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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 18th World Petroleum Congress, September 25–29, 2005
Paper Number: WPC-18-0929
... sustainable development social responsibility sustainability reactor strategic planning and management Downstream Oil & Gas Petrol high octane petrol Superflex KBR Sasol cracker block 2 forum 10 superflex technology olefin South Africa Secunda Propylene petrochemical...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 14th World Petroleum Congress, May 29–June 1, 1994
Paper Number: WPC-26214
... Abstract. A general strategy to promote Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) as an engine fuel is presently launched in France by Gaz de France, the French Institute of Petroleum (IFP), automotive and truck industries, for the markets of captive fleets and urban transport. The objective is a fleet...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 14th World Petroleum Congress, May 29–June 1, 1994
Paper Number: WPC-26269
...ENVIRONMENTAL TAXES AND DEREGULATION OF ELECTRICITY MARKETS: THE EFFECTS ON THE RESOURCE RENT AND THE OIL PRODUCT MARKETS Erik Birkeland, Secretary General, Norwegian Petroleum Institute Abstract. An international CO, tax would reduce the Norwegian resource rent (oil, gas) by 15%. A combined CO...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 13th World Petroleum Congress, October 20–25, 1991
Paper Number: WPC-24267
...NATURAL GAS AS A TRANSPORTATION FUEL Gianfranco Merri, SNAM S.p.A., Milan, Italy. Abstract. The transportation sector accounts for over 20% of the total energy consumption in member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), reaching 30% in highly industrial...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 11th World Petroleum Congress, August 28–September 2, 1983
Paper Number: WPC-20102
... in the North Sea Basin accurately identify and outline that segment of the basin which holds over 95% of oil and gas reserves: a centrai fairway where the favourable organic facies in the Kimmeridgian-Volgian source beds coincides with adequate thermal maturation. In the eastern continental margin of North...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 10th World Petroleum Congress, September 9–14, 1979
Paper Number: WPC-18222
... Abstract. Increasing world demand for oil and gas will provide the incentive to improve recovery efficiencies, exploit marginal reserves, and explore in more hostile environments. Concurrently, the explosive increase in data acquisition, telemetering, processing, and transmission capabilities...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 10th World Petroleum Congress, September 9–14, 1979
Paper Number: WPC-18201
... Installation and Operations pd 6 casing and cementing well completion freezing drilling operation flowline Permafrost Section casing design Upstream Oil & Gas Petrol production technique deep permafrost oil production investigation reservoir construction permafrost gravel Prudhoe Bay...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 10th World Petroleum Congress, September 9–14, 1979
Paper Number: WPC-18228
... évolution. Au début ce sont surtout les écou reservoir simulation informatique Petrol exemple que approximation numerique gisement evolution sur modèles amont saturation Upstream Oil & Gas temp par exemple numériques Automatique partir maille EVOLUTION DES MODELES DE...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 10th World Petroleum Congress, September 9–14, 1979
Paper Number: WPC-18135
... Abstract. Estimated gas and NGL reserves-proved + probable + potential-for the world are 6950 Tcf (200 Tcm) and 174 billion bbl(24 billion mt). The proved plus probable reserves, if consumed at present rates, could last until the year 2000. However, at the present rate of increase...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 10th World Petroleum Congress, September 9–14, 1979
Paper Number: WPC-18235
... Oil & Gas Petrol economic evaluation reservoir permeability FUNDAMENTAL MECHANISMS INFLUENCING ENHANCED RECOVERY OF CRUDE OIL R. V. Smith and Paul D. Fleming III; Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Oklahoma, USA Abstract. Mechanisms for enhanced recovery of oil are discussed. Two...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 10th World Petroleum Congress, September 9–14, 1979
Paper Number: WPC-18336
... production monitoring Downstream Oil & Gas production control research and development Artificial Intelligence reactor gasoline Catalysis NPRA Meeting Petrol Reservoir Surveillance feedstock catalyst operation application Eng Hydrocarb San Antonio emission hydrogen...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 9th World Petroleum Congress, May 11–16, 1975
Paper Number: WPC-16209
... information Gulf basin Miocene exploration Upstream Oil & Gas Petrol History Offshore Thailand OFFSHORE TERTIARY BASINS OF SOUTHEAST ASIA, BAY OF BENGAL TO SOUTH CHINA SEA Abstract Lithospheric plate motion has played an important role in the evolution of the basins of Southeast Asia. Bengal...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 9th World Petroleum Congress, May 11–16, 1975
Paper Number: WPC-16214
... Basin of the Canadian Arctic Islands. The giant Prudhoe Bay field, containing both oil and gas, dominates the Alaskan scene. The Canadian basins, on the other hand, have numerous but smaller discoveries and to date are predominantly gas. The geological factors which determine these distributions...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 9th World Petroleum Congress, May 11–16, 1975
Paper Number: WPC-16104
... Abstract Some 430 giant oil and gas fields, each with an ultimate recovery greater than 500 × lo6 brls of oil or 3 × 10" ft3 of gas, account for 70–75 % of the world's known hydrocarbon resources. Since all these occurrences are ultimately controlled by deformation of the earth's crust...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 9th World Petroleum Congress, May 11–16, 1975
Paper Number: WPC-16206
... Abstract Indonesia's complex array of hydrocarbon-bearing situations comprises a major oil and gas province where commercial production dates from 1885. Discovered reserves are discussed in terms of prospect concepts (exploration plays), a categorised integration of source, reservoir and trap...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 9th World Petroleum Congress, May 11–16, 1975
Paper Number: WPC-16203
... employées et dans les valeurs numériques des données. Abstract Sufficient understanding of a sedimentary basin enables the oil and gas in place to be calculated in the different formations. A correct definition of the so-called "petroleum zones" and an objective comparison of them may also be used...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 9th World Petroleum Congress, May 11–16, 1975
Paper Number: WPC-16103
... during this process allows us to follow and reconstruct the history of a spreading ocean. The heuristic value of the ocean Upstream Oil & Gas a-subduction zone typical producing basin subcrop graben Reservoir Characterization oceanic crust crust sequence sediment structural geology...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 9th World Petroleum Congress, May 11–16, 1975
Paper Number: WPC-16314
... Workplace Hazard Corrosion Inhibition oilfield chemistry drilling operation hydrogen sulphide Petrol composition ultra-deep well pd 12 Upstream Oil & Gas sulphide strength drilling ultra-deep well ultra-deep well competence Drilling H2S management drill pipe steel basin pd 12...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 9th World Petroleum Congress, May 11–16, 1975
Paper Number: WPC-16230
.... D'autre part il semblait indispensable de préciser la finalité des recherches entreprises par l'Industrie pour tirer meilleur profit et perfectionner les équipements mis en oeuvre. Enfin well logging temperature Petrol paramètres Upstream Oil & Gas puit interpretation Enregistrement...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 9th World Petroleum Congress, May 11–16, 1975
Paper Number: WPC-16315
... of 1.06 psi/ft (0.245 kg/cm'/m). Instances are cited of increased penetration rates resulting from drilling under-balanced in gas-bearing strata of low permeability. Improved techniques are examined for the diagnosis and control of problems of borehole stability; in particular, the use of potassium salts...

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