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Keywords: steam drive
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 12th World Petroleum Congress, April 26–May 1, 1987
Paper Number: WPC-22241
... flooding professor surguchev flow in porous media heterogeneity steam drive Reservoir Heterogeneity injection Oil Recovery permeability Chairman reservoir DISCUSSION THE ECONOMIC COMPLEXITY OF ENHANCED RECOVERY Chairman: F. I. STALKUP, ARCO Oil and Gas Co., (USA) Th.e Chairman, Dr. F. I...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 11th World Petroleum Congress, August 28–September 2, 1983
Paper Number: WPC-20224
... Abstract. A 31-wel1, 20 hectare steam drive pilot has been in operation near Peace River, Alberta, Canada, since November of 1979. The pilot is a field test of a laboratory developed pressure cycle steam drive process. The objectives of the pilot are to test reservoir performance, to improve...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 11th World Petroleum Congress, August 28–September 2, 1983
Paper Number: WPC-20239
... for an appraisal of EOR technology and its future potential, this study 2xamines 387 388 THE EFFICIENCY OF ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY TECHNIQUES RP13 the recovery efficiencies of 117 important EOR field tests covering six major techniques, as follows: EOR technique No. of projects Steam drive 26 In situ combustion 34...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 11th World Petroleum Congress, August 28–September 2, 1983
Paper Number: WPC-20226
... interest with a STOIIP of 110 x 10 m3 (700 x lo9 bbl). Total economic ultimate recovery using cyclic steam injection followed by steam drive is estimated to be 39 x lo9 m3 (245 X lo9 bbl), with a recovery factor close to 25%. Presently it is foreseen that production requirements from the Orinoco Heavy Oil...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, June 13–18, 1971
Paper Number: WPC-14228
... Abstract Since the early 'fifties, hot-fluid injection methods to improve the production from heavy-oil reservoirs have received considerable attention. Hot-water and steam drive were field-tested first, but development of these processes has been considerably delayed in favour of cyclic...

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