This paper will introduce a new TIC filler in granule form based on this technology, which can be formulated into coatings to bring high thermal insulative efficiency. The basis of the super insulation functionality in coatings is derived from the specially engineered microporous composite, where the structure has an optimized density combined with high hydrophobicity. The combination of properties allows high filler loading levels, far above conventional fumed silica. The high thermal insulative efficiency comes from the engineered particle design leading to filler which contributes significant passivation in a coating to the three major pathways of heat transfer, which are conduction, gaseous motion and radiation.
Coatings and formulating details will be highlighted.
Super insulation granules (SIG) based on a fumed silica core can be formulated into coatings to achieve high thermal insulative efficiency performance. The basis of the super insulation functionality in coatings is derived from the specially engineered microporous structure, optimized density combined with high hydrophobicity which allows high filler loading levels, far above conventional fumed silica. The high thermal insulative efficiency comes from an innovative design leading to significant passivation of the three major pathways of heat transfer. Ultra-high loading of this mineral based filler with a minimized viscosity build-up allows the coating to achieve an outstanding thermal insulation value with spray quality application utility.
The new granule design formulated into coatings offer an easy to apply alternative in a coating applied form to eliminate costly maintenance resulting from corrosion under insulation. Dimensional stability driving durability, super-hydrophobicity driving water repellency, low thermal conductivity driving thermal performance, and high thermal stability will all be highlighted. Formulating details will address incorporation and application of thermal insulation coatings for optimized results. Real life use cases which apply a commercial TIC using this new filler technology will highlight the utility in practice. As a formulation synergist, a new SIG synergistic filler will also be introduced, in support of SIG technology with the main purpose to assist in mechanical reinforcement and reduce cracking.