The Presentation is about - Characteristics of the environmental management in the petroleum industry of Vietnam. - Achievements of the environmental management in petroleum industry: organizational structure for environmental protection management, preparation of by-law of the Law on Environmental Protection and Petroleum Law, integration of environmental issues into project planning and implementing, environmental risk management, environmental monitoring, education and training, supervision and monitoring results. - Some remaining issues (legislation documents, incident prevention, petroleum waste/discharge treatment, inter-relation between the petroleum industry and natural environment and socio-economic activities).
· Most of the exploration and production activities are conducted by foreign contractors who have updated environmental technologies, good understanding of Vietnam has started to produce oil since international environmental regulatory 1986 and gas since 1991. It has produced a total framework and have lots of experience in of 53.590 million tones of oil and 1345.5 million environmental management under tones of gas by 1997. During its operation, the international standards.
Petroleum Industry of Vietnam has achieved tremendous economic gains, thus contributing · In Vietnam, as the Petroleum Industry greatly to the national economic development applies advanced technologies, the Vietnam while at the same time being able to protect itself Environmental Regulatory Framework has from causing environmental pollution. To reach not caught up with development of these achievements, the industry has taken petroleum operations. integrated measures in terms of technology, legal, economic and education... In this · presentation, we would like to discuss the PETROVIETNAM, a State-owned Corporation, is authorized by the environmental management measures taken by Government to sign contracts with foreign the Petroleum Industry of Vietnam. contractors. However, as it is not a State Management body, the process of issuing environmental legal documents (e.g. for environmental monitoring, auditing and 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE getting approvals) for Petroleum Industry is ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT different from that of State management IN THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY OF body.
VIETNAM · The petroleum operations have been mainly The Petroleum Industry of Vietnam is relatively carried out in the offshore area over 100 km young in comparison to many other industries. from the shore. Therefore, it makes There are several typical characteristics of the environmental monitoring, environmental environmental protection related to the petroleum inspection difficult as compared to that on industry, comprising: the onshore. 321 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEM