Detailed comparative efficacy laboratory studies were conducted using relevant field conditions which highlighted the excellent performance of this new biocide compared to other commonly used oil and gas biocides. Results showed that the biguanide polyammonium blend provided quick and persistent biocidal activity against a range of bacteria, including acid producing and sulfate reducing bacteria at low concentrations. The blend was also compatible with additives typically found in oil and gas stimulation fluid packages and worked over a broad range of pH, TDS, and temperatures, indicating broad fluid and environmental compatibility across a wide range of oil and gas applications. In addition, results show strong performance advantages against corrosion causing biofilms. These results were verified in a field trial that confirmed the biocidal performance of the biguanide-polyammonium blend against biofilm in a produced water processing facility.
Microbial contamination in the development of unconventional oil and gas formations can cause numerous problems, including formation plugging, microbial induced corrosion, and well souring, all of which can have a negative effect on well productivity and quality of oil and gas. The most common method to control microbial contamination during stimulation of unconventional oil and gas formations is through the use of biocides. Traditional oil and gas biocides such as glutaraldehyde/quaternary ammonium blends struggle to provide effective microbial control under the severe conditions encountered during stimulation of unconventional oil and gas formations. Glutaraldehyde decomposes and becomes ineffective at high temperatures and monomeric quats adsorb to sand and are deactivated.1,2 The innovative biguanide polyammonium blend (BPAB) described in this paper was specifically developed to provide improved microbial control under these severe conditions. It's performance against biofilm presents opportunities in additional oil and gas segments such as production and pipeline applications. In addition to improved microbial control, the biguanide polyammonium blend has an excellent HSE profile with very low risk for eye and skin irritation, skin sensitization, or inhalation toxicity demonstrating that it is safer to handle than other biocides.3