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Keywords: SAGD
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Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 23rd World Petroleum Congress, December 5–9, 2021
Paper Number: WPC-23-2393
... directional drilling drilling operation upstream oil & gas steam-assisted gravity drainage bitumen sagd social responsibility sustainability complex reservoir enhanced recovery sustainable development application canada government consideration suncor energy inc deposit...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 23rd World Petroleum Congress, December 5–9, 2021
Paper Number: WPC-23-1991
... government social responsibility oil sand thermal method sagd bitumen available sustainable development smnr canada government operation application canadian nuclear laboratory extraction electricity water reactor enhanced recovery climate change reactor vendor energy saskatchewan...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 22nd World Petroleum Congress, July 9–13, 2017
Paper Number: WPC-22-2383
... injection, cyclic steam injection, and steam-assisted gravity drainage. Steam flooding involves using injection steam to push oil from an injector well into a producer well. Cyclic steam is a process of repeatedly injecting steam into and producing from the same well. Steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 20th World Petroleum Congress, December 4–8, 2011
Paper Number: WPC-20-2866
... thermal method steam-assisted gravity drainage residue high quality product enhanced recovery Downstream Oil & Gas Petroleum Coke heavy oil upgrading Upstream Oil & Gas heavy crude oil meet feedstock flexibility refinery SAGD transportation fuel demand diesel configuration...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 20th World Petroleum Congress, December 4–8, 2011
Paper Number: WPC-20-3274
..., Portugal, Nigeria and Argentina. The main methods for extraction are generally mining and in situ. Within the insitu methods are the following processes: ? Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) ? Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS) ? The Vapour Extraction Process (VAPEX) ? Toe to Heel Air Injection (THAI...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 20th World Petroleum Congress, December 4–8, 2011
Paper Number: WPC-20-3275
..., Portugal, Nigeria and Argentina. The main methods for extraction are generally mining and in situ. Within the insitu methods are the following processes: ? Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) ? Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS) ? The Vapour Extraction Process (VAPEX) ? Toe to Heel Air Injection (THAI...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 19th World Petroleum Congress, June 29–July 3, 2008
Paper Number: WPC-19-0925
... the massive untapped carbonate resource SAGD Alberta enhanced recovery licence Pilot Test Energy Institute Grosmont formation thermal method Upstream Oil & Gas permission 19th wpc proceedings steam-assisted gravity drainage machine language heavy oil carbonate reservoir document form...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 19th World Petroleum Congress, June 29–July 3, 2008
Paper Number: WPC-19-2431
... sand complex reservoir athabasca oil sands permission document form part bitumen Upstream Oil & Gas synthetic gas 19th wpc proceedings cogeneration thermal method SAGD Long Lake machine language Energy Institute diluent 19th World Petroleum Congress, Spain 2008 Forum 04...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 19th World Petroleum Congress, June 29–July 3, 2008
Paper Number: WPC-19-2856
... machine language enhanced recovery steam-assisted gravity drainage forum 07 fuji oil refinery spain 2008 permission 19th wpc proceedings means bitumen Upstream Oil & Gas reactor refinery Energy Institute Eureka process SAGD Downstream Oil & Gas licence operation document form...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 18th World Petroleum Congress, September 25–29, 2005
Paper Number: WPC-18-0886
... chemical flooding methods annual spe tech ref 0 Upstream Oil & Gas opportunity block 1 recovery factor reservoir gas injection Brazil SAGD oil production Conf Symposium injection Oil Recovery Improved Oil Recovery: Status and Opportunities Block 1, Forum 5 paper Improved Oil Recovery...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 16th World Petroleum Congress, June 11–15, 2000
Paper Number: WPC-30128
... of scale With formation fracturing Scaled models are useful for modelling only a In situ combustion portion of the field, with limited geological SAGD: Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage description Electrical heating VALUE OF SCALED MODELS NUMERICAL SIMULATION Scaled models retain many aspects of reservoir...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 16th World Petroleum Congress, June 11–15, 2000
Paper Number: WPC-30129
... experience in evaluating the potential of waterflooding, chemically assisted waterflooding, miscible gas injection (CO2, hydrocarbon, and N2), and thermal recovery processes (steam drive, SAGD and in-situ combustion). Options for using horizontal wells in conventional oil recovery and IOR processes are also...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 16th World Petroleum Congress, June 11–15, 2000
Paper Number: WPC-30149
... Abstract. Increasingly, new and sophisticated technologies have been required to economically develop the more difficult to produce bitumen and heavy oil fields. In-situ oil production technologies using the steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) are innovative synergies of technology advances...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 16th World Petroleum Congress, June 11–15, 2000
Paper Number: WPC-30140
... enhanced recovery steam-assisted gravity drainage viscosity oil sand complex reservoir Cold Lake thermal method SAGD recovery process bitumen operation bitumen production CSS Upstream Oil & Gas Alberta technology development application natural gas Production Project Canada startup...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 15th World Petroleum Congress, October 12–17, 1997
Paper Number: WPC-29198
... multilateral well SAGD architecture COMPLEX WELL ARCHITECTURE, IOR AND HEAVY OILS Gérard Renard and Eric Delamaide, Institut Français du Pétrole, 1 and 4 , Avenue de Bois-Préau, Rueil-Malmaison, France; Rob Morgan and Jean-Pierre Fossey, CS Resources Limited, 29th Floor, 645 - 7th Avenue S . W., Calgary...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 15th World Petroleum Congress, October 12–17, 1997
Paper Number: WPC-29188
... reservoir management techniques in actual heavy oil applications will also be discussed. New technologies, e.g. fiber optic sensors for downhole temperature and pressure measurements, 4D seismic, and steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) process will be presented. Finally, a picture of ‘Reservoir...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 15th World Petroleum Congress, October 12–17, 1997
Paper Number: WPC-29204
... Abstract. An enhanced SAGD process named SAGD-ISSLW for heavy oil recovery has been studied by experiments using 2-dimensional scaled physical-models, video and infra-red visualization techniques. In the usual SAGD process, oil production rate increases with increasing vertical well spacing...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 15th World Petroleum Congress, October 12–17, 1997
Paper Number: WPC-29162
... Directional Drilling western canada Upstream Oil & Gas producer SAGD Shell Canada application lateral technology provide lateral well drilling operation Alberta productivity underbalanced drilling horizontal well Drilling western canada sedimentary basin Saskatchewan...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 15th World Petroleum Congress, October 12–17, 1997
Paper Number: WPC-29200
..., mapping of plan view, profile, bar diagram and three dimension diagram. Selection of horizontal well and its geological design. We can a enhanced recovery bitumen steam-assisted gravity drainage thermal method SAGD Upstream Oil & Gas oil sand viscosity Liaohe Oilfield complex...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 15th World Petroleum Congress, October 12–17, 1997
Paper Number: WPC-29197
... in significant ways, are stimulation-type applications. Here we take an extended view that the use of horizontal instead of conventi steam-assisted gravity drainage cyclic steam injection thermal method Upstream Oil & Gas mechanism enhanced recovery recovery process oil production SAGD...