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A. Rashid Hasan is a professor of petroleum engineering at Texas A&M University (TAMU). Before joining TAMU, he headed the Chemical Engineering Departments at University of Minnesota, Duluth and University of North Dakota (UND), Grand Forks, and directed UND’s doctoral program in energy engineering. Hasan has also worked with NASA Glenn on various aspects of multiphase flow and thermohydraulic transients. He is an expert in the areas of production engineering, focusing on modeling complex transport processes in various elements of petroleum production systems. Hasan is one of the pioneers in modeling steady and transient transport of heat and momentum in wellbores. He applies heat-and fluid-flow modeling to the analyses of production safety, wellbore integrity, flow assurance, flow metering, and some aspects of pressure-transient testing. Hasan holds a PhD degree (1979) from the University of Waterloo, Canada. He has published extensively and has served on various SPE committees. Hasan was the recipient of the 2011 SPE Production and Operations Award and the 2015 SPE Distinguished Membership Award.

C. Shah Kabir is the proprietor of CS Kabir Consulting in Houston. With more than 40 years of experience in the ol and gas industry with Dome, Arco, Schlumberger, Chevron, and Hess, he has expertise in pressure- and ratetransient analysis, wellbore fluid- and heat-flow modeling, many aspects of reservoir engineering, and testing and performance forecasting in unconventional reservoirs. Kabir has published more than 140 papers and two books, and contributed to the SPE monograph Transient Well Testing. His experience includes knowledge of major oil provinces, including those in North America, North Sea, Middle East, and Far East. He holds a master’s degree (1976) in chemical engineering from University of Calgary, Canada. Kabir has served SPE in many capacities, including as an associate editor for SPE Production & Operations, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, and SPE Journal, and as an SPE Distinguished Lecturer during the 2006–2007 season. His major SPE awards include Honorary Membership (2016), Reservoir Description and Dynamics Award (2010), and Distinguished Membership (2008).


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