
As the refining industry enters the 1990s, gasoline production will be affected by changes in environmental regulations, automobile engine requirements, and consumer demand. Each area of the world will have different concerns and problems. Product requirements for the 1990s will be shifting; therefore, refiners will need flexible and cost-effective processing alternatives. Refiners will have to optimize their gasoline processing operations to remain competitive in their market areas and to meet legislative requirements. This paper discusses several of the issues related to gasoline production, including changing environmental concerns throughout the world, an overview of gasoline compositions, and technologies for gasoline production. Appropriate case studies are discussed.


Alors que l'industrie de raffinage entre dans les années 90, la production d'essence va être affectée par des modifications de la réglementation sur l'environnement, des spécifications relatives aux moteurs des automobiles, et des besoins des consommateurs. Chaque région du monde aura des préoccupations et des problèmes différents. Les spécifications concernant les produits vont changer; par conséquent, les raffineurs auront besoin d'alternatives souples et rentables. Ils devront optimiser les opérations de traitement des essences pour rester compétitifs dans leurs domaines et pour répondre aux conditions législatives. Cet article examine plusieurs des questions liées à la production d'essence, parmi lesquelles: l'évolution des préoccupations concernant l'environnement au niveau mondial, une présentation générale des compositions d'essence et des techniques de production d'essence. Des études de cas concrets seront présentées.

INTRO DUCTI0 N Gasoline production in the 1990s is being affected by changes in environmental regulations, automobile engine requirements, and consumer demand. Each geographical region of the world has different problems and concerns. Gasoline quality will be a moving target, and therefore, refiners will need processing solutions that are flexible and cost-effective if they are to remain competitive in the marketplace. Sound long-term planning and staging of investments will be the keys to profitable operation.

This paper overviews the problem areas affecting gasoline composition and quality worldwide and provides a brief summary of the current technologies related to gasoline processing. The phasing out of lead from gasoline is discussed in a case study that examines the economics of the applicable technologies.

KEY ISSUES The two leading factors determining gasoline quality over the last 15 years have been environmental regulations and octane demand. Environmental regulations, such as the phasedown of lead, hav

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