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The spatio-temporal database forms the backbone of the top-down model. This database is developed (assimilated/compiled) upon quality control of all the collected and gathered data. It includes two major data types: static data and dynamic data. As the phrase suggests, the static data include the field measurements that are not expected to change with time, while the dynamic data include parameters that are functions of time.

Furthermore, static data itself may be divided into two distinct classes. Truly static data that will not change as a function of time and dynamically modified static data. Dynamically modified static data are a series of parameters that represent averages of static characteristics calculated for some referenced reservoir volumes that change as a function of time. Static reservoir data such as average porosity associated with the drainage volume (where each well is producing from) is not a truly constant parameter. Because the drainage area that is accessible to each well changes as a function of time, as new wells are drilled in the reservoir, the average values of the static parameters representing the drainage volume, such as average porosity associated with the drainage area, will be subject to modification.

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