This paper describes a new method for constructing welded, vertical, cydindrical oil tanks, using flat panels made into coils. The method, developed by Soviet engineers, differs, radically from the generally accepted way of assembling such tanks from separated sheets and small parts directly on the site. With the new method, all tank structures are manufactured at the plant. Tank bottoms and bodies are produced as units, and for convenience of transportation are made into multi-layer coils of various dimensions. Manufactured roofing represents a comparatively small number of section panels. All joints of the bottoms, body and roofing are automatically welded and properly tested. Assembling tanks from large-sized elements does not present technical difficulties and is done with the aid of widely used assembling mechanisms: winches, tractors, cranes, etc. The extensive industrial application of the new method was preceded by scientific research in coiling thick-sheet welded elements, in plant technology of welding tank constructions, in rational ways of transportation and assembling of tanks manufactured by industrial methods. Research work has shown that the new method may be used in the construction of tanks with a capacity up to 10,000 ma.

The first tanks were built by this method in 1948-1949. A few years later an overwhelming majority of tanks in the Soviet Union were built this way. This method of tank construction yields higher technological and economic efficiency compared with the single-sheet assembly method. It reduces construction time, minimizes labour and cost, improves quality of construction, and does away with seasonal nature of construction. The coiling method is widely used in the manufacture of horizontal tanks, gas-holders, various shells and other welded-sheet structures.


Ce mémoire décrit une nouvelle méthode de construction des réservoirs soudés, cylindriques et verticaux, conçus pour le 6tockage du petrole, en utilisant des panneaux plats enroulés.

Créée par les ingénieurs soviétiques, cexte méthode diffère radicalement de celle généralement adoptée pour la construction des réservoirs, à savoir: le montage sur place de tôles séparées et de petites pièces. Avec la nouvelle méthode, tous les éléments du réservoir sont fabriqués à l'usine. Les fonds et les parois des réservoirs sont préfabriqués tout d'un tenant; pour la facilité du transport, ils sont mis en rouleaux à couches multiples de diverses dimensions. La fabrication de la toiture représente un nombre relativement petit de panneaux-secteurs. Toutes les tôles du fond, des parois et de la toiture sont assemblées par soudage automatique et sont ensuite soumises à divers tests. Le montage des réservoirs avec des éléments de grandes dimensions ne présente aucune difficulté t

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