The present report describes the precise fractionation of u nziddle distillate fraction iron1 a Kuioait crude oil, and presents structural group analyses of the eight 50C fractions boiling betiueen 350°C and 39OOC by the n -d -M method of van Nes and van Westen (1). A large number of stream samples drawn during the distillation was analysed by this method, and the results clre presented graphically to show the changes in group analysis with boiling range. In addition a comparison was nrnde between results obtained by the n -d -M method and those obtained by the n -M method of Fenske (3) in the analysis of a series of narrow boiling range fractions from a Trinidad gas oil, and between the n-d-M method and the Vk -n -d method of Boelhouver and Waterman (3) in the analysis of the Kuwait frnctions. A preliminary account is also given of the isolation of three tri-methylnaphthalenes frona the Trinidad gas oil and of di - and tri-methyl substituted anthracene and phenanthrene derivatives frona Kuwait gas oil.

RESUM@. Les nutptirs dCcri1 ent le fractionnement trb pn d'un distillat moyen ohtenti b pnrtir d'ura pc;tzole Kuwait. Ils citent aussi les resultats des analyses structurales de huit fractions de 50C chacune. a point d'ebullition entre 350 et 390°C. Les analyses ont CtC ezkiitkes selon la mCthode n - d -M de van Nes et van Westen. A 1'aidP de cettr methode auteurs ont examine de nombretu 1t7s c'chantillons prClevCs pendant le fractionnement. Les resultats sont illustrks par des graphiqiies clans le but d'dclaircir les variations donnCes analytiques (IPS en relation avec IPS limites d'ebullition. Aim IPS mdthodes n-d-M et n -M de Fenske, les nuteiirs analysent une sirie de fractions d points d'dbullition trCs rapprochis entre em. obtenues ir pntir rl'un gas-oil de Trinidad. Ils, comparent en outre, les risicltats oblenus par l'application dp la mithocle n -d -M et de la methode Vit-n-d de Boelhouver et Waterman ci l'analyse des frnctions du petrole brut de Kuwait mentionnees plus haut.

I ls tlkcrivent cnsuite les essais preliminaires concernant la separation de trois trirnCthylnaphtalbnes clu gas-oil de Trinidad aussi bien que la siparation des dCrivts di - et tri-mCthy1 substituks dp I'anthracdne et du phenantrenc en partant du gas-oil Kuwait.


Viene descritto il frazionamento fine di un distillato rnedio da grezzo Kuwait, e viene riportata l'analisi struttiirale degli Otto tagli di 5QC ciasmno bollenti Ira 350 e 390°C, secmdo van NPS e t?an Westen. Con detto nzetodo Sono stati esaminati numerosi campioni prelevati durante il frazionamento; i risultati Sono presentati in grapci, allo

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