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The material comprising Chapter 6 is partially taken from Chapter 12 in SPE Monograph 12 (Gidley et al. 1989), titled Recent Advances in Hydraulic Fracturing. SPE Monograph 12 was published in 1989, so the content is not all that recent. However, the information in Chapter 12 is still relevant to drilling vertical wells in tight gas reservoirs and pumping fracturing treatments that are also vertical. If we were to discuss how to drill and complete horizontal wells, that information would be somewhat different, and it is not included in this chapter. You can find such information in other books.

Drilling personnel are sometimes judged by how fast they can drill a well to a specified depth. However, when one is drilling a well that will be completed and fracture treated in a low-permeability reservoir, the speed of the rig personnel is of secondary importance. Of primary importance is drilling a gauge borehole. If the borehole is in gauge, it substantially improves the chances of obtaining both an accurate suite of openhole geophysical logs and a satisfactory primary cementing job. When an accurate set of logs is obtained so that the potential producing zones can be easily identified, and when the primary cementing operation successfully isolates the potential producing zones, most completion problems will have been eliminated.

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