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Individual well rates enter into a variety of engineering calculations; surprisingly, the industry has struggled to meter this entity with decent accuracy unless the field is well-instrumented. In fact, accuracy in flow metering has not kept pace with pressure and temperature measurements. Ordinarily, allocation algorithms are used to assign individual well rates from total production unless a well is instrumented with a flowmeter. The lack of rigor of these allocation routines poses significant challenges during history matching of reservoir performance, particularly those routines involving rapidly changing events, such as coning or cresting of gas or water. In this context, test separators do not necessarily alleviate the metering issue simply because of inadequate flow time for large distances between a well and the point of separation, coupled with low test frequency. To compound the matter further, the industry has lacked motivations for accurate metering of nonessential entities, such as water, and to a large extent of gas because of its flaring in many field operations.

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