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Copyright © 1987 Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. Journal paper SPE 13876 was published in SPE Form Eval 2 (4), pgs. 535–545. Original SPE manuscript received for review 19 May 1985 and accepted for publication 14 March 1986. Revised manuscript received 25 March 1987 and first presented at the SPE/DOE Low Permeability Gas Reservoirs Symposium held in Denver, 19–22 May 1985.

SPE 13876 presents a case history of the formation evaluation, completion, and stimulation of the Paludal Interval (Late Cretaceous Lower Delta Plain deposits) of the Williams Fork Formation at the M-Site in the Piceance Basin in Colorado. Warpinski et al. provided first a detailed description of the regional geology and sedimentology, performed comprehensive coring (> 4,000 ft) and log analysis from two wells, measured in-situ stress throughout the Paludal Interval, conducted prefracture well tests and mini-fracture tests to estimate important parameters (e.g., permeability, fracture behavior, and leakoff coefficient), and discussed fracture design and implementation and treating pressure analysis using the Nolte-Smith method. The authors worked to improve their understanding of what causes a screenout and how to clean out the fracture sand in the wellbore. This study also discusses remedial treatments to break gel, which resulted in precipitation of iron oxides, and after 20 months of shut in, the better-than-expected production performance. Conclusions from the study include the following:

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