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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 21st World Petroleum Congress, June 15–19, 2014
Paper Number: WPC-21-1708
... in the given domain, so that all the stake holders related to an energy sector gets into a win-win situation, making the key take way of the paper. investment President Saudi Arabia Russia comparative study social issue Jurisdiction moscow 2014 joint stock company governance GDP procedure...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 19th World Petroleum Congress, June 29–July 3, 2008
Paper Number: WPC-19-4946
... On June 30 - July 1,2008, Sergey Bogdanchikov, the President of Rosneft Oil Company and the Chairman of the Russian National Committee of the World Petroleum Council, took part in the 19th World Petroleum Congress. The Congress uniting more than 60 countries was dedicated to a highly topical...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th World Petroleum Congress, October 12–17, 1997
Paper Number: WPC-28001
.... At the opening of the Beijing Congress, there were 47 National Committees all members of the Per- manent Council. The Council usually meets only during the Congress, and is concerned mainly with the election of the President and other WPC officers, the election of new member countries (seven new members were...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 14th World Petroleum Congress, May 29–June 1, 1994
Paper Number: WPC-26001
... director general Committee Chair arild oma steine jostein mykletun secretary general wpc Norge Statoil amerada hess norge director smedvig Venezuela vice-president elf petroleum norge Secretary Deputy Chair sen President director deminex norge corresponding member...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 14th World Petroleum Congress, May 29–June 1, 1994
Paper Number: WPC-26265
...DISCUSSION ENVIRONMENTAL Chairman: Dr. RANDALL G. GOSSEN, Vice President Environment, Health and Safety, Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd. (Canada) Dr. GOSSEN welcomed the audience and intro- duced the Vice Chairmen, Dr. BERNARD TRAMIER, Corporate Director of Environmental Affairs for Elf...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 13th World Petroleum Congress, October 20–25, 1991
Paper Number: WPC-24001
...), Bucharest (1979), London cerned mainly with the election of the President and (1983), Houston (1987), and Buenos Aires (1991). other WPC officers, the election of new member At the Buenos Aires Congress, the decision was countries, and the selection of the venue for the next taken to move to a three-year...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 12th World Petroleum Congress, April 26–May 1, 1987
Paper Number: WPC-22001
... Treasurer white chairman martínez treasurer national committee modarressi ghavami President Executive Board committee responsibility Committee Chairman granier Secretary-General von ilsemann deputy chairman permanent council scientific programme committee Chairman THE WORLD...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 12th World Petroleum Congress, April 26–May 1, 1987
Paper Number: WPC-22005
... Volatility energy security President producer safeguard speech incentive Keynote Address oil industry economic climate domestic production objective natural gas allocation control Upstream Oil & Gas Petroleum Congress united states energy cooperation exploration consumer...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 11th World Petroleum Congress, August 28–September 2, 1983
Paper Number: WPC-20002
...WORLD PETROLEUM CONGRESSES: ORGANIZATION President Vice Presidents Treasurer Secretary-General Chairman: W. von Ilsemann Algeria Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Denmark France FR Germany GDR Hungary India IR Iran Italy Japan Mexico Netherlands Niger i a Norway PR China Poland...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 11th World Petroleum Congress, August 28–September 2, 1983
Paper Number: WPC-20018
... premier Congrès, en 1933, eussent semblé totalement insurmontables. Cela me remémore un peu Lord Kelvin, Président de la Société Royale au dix- neuvième siècle, qui disait n entrevoir aucune possibilité pour les machines plus lourdes que l air de pouvoir jamais voler. Or, l histoire se répète sans cesse...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 11th World Petroleum Congress, August 28–September 2, 1983
Paper Number: WPC-20008
...VOTE OF THANKS AND PRESENTATION OF THE TO H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES A. T. Gregory President of the Institute of Petroleum HONORARY FELLOWSHIP OF THE INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM Here in the United Kingdom, the sponsoring body for the World Petroleum Congresses is the Institute of Petroleum...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 11th World Petroleum Congress, August 28–September 2, 1983
Paper Number: WPC-20019
... . -I . . . - VOTE D E REMERCIEMENTS ET PRESENTATION DU TITRE DE MEMBRE HONORAIRE DE L INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM À SAR LE PRINCE D E GALLES A. T. Gregory Président de l lnstitute of Petroleum Au Royaume-Uni, l organisation qui patronne les Congrès mondiaux du pétrole est l Institut du Pétrole et c est...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 11th World Petroleum Congress, August 28–September 2, 1983
Paper Number: WPC-20003
... on fold-out sheets in the booklet. Organization of the Congress OPENING CEREMONY The Opening Ceremony was performed by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales at the Royal Albert Hall, Kensington, London, on the afternoon of Sunday August 28, 1983. His Royal Highness was received by the President, Dr W...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 11th World Petroleum Congress, August 28–September 2, 1983
Paper Number: WPC-20020
...ALLOCUTI ON Dr W. von Ilsemann Président des Congrès Mondiaux du Pétrole Qu il me soit permis de vous souhaiter la plus chaleureuse bienvenue à notre cérémonie de clôture et de vous remercier d y assister. Un Congrès aussi important que le nôtre ne peut se terminer sans cérémonie et j estime que...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 11th World Petroleum Congress, August 28–September 2, 1983
Paper Number: WPC-20015
... President Allocution bienvenue J'ai l'honneur et le plaisir de souhaiter la bienvenue de Congrès antérieurs ou grâce à des contacts établis au Président et au Conseil permanent des Congrès dans le monde entier. J'espère pouvoir vous mondiaux du pétrole, ainsi qu'à vous, Mesdames et...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 10th World Petroleum Congress, September 9–14, 1979
Paper Number: WPC-18002
.... Choufoer, Shell International Petroleum, Maatschappij BV L. Bednarz, Deputy Director, Department of Government, Materials M. Alvarez Garcillan, Chairman, Intercontinental Quimica SA D. G. Milne, President, Institute of Petroleum J. E. Swearingen, Chairman of the Board, Standard Oil of Indiana N. A. Maltsev...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 10th World Petroleum Congress, September 9–14, 1979
Paper Number: WPC-18018
... Allemagne R. Balken, Ambassadeur en Roumanie Royaume-Uni URSS Venezuela Daniel Brunella, Secrétaire d état à l Energie Sénateur H. C. L. Bauer, Président, Compagnie Nationale Autri- G. Froment, Professeur, Laboratoire pour la Technologie Pétro- chienne du Pétrole chimique de l Université de Gand M. Alvarez...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 10th World Petroleum Congress, September 9–14, 1979
Paper Number: WPC-18004
... Reservoir Characterization Ceausescu France President palace scientific secretary Upstream Oil & Gas Netherlands Romania museum enhanced recovery tours reception programme Ceremony Institute participant von Ilsemann Minister petroleum Chairman EVENTS DURING...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 10th World Petroleum Congress, September 9–14, 1979
Paper Number: WPC-18020
... à la cérémonie d ouverture et de l attention et l intérêt portés au congrès, et aux problèmes de l énergie. Madame Elena Ceausescu, Présidente du Conseil National pour la Science et la Technologie et directrice de l Institut Central de Chimie, a été saluée de même, et le président a souligné que c...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 10th World Petroleum Congress, September 9–14, 1979
Paper Number: WPC-18030
... donnée à l'application des nouvelles idées dans la politique, la science et la technologie du pétrole. Lors des discussions avec un grand nombre de participants à ce Congrès on a pu reconnaitre l'empreinte de la présence et du discours du Président Nicolae Ceausescu. J'exprime ma satisfaction que les...

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