"Acknowledgments", Applied Multiphase Flow in Pipes and Flow Assurance: Oil and Gas Production, Eissa M. Al-Safran, James P. Brill
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The authors gratefully acknowledge the petroleum engineering programs at Kuwait University and the University of Tulsa for their support during the preparation of this textbook. As we taught production and design classes at these universities, it became increasingly apparent that an undergraduate textbook that includes modern multiphase flow in pipes technology and its role in flow assurance of production systems simply did not exist.
Much of the technology for predicting the behavior of multiphase flow in pipes and selected areas of flow assurance has been developed over the past 40 years by graduate students, faculty, and staff of the Tulsa University Fluid Flow Projects (TUFFP). The authors gratefully acknowledge the tremendous support of the 80 domestic and international oil and gas production, service, consulting, and software companies and government agencies that provided TUFFP funding for this technology development.
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