection, 1611–1612
polymer injection project, 1617
solution-gas drive and water- and gas-injection project, 1616
strong waterdrive and crestal gas injection, 1612–1613
sapphire transducers, 690
saturated oil reservoirs, 928
SCAL database, 441, 452, 454, 458
Schlumberger design, for quartz pressure transducer, 691
Schlumberger-Doll-Research (SDR) model, 321–322
Schlumberger Flowview, 522–523
Schlumberger NML tool, 290–291
Schlumberger’s tool, 310–311
ultrasonic transducers and, 394
scintillation crystal detector, 521
scintillator crystal, 262
screen factor (SF) device, 1171
seals, 2, 4–5
and flow barriers, 6
lithologies, 5–6
SEC. See U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
secondary gas caps, 901
sedimentology, 18
Segmented Bond Tool (SBT™), 394
segregating gas cap, 902, 921, 925
seismic attributes, 37, 41–42
seismic data
acquisition sources
attribute applications, 37, 41–42
body waves and surface waves, 33–35
calibrating seismic image time to depth, 62–65
complex seismic trace, 37–39
crosswell seismic profiling, 65–68
3D seismic survey design, 52–59
imaging reservoir targets, 45–52
impedance, 35–36
impulsive sources, 26
instantaneous phase and frequency calculations, 39–41
interpretation, 42–43
marine air guns, 27–31
reflection coefficients, 35–37
sensors, 30–32
shear wave sources, 27
structural interpretation, 43–45
uses of, 25
vertical seismic profiling, 59–62
vibrators, 26–27
wave propagation, 32–33
D-seismic data, 487
seismic image time to depth calibration, 62–65
seismic impedance, 35–36
seismic interpretation, 42–43
D seismic methods, 1504
seismic-reflection exploration methods, 176
seismic reflectivity parameters, 36
seismic sensors, 30–32
seismic surface-wave noise mode, particle motions produced by, 34
D-seismic surveys, 452
D-seismic technique, 1081–1082
seismic wave propagation, 32–33
seismic-while-drilling techniques, 208
selected field projects, expected incremental recovery in, 1302. See also miscible processes
selective dissolution, 15
semblance and N th-root stacking, 215
semilog analysis techniques, 798, 804
semilog coordinates, 811
sensitivity analysis evaluation method, 1575
SEOR project screening criteria, 1320
sequence stratigraphy
model, 22
of reservoir, 7–9
sequential-fluid injection mode, 1212
SFL device, 99–100, 104, 108, 123, 153
SGIP. See solution gas initially in place
shale-baseline shifts, 143–144
shale porosity, effects of pressure on, 210
shale volume, evaluation of, 432–433
shaly formations, 154
dispersed clay, 156–158
laminated sand/shale-simplified model, 155–156
total shale relationship, 158
shaly-sand models, 462
shear-non-rehealing gel, 1198
shear-thinning fluids, 1210, 1235, 1237
shear-thinning viscosity, 1169
shear-wave, 170
amplitudes, 191, 210
birefringence, 220
parameters, 220
sources, 27
velocity, 173
vibrator, 27
shelf systems, 20
shifted-spectrum method (SSM), 328
shore-zone systems, 20
shoulder-bed effect, 97, 109
shut-in and behind-pipe petroleum reserves, 1484
shut-in injection well, 513
shut-in logs, 540
shut-in time, 1211
shut-in tubing pressure, 1525
shut-in wellhead pressures, 1560
signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), 26–27, 180–181, 291, 296, 303, 307, 309, 327, 343
siliciclastic reservoir, 16–23
classification of siliciclastic rocks in, 16–17
clay habit in, 17–18
depositional environments, 18–20
diagenetic environments, 20–21
porosity and permeability of, 16
reservoir models, 21–23
sandstone depositional systems, 18–19
texture, porosity, and permeability, 22
siliciclastic rocks, petrophysical properties of, 23
siliciclastic stratigraphy, 8
simulation theory, 631–632, 634. See also SWCT test simulation
Simultaneous Acoustic and Resistivity Imager (STAR™), 137, 406
single-column gas chromatograph, 364
aqueous gel, 1223
injection mode, 1211
single-log interpretation, 249–253. See also nuclear logging
single-phase fluid, 728
single-phase sensitivity, 532
single-point tests, 839
single pressure-connected reservoir, 1554
single-stage acid placement, 567
single-stage fracture placement, 567–568
single-well chemical tracer (SWCT) test. See SWCT test
single-well data, 1524
single-well (one-spot) IOR pilot, 639–642
sinker bar weight, 499–501
SITP. See shut-in tubing pressure
skin equation, 818
skin factor
altered zone and, 720
deviated well, 753
dimensionless, 742
two-region reservoir model, 750
slickline operations, in bottomhole conveyance of gauges, 694
slope and basin systems, 20
slug tracking, 509
small-scale drillstem testing, 712
smectites, 17, 431–433, 442–444
Snell’s law, 168, 173
SNUPAR program, 275
Soave-Redlich-Kwong, EOS petroleum engineering applications, 993
Society of Petroleum Engineers/World Petroleum
Congress, 1480
classifications of reserves, 1481
definition of reserves, 1481–1485
deterministic calculation procedures of, 1489
significance of, 1487
Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers, 1571
solid-earth seismology, 220
solid fillers, 1240, 1243
solution-gas-drive reservoir, 902, 914–915
solution-gas drives, 910–920
field examples, 913–915
key characteristics of each stage production, 910–911
material-balance analysis, 915–918
performance, 911–913
production, stages of, 910–911
solution gas initially in place, 1511
solvent flood behavior prediction
fine-grid reference models, 1285–1287
full-field behavior, 1287
permeability relations and pseudoproperties, 1287–1288
segment models, 1288–1290
solvent trapping and solvent relative permeability
hysteresis, 1282–1285
streamtube and streamline models, 1290–1292
sonic logs, 428
sonic vibration, 172
SP anomalies
highly resistive formations, 142–143
invasion-related, 144
noisy SP logs, 144–145
shale-baseline shifts, 143–144
SP curve, shape of, 142
special core analysis (SCAL), 423, 426–429, 433, 441, 472, 477
spectral BVI (SBVI) model, 318–319
spectral gamma ray log, 261–262
spectral natural gamma ray systems, 263
SPEE. See Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers
SPEE FMV document, 1571
SPE/WPC. See 1997 Society of Petroleum Engineers/World Petroleum Congress
SPE/WPC and 1978 U.S. SEC definitions comparison
economic conditions and development status, 1487–1488
enhanced-recovery reserves, 1489
flow testing requirement and reservoir areal extent of, 1488–1489
reasonable certainty and known accumulations, 1487
spherical flow, 730, 769
spherically focused log (SFL), 90
spill point, 2–3
spin-echo technique, 295
SP log ( see also resistivity logging)
origin of, 139–141
and permeability, 141
static, 141–145
spontaneous ignition, 1387
spontaneous-potential (SP) log, 79, 453
Squirrel-sandstone, oil and water relative permeabilities for, 1048
stabilized C method, 866, 869
stacking bins, in 3D seismic survey design, 52–54
stacking fold, in 3D seismic survey design, 55–59
standard PVT parameters
methods to calculate, 904–905
of volatile and black oil determination, 904
standard PVT properties
as a function of pressure for Louisiana volatile oil, 909
as a function of pressure for a west Texas black oil, 905
Standing’s correlation, 1508
static bulk foam, 1231
static nonflowing foam, 1225
static pressure measurements, 699–701
from buildup tests, 699
from productivity index, 700–701
static SP (SSP)
determination of, 141–142
SP anomalies, 142–145
SP curve, shape of, 142
station spacings, in 3D seismic survey design, 54–55
statistical correlations, 1554
steady-shear viscometers, 1171
steady-state foam flow, 1232
steady-state radial flow equation, 720
flooding, 1227, 1236
foams, 1236
plateau, 1368–1369, 1373, 1379–1383, 1394
saturated, properties of, 1309–1311
steam specific volume vs. saturation pressure, 1311
stimulated injection wells, 1246
zone shape/thickness, equation, 1315
steam enhanced oil recovery (SEOR), 1309
steamflood design, 1319–1324
analogy, 1321–1322
recovery mechanisms, 1322–1324
screening criteria for steamflood candidates, 1319–1321
steamflood injection wells, 1246
steam injection rates, calculations, gravity drainage models
Neuman method, 1326–1328
Vogel method, 1328–1329
steam zone growth
bypass, 1315–1317
combination, 1317–1319
viscous displacement, 1314–1315
steeply dipping sandstone reservoir with gravity stable miscible project, 1615
Stoneley wave(s), 168, 171, 173
amplitude, 196, 224
attenuation, 210
data, 180
reflection, 228
velocity, 224
velocity dispersion, 171
storativity ratio, 797, 800
strain pressure transducer, 690
strandplain sand, 20
stratal-bounded analysis window, 51–52
stratal-surface concept, 51–52
stratified systems
with communicating layers and assumed vertical
equilibrium, 1071–1072
with noncommunicating layers, 1067
stratigraphic traps, 2–3
streamline-based flow simulation
applicability of, 1437
applications of streamlines, 1442–1443
computational efficiency of, 1441–1442
governing IMPES equations, 1438
novel data produced by, 1442
solution to transport equation, 1438–1441
timestepping, 1439
streamtube waterflood calculations, 1059–1060, 1063–1064
stress-induced anisotropy, 220
stripping compositional effects, 1114
structural interpretation, 43–45
structural traps, 2–3
styrene-butadiene block copolymer resin, 1246
subsea acquisition, of pressure and temperature, 698–699
successive substitution (SS), 1451
sulfate-reducing bacteria, 1079
sum-of-fluids porosity measurements, 442
supercritical gas, 1225
superposition, principle of, 731
surface acquisition
of downhole data, 698
system, 172
surface and volume ratio (S/V), 300–303, 319
surface-data-acquisition system, 179
surface gas injection, 910
surface-injection equipment, 1177
surface mapping, 3
surface readout vs. downhole recording, 693
surface relaxation, 299–302
surface seismic maps, 176
surface seismic methods, 168
surface shut-in vs. downhole shut-in, 693
surface water injection, 910
surfactant adsorption/retention, 1233
surfactant-alternating-gas-ameliorated, 1234
surfactant-alternating-gas foam, 1236
surfactant molecule, 1226–1227
surfactant slug, 1236
Susceptibility Measurement Tool (SUMT™), 414–415
Swanson River Field (Alaska), 1139
SWCT Sor tests, 618–643
for connate water, 644
data interpretation, 629–632
design, 625–628
ester distribution, between oil and water in pore in, 623
features, 620–621
field procedures, 628–629
gas-saturation testing, 644–646
injection of ester tracer and push volume, 619
nonideal simulation, 634–635
parameters using simulator, 632–634
procedure, 624–625
production period, 620–621
quantitative working, 621–624
shut-in (reaction) period, 619–620
single-well IOR pilot project, 639–642
tracer-concentration profiles, 620, 622
working of, 618–620
SWCT Sor test design, 625–628
formation-water salinity, 628
oil cut of test well, 626
production rate, 627–628
reservoir lithology, 626–627
reservoir temperature, 626
test-interval size and average porosity, 628
SWCT S or test field measurements, 643–646
connate water saturation testing, 643–644
gas saturation testing, 644–646
SWCT test ( see also SWCT S or tests)
candidate, 618
features, 620–621
field setup for production step, 629
history, 615
injection step field setup, 629
for in-situ evaluation of hydrocarbon-miscible IOR, 642–643
pressure difference effects on, 635
S or measurement, 615–617
S wc measurement, 617–618
SWCT S or tests, 618–643
SWCT test simulation
in carbonate formation, 638–639
in dual-porosity media, 636–638
in layered formation, 635–636
nonideal, 634–635
parameters for, 632–634
S w data, integration of
adjustments to, 468–469
core, total, and effective systems compatibility, 469
P c /S w data, resistivity-log data with, 467
routine OBM core S w data, 467–468
sweep efficiency
methods for evaluating, 1124
in uniform linear systems, 1070, 1073
sweep-improvement treatment evaluations, 652
swelling compositional effects, 1113
swelling effect, 1114
S w physical-model equations, 453
S w techniques, applications of, 461–467
S w values
Pc -derived, 470–471
resistivity logs, 470
synthetic oil-based mud (SOBM), 311, 342
synthetic seismograms, 61–62, 207
system geometry, 797
system noise (ringing), 339
tank balance, performance prediction to ISC, 1385
taxation value, 1573
T2 decay, 301–303
T2 distribution, 304–305
tectonic fracture development, 825
tectonic processes/stresses, 220
televiewer-type devices, 183
temperature and noise-logging survey, 607
temperature gauges, metrology of, 688–689
temperature log, 535–536
temperature-logging tool, 503–508
temperature profiles
detecting cement tops, 714
in production and injection wells, 714–715
recommendations for, 714
vertical extent of fracturing and detecting lost
circulation, 715
temperature sensors, 691–692
mechanical transducers, 691
resistance temperature detectors, 692
thermistors, 692
Tensleep Sandstone oil-wet rock, 1046
tensor methods, cell permeability and, 1423, 1429
tertiary flooding oil-recovery drive fluids, 1151
tertiary-mode flooding, 1150
Texas San Andres oil reservoir, 477
thermal conductivity, 1313
gas detector, 365
thermal conductivity detector (TCD), 362
thermal cracking, 1368, 1370
thermal diffusivity, 1314
thermal enhanced oil recovery (TEOR), 1309
thermal stabilizers, 1177
thermistors, 692
thermosetting resins, 1244
thin-bed target, 49–52
thin-film liquid lamellae, 1248
thin-film transducer, 690
thin liquid films, 1225
thin oil columns, operating procedures for, 1143
Thomas-Stieber method, 82–83
three-axis magnetometer, 382
three-dimensional seismic survey design, 52–59
stacking bins, 52–54
stacking fold, 55–59
station spacings, 54–55
three-layer multirate test, 710–711
through-casing acoustic measurements, 179–180
Through-Casing Resistivity (TCR) tool, 102
thrust-fault structural trap, 3
tidal-dominated delta system, 20
tight gas reservoirs, 1542–1544
time-domain analysis (TDA), 323, 326
time-of-flight (TOF), 1438
time-stratigraphic unit, 8
Timur equation, 471
tool selection tables, production logging and, 550–551
acid, fracture-proppant and, 567–568
annular pressure, crossflow behind casing and, 563–566
casing inspection, 560–562
cement placement, 556–559
confinement demonstration, 569–571, 576, 578
corrosion detection, 612–614
crossflow detection behind pipe, 611
detection of holes or parting, 614
drillpipe manipulation and construction problems, 552
injection profile determination, 572–575, 577, 579–580
injection well, 569–575
with screen or slotted linear, 576–577
with tubing across perforations, 578–580
location of annular pressure source, 611
lost returns, 553
newly cased, unperforated well, 556–566
production wells and, 581–611
tracking single-phase production, 581–585, 594, 600, 607
tracking three-phase production, 592–593, 598–599, 605–606, 610
tracking two-phase production, 586–591, 595–597, 601–604, 608–609
underground flow, 554–555
well being stimulated, fractured, or gravel-packed, 567–568
well down for tubing or casing inspection, 612–614
well still being drilled, 552–555
tornado-chart calculations, 251
total and effective porosity
core analysis, 442–444
log analysis, 444
total-fluid-shutoff gel treatments, 1192
total gas analyzer (TGA), 360–361
total hydrocarbon analyzer (THA), 360
total methane equivalents (TME), 360
total shale relationship, 158
tough logging conditions (TLC) logging, 97
toxic heavy-metal ions, 1151
tracer flow, in porous reservoir rock, 659–666
biodegradation, 665–666
flow equations, 663–664
ion exchange, 666
partition coefficient, 662–663
residual-oil measurements, 664–665
retention, by partitioning between phases, 659–665
active, 651
analysis, sample collection for, 668–670
application in well-to-well test, 651–659
assumptions regarding, 632
chemical gas tracers, 658–659
chemical water, 655–656
in enriched-gas injection, 676–677
flow in porous reservoir rock, 659–666
for gas injection, 676
health, safety, and environment constraints, 659
passive, 651–653
program timing, 666–667
radioactive gas tracers, 656–658
radioactive water tracers, 652–655
types of, 651–659
tracer tests
field data interpretation, 670–675
field experience, 675–678
planning and design of, 666–670
tracer test planning and design, 666–670
field-test, 667–668
sample collection, 668–670
timing for, 666–667
transgression, 8–9
transgressive system’s track (TST), 8–9
transient flow equation, 841
transient matrix flow model, 802
transit-time measurements, 218
transmissibility value, 1416, 1418
transmitter-to-receiver spacing (TR), 172, 176
traps, 1–4. See also specific traps
travel-time (TT) measurements, 189
triangular probability distribution, 1553
triaxial coordinate system, 223
tritiated water (HTO), 653–655
tritium, 85, 653, 657, 659
true vertical depth (TVD), for geological mapping, 385
tube (Stoneley) waves, 168
turbulent flow effects, 722, 841
T1 -weighted mechanism. See dual- T W acquisition
two-coil induction array, 106
two-phase flow, 1110
two-phase gas FVF, 907
two-phase reservoir simulation, 1131
type curves, 739
analysis technique, 801
matching, 747
ultradeep perforation techniques, 1221
ultra low hydrolysis, 1163, 1197
Ultrasonic Borehole Imager (UBI™), 400–401
Ultrasonic Corrosion Imager (UCI™), 392
Ultrasonic Imager (USI™), 394
ultrasonic pressure pulses, 183
ultrasonic radial-cement-evaluation devices, 194
ultrasonic reflection (pulse/echo) acoustic devices, 182
ultrasonic tools, 392, 394
interpretation, 194
unbalanced-formation-stress components, 223
unconformity and buried-hill trap, 3
undersaturated oil reservoirs, 748, 909
undip sedimentary trap, 3–4
unfocused gamma ray (gravel-pack) density logger, 518–521
uniaxial compressive stress, 212
uniform linear systems, sweep efficiency in, 1070, 1073
unitization, 1574
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) geographic coordinate system, 379
unproved petroleum reserves
possible, 1484
probable, 1483
unsteady-state flow, 723
unsteady-state linear flow, in unbounded reservoir, 730
S. Acquisition Economics and federal income taxes, 1589–1591
S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) Amott wettability index, 1047
S. federal tax code, 1572
S. Polymer-Flood Project Production Survey, 1183
S. SEC Staff Accounting Bulletins, 1486
S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 1571
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Oil and Gas Reserves Definitions, 1485–1486
UV-fluorescence technique, 371
valuation, definition of, 1572
value allocation, 1574
van der Waals’ equation, 993
van Everdingen-Hurst (VEH) model, water drive
calculations, 942
cumulative water influx, 938
discretization, 937
geometries, radial- and linear-flow systems of, 936
infinite and finite, radial aquifer, 939–940
linear aquifer, 941–942
superposition theorem application, 936
variable density (VDL), 186, 311, 336.
See also microseismograms
VDL transmitter, 194
velocity approach, 571
velocity/porosity logging, 176
velocity-porosity predictive model, 203
velocity-shot survey, 509–511
velocity tomography, 65–67
vertical boundary, 813
vertical fluid communication, 1153
vertical gravity drainage, 1143
gas displacement, 1120–1122
vertical interference testing, packer and multiple-probe tests
for, 712–713
vertical permeability, 879, 1117
variation, 1067–1069
vertical resolution, of NMR-logging tools, 343
vertical seismic profiling (VSP), 25, 59–66, 207
based calibration of thin-bed stratigraphy, 63–64
depth-to-time calibration, 62–63
source-receiver geometry used in, 59–60
synthetic seismograms, 61–62
vertical sweep efficiency, 1124
vertical-to-horizontal-permeability ratio, 753
vibrators, 26–27
Vibroseis™ energy sources, 26
virgin reservoirs, 703–704
pressure gradients in well drilled in, 683–684
viscosity, of fluid phase, 1050–1051, 1054, 1058–1059
enhancing agents, 1162, 1168
enhancing polymers, 1247
evaluation, 333–335
voidage replacement, 1037, 1061, 1080, 1083
volatile- and black-oil fluid, characteristics of, 896–898
volatile-oil reservoirs, 897
material-balance analysis of, 897, 918–920
producing GORs, 913
volatile oils, 896, 1511
volatilized-oil/gas ratio, 896, 904, 918
voltage-frequency circuit, 387
volumes and recovery
determining average reservoir pressure, 1015–1017
gas in place, 1014–1015
highly compressive reservoirs, 1018–1020
pressure maintenance and cycling operations, 1024–1025
retrograde-condensate reservoirs, 1024
volumetric reservoirs, 1017–1018
waterdrive reservoirs, 1020–1024
volumetric heat capacity, 1313
volumetric reserves classification, 1515
volumetric sweep, 651
VTI anisotropy, 220
vugular-porosity conformance, 1155
WACC. See weighted average cost of capital
wackestone, 11–14
WAG. See water alternating gas
wait time ( T W ), 296
wall-exclusion effect, 1174
Walsh-Towler algorithm, characterization of volatile oil, 905
Warren and Root’s model, 798
water/air ratio, 1369
water alternating gas, 1107, 1215, 1262
flooding operation, 1239
injection, 1142, 1236
injection program, 670, 675
injector 939, 1300
process, 1617
ratio, 1292, 1297–1298
water and gas coning, 961–973
additional measures to control, 970
Chierici correlation, 965–968
computing critical rate and optimum perforation length, 971–972
critical coning rate ( q c ), 964
Kozeny expression, 969
partially penetrating wells, 968–970
prevent coning in bottom-water, gas-cap reservoir, 972–973
producing well, 961–962
Schols’ correlation, 964–965
variables affecting coning, 970
water and gas tracer
in El Furrial field, 676
injection in fractured reservoir, 675
water-based mud (WBM), 113, 333, 424, 426, 451
water-bearing reservoirs, 899–900
geological strata, 1212
zones, 185
water channeling, problem and tools, 604, 610
waterdrive petroleum reservoirs, 762, 900
alternative material-balance methods, 951–952
and aquifer classification, 931–932
aquifer performance, 945–947
diagnosis of, 932
and fluid properties, 945
GOR, gas saturation, oil recovery and pressure histories, 933
material-balance analysis, 932, 947–952
performance, 932–935
performance data, 944
phases of assessment, 931
van Everdingen-Hurst (VEH) model, 935–942
water-influx mechanism, 931, 933
water-influx effect on pressure vs. percent OOIP
recovered, 933
water-influx histories, comparison of, 949–950
water-influx models, 935–936, 942–944
water-encroachment treatments, 1246
water expansivity calculation, 917
displacement, in five-spot pattern ( see waterflood pattern)
miscible EOR project, 1614
mobility ratio, 1166
oil recovery, 1039, 1050, 1060
performance, viscous and capillary forces, 1050
and sandstone field, 1614
waterflood design considerations, 1072–1074
injection-water-sensitivity studies, 1074–1076
injection wells, injectivity and allocation approaches, 1076
pilot waterflooding, 1078
produced fluids, surface facilities for, 1079–1080
production wells, 1078
water-injection surface facilities, 1079
waterflood field case studies, 1087
Ekofisk (North Sea), 1088
Kirkuk oil field (Iraq), 1094–1095
Kuparuk River oil field (Alaska North Slope), 1092–1094
West Texas carbonate waterfloods, 1094
Wilmington oil field (California), 1089–1092
waterflood monitoring techniques
data acquisition-routine-data gathering, 1080
infill and observation wells and 4D-seismic data, 1081
log(WOR) vs. cumulative-oil-production plots, and decline
curves, 1082–1084
numerical reservoir simulator, 1085
X -plot, 1082–1084
waterflood pattern, 1059–1061,1077
and well-spacing considerations, 1061–1063
waterflood technology
2D-areal calculation of, 1058
injector/producer-pattern layout of, 1061, 1073
limitations of, 1040
production response of, 1085
reservoir-geology considerations in, 1055–1057
saturation profile during, 1040, 1052
in U.S., 1038
X-ray shadowgraphs of, 1061
water flow detection, underground, 555
water influx, 910 ( see also waterdrive petroleum reservoirs)
constant, 1550
history matching for, 944
material balance, estimation with, 952–953
predicting history for, 957, 960
water-influx parameters and OOIP determination, 952–956
cooling effect of, 1077
in oil production, 1038
sensitivity studies, 1074
sources, 1078
surface facilities for, 1079
well fracturing, 1076
well bubble map, 1082–1083
water-intolerant epoxy resin, 1244
mobility ratio, 1546
problem, 1409
saturation distribution, 1045–1046
water/oil contact (WOC) in waterdrive reservoir, 901
water/oil displacement process, 1040
gravity in, role of, 1069
for homogeneous linear systems, 1052
vertical displacement characteristics of, 1066, 1071
water/oil ratio (WOR), 1157, 1269
water production ( W p ), 910
water-reactive diverting agents, 1221
water saturation ( S w ) determination ( see also S w data,
integration of; S w values; S w techniques, applications of)
approaches for, 461–467
calculation techniques for, 452–453
clean formations, 145–146
data availability and data quality, 453–461
methods, 467–469
microresistivity-vs.-porosity crossplots, 148–150
resistivity-vs.-porosity crossplots, 146–148
uncertainties, 469–471
water-shutoff gels, 1157
treatment, 1211–1212
water-soluble polymer, 1237
water source location behind casing, problems
activated-oxygen survey, 594
density and gravel-pack and temperature survey, 594
flowing fluid-capacitance survey for oil detection, 591–592
water-swelling polymer, 1242
water-wet reservoir matrix rock, 1330
water-wet reservoirs, 342, 706, 708
water-wet rock, 1041, 1051
capillary pressure characteristics of, 1043, 1045
wave-delta system, 20
wave-separation processing, 224
Waxman-Smits relationship, 158–159
Waxman-Smits shaly-sand model, 481
Waxman-Smits-Thomas (WST) model, 454, 457–458, 463
WBM routine-core-analysis data, 426
WEC. See Well Evaluation Conference
weighted average cost of capital, 1589
Welge equation, 1108
Welge technique, 1106
casing wear bend/collapse, 561–562
category, 549–550 ( see also production-logging application tables)
circulation lost returns, 553
damage, altered zone and skin effect, 748–750
drainage patterns, 1558
hydraulic fracture, 747, 755–756, 766, 785
hydraulic fracture conductivity, 721, 767
placement and density, 1602
production, economic limit, 1523–1524
profile production, 581–586
geological/petrophysical information and, 372
hydraulics, 983
hydrostatic pressure, 1240
unloading, 728, 735
wellbore, geometry and integrity, 379
balanced tangential method and, 384
casing-collar locators, 388
casing inspection logs, 388–392
cement-evaluation logs, 392–397
gyroscope surveys, 381
magnetic survey, 380–381
minimum curvature method, 385
openhole caliper logs, 387–388
simultaneous casing inspection and cement evaluation, 397
wellbore storage (WBS), 727, 744, 773
coefficient, 742, 794
distortion, 759, 771
effects, 785, 840
Well Evaluation Conference, 1495
wellhead environments, 698–699
subsea acquisition of pressure and temperature, 698–699
surface acquisition of downhole data, 698
wellhead injection pressure, 1079
well in virgin reservoir, pressure gradients in, 683–684
well logging, specialized
borehole gravimetry, 408–412
borehole imaging, 397–408
downhole magnetics, 412–414
wellbore, geometry and integrity of, 379–397
well logs uses and interpretation
R wa comparison, 150–152
Rxo / Rt quicklook, 152–154
saturation determination, 145–150
well magnetic stratigraphy (WMS), 414–415
well performance
deliverability testing, 1008–1012
drainage shapes, estimation, 1007
effects of skin, 1014
gas-well deliverability relationships and, 1012–1014
ideal gas, steady-state radial-flow equation for, 997
near-wellbore phenomena, 1000
non-Darcy flow, 1001
pressure-transient testing of gas wells, 1008
radius of investigation, 1007–1008
real-gas potential, 996–998
skin, 1000–1001
steady-state radial and horizontal liquid and gas flow, basic
equations, 996–999
transient flow, 1001–1007
well-test analysis
methods of, 792, 839
software, 759, 770
well-to-well tracer tests, 624
tracer application in, 651–659
value and importance, 651
West Howard-Glasscock unit oil field, 477–478
West Texas black oil
compositional analysis of, 906
oil and gas viscosities as pressure function, 907
PVT parameters for, 904–905
West Texas carbonate waterfloods, 1094
West Texas Clearfork, 1062
West Texas intermediate sweet crude prices, 1583
wet-gas reservoir, 982
wetness method, 369, 371
mineralogy to, 1042
of oil/water/solid system, 1040–1042
wetting-phase saturation, 1231
Wharton’s method, 1497
Wheatstone Bridge circuit, 362
Whitney Canyon-Carter Creek Gas Field, 481–483
Whitson-Torp method, characterization of volatile oil, 905
whole-core Boyles-law porosity measurements, 442
Wilcox formation black oil, reservoir and aquifer properties, 955
Wilmington oil field (California), 1089–1092
injection and production wells, 1091
ultimate-recovery factors for, 1092
wireless transmission, 694
wireline formation testers, 86, 1503
wireline logging correlations, 78, 86
wireline pressure testing, 695, 697
wireline pressure transient tests, 711–713
packer and multiple-probe tests for vertical interference
testing, 712
packer probe tests, 712
wireline-tool designs, 308–309
WLFT. See wireline formation testers
world incremental oil production, by gas injection, 1303
worldwide polymer flood review, 1183
WST exponents, cation-exchange capacity and, 457–459
Wyllie equation, 196, 199
Wyllie time-average formula, 199
Wyoming polymer floods, 1182
Wyoming’s Big Horn basin, 1213
xanthan biopolymer, 1161, 1177
xanthan gum polymer, 1160
X-ray diffraction (XRD), 423, 430, 432
y -on- x method, 445
zero-offset VSP, 65
z -factor, PVT behavior of real gases, 1509
zones types, starting from injector, 1368