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Keywords: virgin naphtha
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 16th World Petroleum Congress, June 11–15, 2000
Paper Number: WPC-30330
... petroken virgin naphtha Downstream Oil & Gas PGM alcohol Propylene asset and portfolio management La Plata petrochemical refinery refining isobutylene requirement operation polibuteno argentino YPF availability raw material polypropylene naphtha utilisation integration...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 5th World Petroleum Congress, May 30–June 5, 1959
Paper Number: WPC-8203
...Seetion III-Paper 3 A NEW ISOMERIZATION PROCESS BY K. P. LANNEAU, W. F. AREY, S. F. PERRY A. SCHRIESHEIM AND H. A. HOLCOMB ABSTRACT. Esso Research and Engineering Company is developing an isomerization process for upgrad- ing c5/c6 virgin naphthas. The process employs a highly active catalyst...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, June 6–15, 1955
Paper Number: WPC-6214
... SYNOPSIS. At the present time, 126,000 barrels per day of Fluid Hydroforming plant capacity is being installed in the United States and throughout the world. Fluid Hydroforming is a continuous regenerative process for producing 90-100 O.N. gasoline from virgin naphthas. This process makes use...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, May 28–June 6, 1951
Paper Number: WPC-4320
... Synopsis Higher compression ratio automobiles of the future will require higher octane number motor fuels. Since the virgin naphtha portion of the present gasoline pools is the lowest octane number constituent, hydroforming virgin naphtha is an attractive method of increasing the over-all...

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