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Keywords: equilibrium
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Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 18th World Petroleum Congress, September 25–29, 2005
Paper Number: WPC-18-1036
... of factors impact the most the flows leading to the right equilibrium. Three main elements, I believe, pave the way to the right balance once demand needs and supply sources have been assessed: - State of the gas chains infrastructure including production facilities, gas-lines and LNG chain; - Vision...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 14th World Petroleum Congress, May 29–June 1, 1994
Paper Number: WPC-26172
..., Kenkijak and Urekhtau. The first gas-condensate-oil field of the PD (Orenburg) was developed starting in 1972. The huge experie flow in porous media complex reservoir displacement equilibrium condensate reservoir geothermal gradient variation gravity recovery factor Fluid Dynamics...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 12th World Petroleum Congress, April 26–May 1, 1987
Paper Number: WPC-22409
... the basis for a new equilibrium. For some time, it was believed that OPEC production in the range of 20 to 25 million B/D, the 'comfort zone', would provide adequate revenue without unduly straining current capacity. But volume alone is clearly not enough to define a stable equilibrium. OPEC production...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 7th World Petroleum Congress, April 2–9, 1967
Paper Number: WPC-12449
... orthoa monsanto co isomerization Europe preparation catalyst corrosion reaction panel discussion equilibrium acid Knapp new use Downstream Oil & Gas phenol Schneider mole petroleum aromatic PANEL DISCUSSION NEW USES FOR PETRQLEUM AROMATICS CHAIRMAN: F. ASINGER (Germany) VICE...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 7th World Petroleum Congress, April 2–9, 1967
Paper Number: WPC-12421
... substantial savings in investment are achieved by compressing the smaller volumes of feed gas rather than the larger volumes of reformed product gas. This movement toward higher pressures may seem anomalous since it is known that steam reforming equilibrium is not favored through increase in pres- sure...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 7th World Petroleum Congress, April 2–9, 1967
Paper Number: WPC-12557
.... ORNEA Shell Development Company Emeryville, California getting further and further removed from practical applications in industry. Nevertheless, there have been some attempts to Game Theory equilibrium payoff Downstream Oil & Gas firm 1 competitive situation Artificial Intelligence...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 7th World Petroleum Congress, April 2–9, 1967
Paper Number: WPC-12618
... hand, for instance in case of diesel engines, and for special conditions burning chambers of gas turbine, of rockets, etc., on 6. f OH f -+ Hzo -t- chain breaking the other hand. equilibrium ignition hydrocarbon combustion kinetic problem atom hydrogen atom nitric oxide utilization new...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 7th World Petroleum Congress, April 2–9, 1967
Paper Number: WPC-12832
... Production Chemistry Corrosion Management Workplace Hazard Upstream Oil & Gas psia Corrosion Inhibition Downstream Oil & Gas heating steam partial pressure van krevelin sour water oilfield chemistry H2S management equilibrium theoretical tray air pollution molar ratio...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 7th World Petroleum Congress, April 2–9, 1967
Paper Number: WPC-12209
... than that of the single grains. Omitting body forces, this cube is kept in equilibrium by the pore pressure and by the forces deriving from the neighbouring media, represented by the sym- metrical tensor = z y x a y z y z (1) I I where the oi and the zii are the normal and shearing forces operating...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 6th World Petroleum Congress, June 19–26, 1963
Paper Number: WPC-10201
... to thermodynamic equilibrium, at liquid product yields exceeding 100°/ov can be at- tained at the low temperatures which favour the production of the desired isoparaffins. The purposes of this paper are: 1.To describe the LPI process as applied to the various feedstocks, presenting conversion, yield, and operating...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 6th World Petroleum Congress, June 19–26, 1963
Paper Number: WPC-10112
... entre la pression de vapeur à la surface a water saturated core was measured in the measuring libre de l'eau et la pression exercée dans un échantillon device after equilibrium was gained. In case that the de roche satur é d'eau, est mesur ée - aprés avoir atteint pressure difference at equilibrium...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 5th World Petroleum Congress, May 30–June 5, 1959
Paper Number: WPC-8405
... of small or moderately small values of CF and cG, [ will be independent of the concentration. I t will however in practically all casCs depend on the temperature, .$ being an equilibrium constant. Its temperature dependence will generally be determined by the expression dint U d T - RTZ (2) ~ -- where T...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 5th World Petroleum Congress, May 30–June 5, 1959
Paper Number: WPC-8518
... of structure. Micelles are in equilibrium with nonmicellar soap in the solvent so that the system behaves as a dilute but saturated soap solution in equilibrium with a finely divided saturating phase. This situation favors rapid and extensive adsorption on polar surfaces to effect detergency or rust inhibition...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 5th World Petroleum Congress, May 30–June 5, 1959
Paper Number: WPC-8916
... today at least one nuclear device is run in the majority of the wells drilled in the search for detector uranium Upstream Oil & Gas well logging borehole nuclear log concentration interpretation gamma-ray log equilibrium nuclear well operation neutron potassium Petroleum...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 5th World Petroleum Congress, May 30–June 5, 1959
Paper Number: WPC-8203
... which permits liquid phase opera- tion at low temperature, 80-120°F. Equilibrium isomer distribution at this temperature leve1 favors forma- tion of the branched, high octane isomers. The process operates with almost 100 volume per cent yield at high conversion levels, and high octane isomerizate...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, May 28–June 6, 1951
Paper Number: WPC-4532
... catalytic removal dehydrite Production Chemistry equilibrium Hydrogen Sulfide oxygen content composition absorption oxygen space velocity apparatus hydrogen reaction CATALYTIC REMOVAL OF OXYGEN FROM SOUR CRACKED GASES BY C. G. BERTIL HAMMAR * Synopsis In desulfurizing a Swedish shale gas...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, May 28–June 6, 1951
Paper Number: WPC-4605
...THE STABILITY AND COMPATIBILITY OF FUEL OILS BY C. W. G. MARTIN* Synopsis Certain so-called residual fuel oils may, for reasons stated, develop instability and deposit sedi- ment. The paper reviews the equilibrium of fuel oil systems, explains what is meant by instability in its various forms...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, May 28–June 6, 1951
Paper Number: WPC-4203
... this unit to be highly satis- factory for the determination of equilibrium vapori- zation curves, throughout practically the entire range of ratios of percent vaporized. Résumé L ingénieur d études a souvent besoin de doiinées concernant l équilibre vapeur-liquide pour établir un projet d appareillage en...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 2nd World Petroleum Congress, June 14–19, 1937
Paper Number: WPC-2134
... und mixtures. r in thc Nomogram is the rotio, at equilibrium. od moli. or weight of a component (1)I in the Gas phas-, io the fatal mols or ioeiqht of that component in the sustem. K equilibrium ccnstant od thol CÒmponent, cct the tempcrat, ure and pressure under (1), consirlt-ration, corrected...