
The Petroleum Environmental Research Forum, PERF, was formed in 1986 to stimulate cooperative R&D on both upstream (E&P) and downstream (refining and chemicals) in all aspects of health, environment, safety, waste reduction, and system integrity for the petroleum industry. PERF member companies sign agreements to fund R&D projects on a case-by-case basis. Some projects involve the exchange of results from internal R&D programs, and members are working to broaden these collaborations. These joint environmental research projects are focused on developing, evaluating, and applying technology that will address the environmental challenges faced by the petroleum industry. - How does PERF Operate - What projects have PERF been involved with since its inception? - What are the benefits of PERF? - New Directions for PERF - How can PERF be contacted? What does it take to become a PERF member? The following topics will be included in the PERF poster: WHAT IS PERF? The Petroleum Environmental Research Forum (PERF)* is a research and development joint venture, formed to provide a stimulus to and a forum for the collection, exchange, and analysis of research information relating to the development of technology for health, environment, and safety in the petroleum industry. PERF is a non-profit organization of Members which are corporations engaged in the petroleum industry that recognize the importance of a clean, healthy environment and are committed to support cooperative research and development.

PERF does not itself participate in research projects but provides a forum for Members to collect, exchange, and analyze research information relating to practical and theoretical science and technology concerning the petroleum industry, and a mechanism to establish joint research projects in that field. PERF Members have initiated or completed over 50 such joint projects since its inception in 1986.

PERF meetings have a decidedly multidisciplinary atmosphere, with attendance by scientists, engineers * The name Petroleum Environmental Research Forum and the acronym PERF are registered service marks. and managers with backgrounds in chemistry, chemical and environmental engineering, microbiology, and other fields. These professionals are guided by the technical challenge to address pollution prevention and safety, as well as a personal concern for the environment.

WHAT ARE PERF'S OBJECTIVES? To provide a stimulus for cooperative research and development of technology for the environment, health, safety, waste reduction and system integrity for the petroleum industry.

To provide a forum to discuss and develop propos

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