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We have already encountered two flow regimes, pseudosteady-state flow (PSSF) in Chapter 2 , and infinite-acting radial flow (IARF) in Chapter 3 . Other flow regimes include linear flow, bilinear flow, and spherical flow. Identifying the flow regimes present during a test is one of the most important steps in reservoir model identification. Because straight-line analysis methods rely on the presence of specific flow regimes, identifying the beginning and end of each flow regime is key to a successful straight-line analysis.

Each flow regime is characterized by its behavior on three different plots: (1) the log-log diagnostic plot; (2) the flow regime-specific specialized diagnostic plot, and (3) the flow regime-specific straight-line plot. The log-log diagnostic plot is the same for all flow regimes, while the specialized diagnostic and straight-line plots are specific to each flow regime. The log-log diagnostic plot may be used to identify the presence of, as well as to estimate the beginning and end of, any flow regimes present during a test. The flow regime-specific diagnostic plots may be used to identify the presence of and to estimate the onset and end of the specific flow regime for which it is constructed. Once the beginning and end of a flow regime is known, the flow regime-specific straight-line analysis plot may be constructed and the corresponding straight line may be drawn through the appropriate data.

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