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Copyright © 1991 Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. Symposium paper SPE 21499 was presented at the SPE Gas Technology Symposium held in Houston, Texas, 23–25 January 1991.

SPE 21499 presents a case history of stimulation of the Upper Devonian Sandstone (Fifth Elk) in the Appalachia Basin in Centre County of Pennsylvania. Hopkins et al. use a systematic approach to optimize stimulation treatments, including prefracture well tests and production data analysis, fracture treatment design optimization, and post-fracture well tests and production data analysis. The authors evaluate 10 wells using production data analysis methods to obtain estimates of permeability. Hopkins et al. then evaluate fracture treatments of 5 wells using a pseudo-3D fracture design model to obtain propped fracture geometries and identify the existing fracturing problems. On the basis of these findings, 5 wells are stimulated using higher-viscosity fluid and higher-sand concentrations and yield better-than-expected gas production. The authors then conduct a fullblown optimization study of 4 wells and document very detailed analysis and results, including permeability, skin, designed fracture half-length, achieved fracture half-length, and gas flow rates before and after stimulations. On the basis of these studies, Hopkins et al. conclude the following:

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