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Keywords: feed stock
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Proceedings Papers
Sarvesh Kumar, Alex Cheru Pulikottil, Alok Sharma, B. Ravi Kumar, Manoranjan Santra, Brijesh Kumar, Biswajit Basu, Satish Makhija, Anand Kumar
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 19th World Petroleum Congress, June 29–July 3, 2008
Paper Number: WPC-19-1798
... under elevated temperature and hydrogen environment. Regeneration is accomplished in situ by burning the adsorbed sulfur with air inside the reactor. The paper discusses the pilot studies for desulphurization of cracked gasoline feed stocks such as gasoline from FCC, Coker, Visbreaker etc. to meet ultra...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 9th World Petroleum Congress, May 11–16, 1975
Paper Number: WPC-16429
... steam low sulphur fuel oil feed stock sp 8 Upstream Oil & Gas coal operation bead utilisation vacuum residue carbon petroleum Japan THERMAL CRACKING OF RESIDUAL O STEAM AND APPLICATION OF Abstract Rksumé A new thermal cracking process to produce cracked On a m LS USING SUPERHEATED...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 7th World Petroleum Congress, April 2–9, 1967
Paper Number: WPC-12315
... contaminant haensel feed stock eastwood Downstream Oil & Gas reactor sulphuric acid operation Smith octane number Netherlands Spijker hydrogenation panel discussion durabead 5 catalyst conversion process fraction zeolite regeneration Dr. RAWLINGS: Can the more...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 7th World Petroleum Congress, April 2–9, 1967
Paper Number: WPC-12426
... naphtha diluent Dealkylation manufacture hydrogen selective production hydrogen dilution mole ratio feed stock toluene reaction heavy naphtha PYROLYSIS OF HYDROCARBONS IN THE PRESENCE OF HYDROGEN : SELECTIVE PRODUCTION OF ETHYLENE Abstract Pyrolytic cracking of heavy naphtha, kerosene...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 7th World Petroleum Congress, April 2–9, 1967
Paper Number: WPC-12422
... and Managing Director of the Institut für Gastechnik, Feuerungstechnik und Wasserchemie der T. H. Karlsruhe, Germany. which t continuous process natural gas reaction naphtha Downstream Oil & Gas feed stock gasification oxygen conversion catalyst synthesis gas hydrocarbon manufacture...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 6th World Petroleum Congress, June 19–26, 1963
Paper Number: WPC-10321
... affected. The same principle of the selective cold hydrogenation in the liquid phase can be used for the removal of residual amounts of butadiene from a C4 feed stock from which butadiene has been extracted. The method of cold hydrogenation .is likewise useful in the removal of small amounts of butadiene...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 6th World Petroleum Congress, June 19–26, 1963
Paper Number: WPC-10325
... surface of the reactor are negligible even after long operation. Quenching the hot gas leaving the reactor with cold water is unnecessary, because the acetylene produced is stabilized under reduced pressure. No fuel for preheating the feed stock is necessary, the heat necessary for this purpose...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 6th World Petroleum Congress, June 19–26, 1963
Paper Number: WPC-10218
.... The catalyst is distinguished by its high tolerance for nitrogen compounds normally present in many petroleum feed stocks, and is regenerable if this is ever desired. Virgin, catalytically cracked, and coker gas oils boiling up to 870 o F. and containing 40-2600 ppm. of nitrogen have been processed over...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 5th World Petroleum Congress, May 30–June 5, 1959
Paper Number: WPC-8305
... ABSTRACT. Farbwerke Hoechst AG. has built a number of petrochemical plants in which hydrocarbons of different molecular weights are thermally cracked to lower-molecular-weight olefins. The influence of cracking temperature and feed stock composition on yield and composition of the end products...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 5th World Petroleum Congress, May 30–June 5, 1959
Paper Number: WPC-8620
... Artificial Intelligence reactor feed stock Ethylene dependent charge equation Section Vn-Paper 23 THEORY OF COMPLEX RECYCLING PROCESSES OF PETROCHEMICAL SYNTHESIS BY M. F. NAGIEV ABSTRACT. Despite the extensive use of recycling in ihe chemical industry, the absence of an appropriate comprehensive...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 5th World Petroleum Congress, May 30–June 5, 1959
Paper Number: WPC-8227
... capabilities of this new process to handle feed stocks ranging from atmospheric to vacuum residua make Fluid Coking an attractive method for reducing residual fuel production. RESUME. Le succès du Fluid Coking obtenu dans des cokeries à l échelon commercial, d une capa- cité de 3800 à 42000 barils par jour...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, June 6–15, 1955
Paper Number: WPC-6240
... will give an additional source of feed stocks for catalytic cracking and thus will increase the total yield of motor fuels and will improve their quality. However, along with additional light distillate production the use of coking processes results in increased yields of gases1and coke. The large...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, June 6–15, 1955
Paper Number: WPC-6225
... servir comme combustible ou bien etre utilisé pour des applications spéciales. Des sociétés af production monitoring distillation coker gas-oil gravity voorhy production control oil company crude residuum Conradson carbon Reservoir Surveillance gasoline feed stock Pilot Plant Sulfur...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, June 6–15, 1955
Paper Number: WPC-6220
... of the more importmt ndcnnces were the cracking of heavy fractions, and recycle cracking when processing heavy feed stocks. These process ndvan, ces h, ave led to better utilization of crude, giving significarttly more gasoline und heating oil a, t the expense of heavy fuel oil. Further improvemen.ts...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, May 28–June 6, 1951
Paper Number: WPC-4323
... laboratory and pilot correlation between aromatics yield and treating plant results. conditions. I. Introduction Notre communication principale avait pour objet de présenter les possibilités de fabrication d'essences d'aviation en utilisant, comme l'un des consti- gasoline feed stock...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, May 28–June 6, 1951
Paper Number: WPC-4208
..., and asphalt compounds present must be removed in addition to the wax, in order to obtain a stable solvent loss phenol sulphur dioxide enhanced recovery propane steam-solvent combination residue extraction feed stock solvent ratio raffinate corrosion manufacture Extraction Plant Downstream...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, May 28–June 6, 1951
Paper Number: WPC-4315
... gasolines are increased by increasing feed conversion, increasing operating temperature, increasing steam concentration, increasing throughput ratio at a given total feed conversion, and by decreasing operating pressure, decreasing catalyst activity, decreasing feed stock 20 per cent point (naphtha-free...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, May 28–June 6, 1951
Paper Number: WPC-4320
... dehydrogenation octane number virgin naphtha feed stock high temperature naphtha reaction investment reactor gasoline pool cfrr octane carbon regenerator regeneration FLUID HYDROFORMING BY E. V. MURPHREE" Synopsis Higher compression ratio automobiles of the future will require higher octane number...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, May 28–June 6, 1951
Paper Number: WPC-4326
...' F. et un "severity f Downstream Oil & Gas Sulfur type operation Compound Hydrogen Sulfide feed stock fraction catalyst sulfur compound clay catalyst Sulfur Removal severity factor sulfur content conversion schwarzenbek distillate coke Sulfur desulfurization...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, May 28–June 6, 1951
Paper Number: WPC-4316
... and, by adsorbing materials which tenld to form coke, enable operations to be conducted at much higher temperatures and pressures than would be possible without them. The effects of temperature, pressure, reaction time and feed stock boiling-range on the product quality and distribution are generally similar...