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We are living in an interesting time. Let us put the speed at which technology is changing our world in perspective. Take the example of the printing press vs. electronic mail or email. The printing press was invented in the fifteenth century and changed how people communicated. It was the most common mode of communication for more than 25 generations.1 It still is an integral part of our lives. But no one doubts that many of its functions are now performed by new technologies such as email, the Internet, eBooks, eNews, and so on. Furthermore, email became popular only after the 1990s. It quickly grew to become the most used mode of communication among people of all persuasions. However, now, in less than only one generation, it is losing its prominent position in human communications to other newly invented communication modes. The new generation hardly uses email. Email is now being replaced by text messages and social network communications. Email, such a step-change in our communications, is ready to relinquish its prominence in less than one generation. This is the speed at which the technology is moving forward.

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