In the past several years, bituminous mulches have PROGRESS WITH BITUMINOUS MULCHES IN AGRICULTURE found a place as important adjuvants to other accepted agricultural practices. While bituminous fractions have been used to prevent soil erosion by wind and water and also as sealants to encourage water runoff to selected areas (watersheds), this paper is concerned with newer developments in the use of petroleum mulches as germination promoters to gain better establishments of crops. Progress in the latter area has been in the nature of obtaining a better understanding of how these mulches work, the extension of this knowledge obtained with the dark, light-absorbing mulches to the formulation of light-colored reflectant mulches. Products developed for the warm, semi-arid areas of southwestern U.S.A. have been shown to have utility in cooler, more humid climates. The compatibility of mulches with herbicides, growth-promoting chemicals, and soluble fertilizers has been demonstrated. The conclusion drawn is that the proper use of petroleum mulches can create a favorable temperature and moisture environment for seed germination and stand establishment.
The use of organic materials as mulches is a very old agricultural practice. The purpose of applying these materials has generally been to maintain some soil condition favorable to plant growth such as conserving soil moisture or maintaining the temperature of the soil within some desired level neither too hot nor too cold. The decomposition of mulches of natural plant material also adds valuable organic matter to the soil. Petroleum mulches were introduced in the beginning of the current decade with the twofold objective of conserving moisture and changing the existing soil temperature to one which is favorable to seed germination and growth at a time when natural climatic conditions would not provide such an environment. by Dr. R. F. NEBLETT, Esso Research and Engineering Company, Linden, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Rsum Il y a plusieurs annes que les paillis bitumineux se sont trouvs une place comme adjuvants importants aux autres usages accepts d'agriculture. Tandis que les fractions bitumineuses sont employes pour empcher l'rosion du sol par le vent et la pluie, et aussi comme agent d'tanchit pour encourager l'coulement de l'eau des endroits choisis (versants), cette tude s'occupe des dveloppements les plus nouveaux utilisants les paillis de ptrole comme promoteur de germination pour obtenir les tablissements meilleurs de rcolte. En ce dernier, progrs se donne entendre mieux le fonctionnement des paillis. La connaissance obtenue avec les paillis sombres et absorbants de lumire s'tendit aux formulations de paillis clairs et rfltants. Les produits divelopps pour les parties chaudes et semi-arides du sud-ouest des Etats-Unis de plus ont montr leur utilit aux climats plus froids et plus humides. La compatibilit des paillis avec les herbicides, promote