"Acknowledgments", Reservoir Surveillance, Jitendra Kikani
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This book could not have been completed without tremendous support and help from a number of people.
First and foremost, I want to thank my wife Phalguni, for being a constant inspiration and fervent supporter in this quest. She has sacrificed any and all discretionary time we have had over the past five years and has undertaken more than her fair share in family commitments. My two wonderful children deserve my admiration for their support since this book became a dream almost 10 years ago. Nupur, my daughter, and Gaurav, my son have given me all the reason to get focused on completing this book, reminding, cajoling and helping when they could to move this project along. With their own wonderful work ethic and dedication to their education, they have made this path easier for me. Thanks also go to Dr. Neeraj Agrawal for being the newest member of our family. Thanks to my father for being there for all of us.
Next, I want to sincerely thank Prof. Shahab Mohaghegh for being my conscience as the project manager for this effort – reminding, calling, and coordinating all the review activities. The two reviewers, Myrt “Bo” Cribbs and Wei-Chun Chu, deserve a lot of kudos for finding voluntary time to review the material and providing succinct feedback. I have known both of them for a long time as friends and colleagues. They are great professionals who are extremely knowledgeable and wonderfully helpful. Their feedback has made this book much better.
Thanks are due to David Belanger for reviewing a number of chapters in the book despite his tough rotational work schedule, providing sound advice based on years of field and theoretical experience with cased-hole logging. Thanks to Larry Sydora for helping with the 4D seismic technology section, of which I knew precious little when I started.
I appreciate the help I received from Jacque Dennis with the graphics throughout this project, especially her flexibility in adjusting to the vagaries of my schedule and needs. Jennifer Wegman of SPE deserves a special thanks for being the concert-master, asking, reminding, pushing, and encouraging me to complete this project and being always there for any questions I have had.
Lastly, I appreciate the support I received from Chevron, along with their permission to publish this book.
SPE would like to thank Shahab Mohaghegh for his generous contributions to the oversight of this book project on behalf of the Books Development Committee. We appreciate his contributions in working with the author and ensuring that timelines and quality standards were upheld throughout the process.