
The natural system for reforming naphtha is the well-known design of autothermal or partial oxidation (POX) reformers used in large stationary installations to generate refinery hydrogen supply. A pilot plant evaluation using a proprietary fuel reformer developed by Nuvera to compare the effectiveness of this system in terms of hydrogen yield and purity from candidate fuels including naphtha, methanol, and gasoline has been conducted. Fuels were prepared in Saudi Arabia by distillation from crude, hydrotreating, hydrocracking, and reforming in commercial refining units, and hydrogenating in a pilot plant. This presentation will outline the results from a comparative study of these and other candidate fuels for hydrogen generation using autothermalpartial oxidation reforming and water-shift reaction technologies. We will compare the fuel processor results from the standpoint of operations, hydrogen purity, and economics.


too light for easy handling and containment, and diesel is not an ideal fuel for reformers because of Growing environmental demands and the need its high sulfur content. Storage of compressed for higher efficiency vehicles (due to concerns hydrogen poses a serious combustion and explosion regarding global warming) has triggered immense hazard, which cannot be overlooked. interest in fuel cells as propulsion systems for The natural system for reforming naphtha is transportation vehicles. This has prompted an the well-known design of autothermal or partial extensive search for new methods of delivering oxidation (POX) reformers used in large stationary hydrogen fuel to these cells. One of the most likely installations to generate refinery hydrogen supply. options for delivering hydrogen fuel is to provide A pilot plant evaluation using a proprietary fuel on-board reforming of liquid hydrocarbon fuels reformer to compare the effectiveness of this system coupled with hydrogen separation. This option in terms of hydrogen yield and purity from provides a safe fuel compatible with existing service candidate fuels including naphtha, alcohols, and station, supply, distribution, and storage gasoline has been conducted. Fuels were prepared infrastructure, as well as the most economic system by distillation from crude, hydrotreating, of fueling. Low-volatility liquid hydrocarbon fuels hydrocracking, and reforming in commercial may be stored in existing vehicular and service refining units, and hydrogenating in a pilot plant. station tanks, pumped with existing equipment, and This presentation will outline the results from a transported through existing pipelines and truck, comparative study of these and other candidate

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