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Although the selection of the best wells to stimulate is difficult and time consuming, selecting the right candidate is important and can significantly increase the likelihood of success (Shelley 1999). The selection of candidates for well stimulation is a complex process that requires well-data gathering, data analysis, screening, and ranking of potential stimulation candidates (Hopkins and Hill 1994). Despite the complexities, the importance of choosing a proper stimulation candidate cannot be overemphasized. Designing a perfect treatment on a well that does not meet the criteria for stimulation wastes time and resources. Because various wells will be selected for different treatment methods, candidate selection also should be tailored to treatment type: A well selected for matrix acidizing might not be fit for proppant or acid fracturing, for example. In addition to minimizing failure rates, candidate selection is necessary in budget restrictions and mutually exclusive situations (Nnanna and Ajienka 2005).

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