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Keywords: Iran
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Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 21st World Petroleum Congress, June 15–19, 2014
Paper Number: WPC-21-0097
... Abstract Iran has discovered a considerable amount of oil and gas reserves at its territory in the Caspian Sea. The reserves are estimated to contain of about 10 billion barrel of crude oil and 50 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. After some exploration studies, Iran may start production...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 16th World Petroleum Congress, June 11–15, 2000
Paper Number: WPC-30343
...PETROCHEMICALS FROM PERSIAN GULF GAS RESOURCES. ECONOMIC ADVANTAGES FOR PRODUCTION OF BASIC PETROCHEMICALS FROM PERSIAN GULF GAS RESOURCES. H.A. Hajarizadeh and A.M. Samsam Bakhtiari, Paravar Engineering Co. I.R. Iran Abstract. Annual growth rate of demand for petrochemical basic products...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 16th World Petroleum Congress, June 11–15, 2000
Paper Number: WPC-30430
... Abstract. Petroleum product prices in the Islamic Republic of Iran have for several years been below opportunity costs as measured by border prices. In recent years the Government has increased energy prices, but they are still very substantially below opportunity costs. Energy efficiency...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 16th World Petroleum Congress, June 11–15, 2000
Paper Number: WPC-30455
... Abstract. For the First time in the last 20 years, Islamic Republic of Iran has developed a list of projects containing onshore fields for development with exploration projects offering for foreign investment opportunities through buy - back schemes. Under this system, the foreign oil company...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 16th World Petroleum Congress, June 11–15, 2000
Paper Number: WPC-30456
... knowledge management reserves evaluation kirsten bindemann buyback contract foreign funding case study asset and portfolio management investment Totalfina Injection Project upstream project Upstream Oil & Gas ior eor 2 Iran economic analysis sirri enhanced recovery share...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 16th World Petroleum Congress, June 11–15, 2000
Paper Number: WPC-30457
... an analysis of some leading oil and gas projects in Iran, comparing them to similar cases in the region and to assess the political, economic and legal environment of the country for implementing the energy projects. For this reason, it is attempted to recount advantages of choosing Iran as a location...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 12th World Petroleum Congress, April 26–May 1, 1987
Paper Number: WPC-22012
... was that it would not concern about security of supply or 'the oil running happen asset and portfolio management plenary address pa3 endurance cartel Upstream Oil & Gas banking community government Iran Revenue OPEC member prospect oil price OPEC Oil Revenue producer short term consumption...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 12th World Petroleum Congress, April 26–May 1, 1987
Paper Number: WPC-22428
... Abstract. Many different technologies are needed to foster the development of an oil industry base. In that respect, non-industrial oil producing countries always have been dependent on imported technology and expertise. Spanning over three quarters of a century, Iran's oil industry...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 7th World Petroleum Congress, April 2–9, 1967
Paper Number: WPC-12527
... compressors engines and turbines main line Tehran Upstream Oil & Gas trunkline pipeline transportation-special aspect Iran requirement construction gathering system igat project compressor station operation kms compression mmscfd khairabad control centre Abstract...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 7th World Petroleum Congress, April 2–9, 1967
Paper Number: WPC-12175
...GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES AND EXPLORATORY DRILLING OF THE IRANIAN CONTINENTAL SHELF-PERSIAN GULF INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to summarize the avail- able geological knowledge of a major part of offshore Iran, and the Persian Gulf. The part played by geo- physical surveys...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 5th World Petroleum Congress, May 30–June 5, 1959
Paper Number: WPC-8017
... ABSTRACT. This paper, written in connection with the publication of the Geological Map of Iran on the scale 1: 2,500,000, under press, reviews the main sedimentary basins of the Tertiary and older rocks, in relation to the genesis and accumulation of oil. Fourteen basins and subbasins...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 5th World Petroleum Congress, May 30–June 5, 1959
Paper Number: WPC-8018
... ABSTRACT. This paper describes the history, stratigraphy, structure and some of the development problems of the Gachsaran oilfield, which is situated near the boundary of the provinces of Khuzestan and Fars in southern Iran (Persia), and is probably one of the world's largest oilfields...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 5th World Petroleum Congress, May 30–June 5, 1959
Paper Number: WPC-8014
... Reservoir Characterization serpentinite Iran Oligocene Maestrichtian Arabia . . - Section I-Paper 14 THE GEOLOGY OF OMAN BY D. M. MORTON Oman is divisible inta ig marine Oligo-Miocenc ml - Ll- L I u itle foreland basin of Oman probably rise from a Middle he Oman mountain range ha .. . . . ABSTRACT...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, June 6–15, 1955
Paper Number: WPC-6017
... SYNOPSIS. The search for oil in central Iran led to detailed stratigraphical and paleontological examinations of the Oligo-Miocene Marine Formation in the Qum region. This foimation can be subdivided into lithological units some of which laterally change over relatively short distances. Based...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, May 28–June 6, 1951
Paper Number: WPC-5805
... occurrences of Iran (Persia) and Iraq is to the credit of the British geologist Loftus (1855)~ and the first project for mineral and petroleum development in Iran by British interests dates from 1872. The first borings for oil were made in 1891-93 at Daliki, northeast of Bushire, and on Qishm Island...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: World Petroleum Congress
Paper presented at the 2nd World Petroleum Congress, June 14–19, 1937
Paper Number: WPC-2064
... arabo-est-africains en rapport avec les anciens géosynclin aux ouralo-mozambzgues (Caucase, Irak, Iran, Oman). SUMMARY A n important oil fields has just been probed in the Isle of Bahrein, in the Persian Gulf. On the other hand, recent oceaneous explora!ions have shown petroleum oozings tn the Oman...