Guidelines for Application of the Petroleum Resources Management System
The Oil and Gas Reserves Committee (OGRC) developed the Application Guidelines (AG) to provide practical examples for applying and interpreting the principles of the PRMS. The 2022 AG corresponds with the most current PRMS published in 2018.
Key considerations in the revision address the following:
-Expanded Scope - When the 2011 AG was published, assessment guidelines for unconventionals were still in their formative stage. The chapter on Unconventional Resources presents the current best practices for the assessment of these challenging reservoirs. The chapter includes numerous illustrative example applications for the user’s benefit.
-Additional Examples - Numerous example applications added to all of the chapters.
-Cross-referenced Chapters - The material in one chapter integrates with similar material in other chapters, and there are many cross-references between the chapters to present cons/p>stency of application.
-Revised glossary - Includes terms from the 2018 PRMS as well as terms presented only within the AG itself. This includes terminology related to seismic interpretation, which was lacking in the 2011 version.
-New chapters - Includes new chapters on Petrophysics and Reservoir Simulation which are extremely important domains that have become even more salient since the 2011 AG. The chapter on Petrophysics was considered especially important due to the first-time inclusion of the phrase “net pay” in the 2018 PRMS.
A public record of submitted revisions, edits, errors, and additions since the current published errata (2024) and published edition (2022) is now available. View the Change Log.
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