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Deposition of the high-molecular-weight components of petroleum fluids as solid precipitates in surface facilities, pipelines, downhole tubulars, and within the reservoir are well-recognized production problems. Depending on the reservoir fluid and the type of recovery process, the deposited solid may consist of asphaltenes, waxes, or a mixture of these materials. The deposits also can contain resins, crude oil, fines, scales, and water. 1 

This chapter discusses the experimental measurement and thermodynamic modeling of the phase behavior of solid waxes and asphaltenes in equilibrium with fluid hydrocarbon phases. Models for solid deposition in the reservoir and in pipelines also are presented. Although some of the laboratory techniques for determining solid precipitation are applicable to both waxes and asphaltenes, the characteristic behaviors of these materials can be very different; therefore, wax and asphaltene topics are treated separately.

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