Surface casing of wellheads encounters chronic external corrosion challenge due to aggressive exposure conditions. The possible causes of the corrosion damage are: a) Seepage of water from associated equipment such as surface piping and wellhead valves during various operations and maintenance on water related wells. b) Presence of highly saline and corrosive water close to surface in "Subkha" environment. c) Impediments to effective cathodic protection at shallow depths. To counter this challenge one of the measures undertaken is to have a robust coating system having good abrasion and corrosion protection for the upper section of the casing at the landing base to resist this environment. A new coating technology composed of three layers system of which two layers consists of a proprietary epoxy resin reinforced with a layer of Quartz in between imparting the coated surface with properties to resist high impact, abrasion, temperature and cathodic disbondment properties. This new coating technology underwent extensive lab and field piloting successful trials to prove its performance in providing enhanced corrosion protection to surface casing and resolution to existing field challenge.


Corrosion damage in the buried wellhead equipment and surface casing immediately below the landing base is a major concern in the onshore fields. Initial schedule inspections in the past of the buried wellhead equipment reveals corrosion damage to the landing base, casing spools and surface casings. The damage were occurring in spite of an apparently successful in place cathodic protection program that has reduced the number of casing damage due to external corrosion.

The possible causes of the corrosion damage are:

a) Seepages of water from surface piping and wellhead valves during various operations on water related wells.

b) Presence of highly saline and corrosive water close to surface in "Subkha" environment.

c) Inefficient cathodic protection at shallow depths.

d) Soil conditions.

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