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Geophysics is a broad subject that encompasses potential field theory (gravity and electromagnetic fields) and seismic technology. Potential field data are valuable in many studies, but seismic data are used in more reservoir characterization and reservoir management applications. This chapter focuses on seismic fundamentals and does not consider gravity, magnetic, or electrical concepts.

Seismic data have been used for many years to guide exploration. More recently, seismic data have been used to support reservoir characterization in field development planning and subsequent reservoir management. As the technology in equipment and interpretation techniques has advanced, so has the ability to define the size, shape, fluid content, and variation of some petrophysical properties of reservoirs. This chapter provides insight into the fundamentals of seismic data acquisition, interpretation techniques, and the types of information that can be derived. See the chapter on reservoir geophysics in the Emerging and Peripheral Technologies section of this Handbook for information on emerging technologies that apply geophysical data.

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