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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 16th World Petroleum Congress, June 11–15, 2000
Paper Number: WPC-30115
..., spreading over some 100.000 sq km, is quite underexplored, since only 11 wells were drilled there. Some gas shows were encountered in the sandstones of EAN-1 (Ordovician), Htn-1 (lower Devonian) and NG-1 (Tournaisian - Strunian). The main reservoir horizons are: the sandstones and quartzites of Cambrian...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th World Petroleum Congress, October 12–17, 1997
Paper Number: WPC-29106
... Abstract. The present study is concerned with an oil-source rock correlation involving thirty rock samples and three oils from Ghadames-El Borma basin. From the bulk data of source rocks, there are some excellent Devonian to good Silurian source rocks in the study area. Based on biological...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th World Petroleum Congress, October 12–17, 1997
Paper Number: WPC-29103
... Reservoir Characterization Upstream Oil & Gas Devonian complex reservoir Thickness maturation Silurian hydrocarbon structural geology Illizi evolution source rock vitrinite reflectance hydrocarbon generation Saharan platform mole shale gas hercynian erosion organic matter...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 13th World Petroleum Congress, October 20–25, 1991
Paper Number: WPC-24103
... reservoir oil field water-oil contact Thickness depression basin uplift production rate Devonian amplitude huge hydrocarbon accumulation condensate reservoir carbonaceous formation uplift zone carbonaceous thickness pre-caspian depression accumulation subsalt complex deposit limestone...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 12th World Petroleum Congress, April 26–May 1, 1987
Paper Number: WPC-22109
..., is more basins of the Ar arctic geology Reservoir Characterization Devonian Greenland Island basin balkwill arctic ocean ocean Sverdrup Basin source rock structural geology siberian basin Upstream Oil & Gas platform History Norway sediment shale sedimentary basin exploration...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 8th World Petroleum Congress, June 13–18, 1971
Paper Number: WPC-14131
... structural geology Thickness Reservoir Characterization exploratory drilling platform discovery Upstream Oil & Gas oil field prospect uplift Devonian territory depression exploration province trough flank rampart Drilling oil and gas investigation sediment deposit...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 7th World Petroleum Congress, April 2–9, 1967
Paper Number: WPC-12111
... are confined to the local salt dome structures on a prominence of crystalline basement, which complicates internal structure of the depression. Oil deposits are connected with fractured calcareous Sediments of Upper Devonian (horizons petin-semiluk, and zadoneletz), which occur at a depth of 2700-2000 m...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 6th World Petroleum Congress, June 19–26, 1963
Paper Number: WPC-10033
... the existent crops, and, in the extreme western portion, the topo- exposures permitted. This surface geological work was aug structural geology Reservoir Characterization outcrop Thickness completion petaca formation petaca Devonian log section shale producer basin Taiguati sub-andean zone...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 6th World Petroleum Congress, June 19–26, 1963
Paper Number: WPC-10035
... Reservoir Characterization platform structural geology discovery territory Thickness gas field foundation exploration work cubicmeter Upstream Oil & Gas fracture geologist oil field productive formation boundary oil and gas USSR uplift Devonian sandstone depression...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 6th World Petroleum Congress, June 19–26, 1963
Paper Number: WPC-10032
... at the Norman Wells field, a De- à l'existence de pièges en biseau dans les strates et vonian reef, since its discovery in 1920. Recently, gas associés aux structures principales aussi bien qu'aux has been discovered in the Devonian of southern District r égions en forme de cuvettes. of Mackenzie, and oil...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 6th World Petroleum Congress, June 19–26, 1963
Paper Number: WPC-10019
...-Paraná basin there time a connection existed between them. The investigations is o reasonable margin for adopting o hopeful attitude. carried out during the last two years point to the fact, that the devonian formations, the source-rocks of the northwest Argentine and Bolivian oil and/or gas have...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 5th World Petroleum Congress, May 30–June 5, 1959
Paper Number: WPC-8047
... of Brazil The geological framework of Brazil is controlled by the Brazilian and Guiana Pre-Cambrian Shields. The large Paleozoic sediment structural geology Devonian Upstream Oil & Gas sandstone paleozoic basin Reconcavo Basin basin limestone oil indication Parana Basin shale MaranhÃ...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 5th World Petroleum Congress, May 30–June 5, 1959
Paper Number: WPC-8048
.... Geophysical methods, guided by isopachous, clastic ratio and biofacies maps, are spear-heading duction in the Amazon. It is believed that oil reserves exist on the ind in association with Devonian faulting and possible reef growths RESUME. Le bassin de l'Amazone a UI En géographie physique on divise cette...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 4th World Petroleum Congress, June 6–15, 1955
Paper Number: WPC-6004
... and also drew attention to the heavy oil seeping from the sands alone the Athabasca River in northeastern Alberta. Oil seepages in the Gaspé region of Quebec we Thickness Upstream Oil & Gas British Columbia discovery structural geology western canada Reservoir Characterization Devonian...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, May 28–June 6, 1951
Paper Number: WPC-4002
... because parts of both states lie Reservoir Characterization structural geology Upstream Oil & Gas discovery Devonian oil field shale Alberta western part dolomite mountain sediment Drilling united states California rocky mountain oil and gas province Thickness Manitoba...

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