One of the principal causes of fire in a petroleurn refinery is static electricit!/. Thr way in which electrostatic charges could be produced on refinery structures and equipment is discussed and a study is presented of the consequent electric potential fields. The protection systems are analysed, with particular regard to grounding. The formation of charges originating from the atmosphere and the Potentials involved are dealt with by the rruthor. and the protection systms. their efflciency and constniclion characteristics are discussed.


Après avoir montré que l'électricité statique est l'une des principales causes d'incendie dans les ramneries de pétrole, l'auteur discute des différentes cuuses de production des charges électrostatiques dans les installations et appareillages de raflinerie et des champs Plerlrigues qui en résii!ient, rt analyse les systèmes de protection, notamment la mise Ù la terre, La communication envisage également la formation de charges d'origine atmosphérique, les potentiels qui rn résultent, IPS dispoiitifs df protpctinn dont les rarnctPristiques de construction ef d'efJ%crrciiP sont discutém.


Premesso che l'elettricità statica 6 una delle principali cause di incendi nelle raflìnerie di petrolio, l'Autore discute le diverse vie di generazione di cariche elettrostatiche negli impianti e in attrezzature diverse di raflineria. Dopo un cenno ai campi elettrostatici che si possono generare sugli impianti di raffineria, l'Autore analizza i sistemi di protezione, con particolare riguardo alla messa a ferra. La formazione di cariche di origine atmosferica, i potenziali relativi e l'efficacia dei diversi metodi di protezione sono egunlmente oggetto di discussione.


The protection of buildings, especially industrial plants, against atmospheric discharges and discharges due to the formation of electrostatic electricity, is a subject which has been rather neglected in the past. Only now it is beginning to be taken into consideration and studied in light of the real importance it deserves.

This subject, based upon factors whose characteristics vary from case to case, cannot be approached from a strictly technical angle. It lends itself largely to application of personal experience.

It is useless to repeat that an oil refinery is one of the most important industrial plants as regards the contemplation of special protection systems.

The refining process often requires some operation that may produce electrostatic charges and any electrical discharge, not contained within special flameproof equipment, may lead to unforeseen consequences.

It may be safely stated that a high percentage of fires in a refinery is caused by s

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