Study of the thermal hydraulic operating conditions of a hot oil line, with particular regard to the starting up period and reference to a working pipeline The above mentioned study points out the possibility of conveying, even to a long distance, heavy fuel oil properly heated at the inlet, counting solely on the lagging properties of soil. The theories are shown which allow determinations of working thermal condition and the simplified relevant relations are given. The problem of definition of the thermal conditions in the starting up stage are then examined: i.e. the relations are established which allow determination of the length of period during which it is required to convey a light fluid properly heated, in order to obtain that the system steel pipe/soil reaches such a thermal condition to make possible the conveyance of a given throughput of heavy oil, by the head available at the pumps. Considering the complexity of the above relations, their solution is made possible by using an IBM 7070 electronic computer. The study ends with the data taken from a working plant, which have proven the results previously calculated by the above methods.

On-stream detection of small leaks in crude oil pipelines This paper described an on-stream inspection method in which a leak detector in an oil-tight container is propelled through the pipeline by the moving liquid.

Leaks, if any, are detected by registering the sound produced by the fluid escaping through the leak in the pipe wall. Such sounds have a wide spectral distribution. The optimum frequency for acoustic leak detection is about 35 kc/sec; at this frequency the ratio of the sound produced by leaks of various shapes and sizes to the noise of the liquid moving in the pipeline and the noise generated bythecontainerbeingtransported is highest. The factors involved were investigated in the laboratory. Full-scale correlation tests have been performed in a 24 in diameter crude oil pipeline.

A prototype instrument for industrial use has been built and operated with success.

Study on the first time use of low power microwave link for remote control of pipeline The study described the following: telemeasurements, telecontrol, and telecommunications along the pipeline Zarzaitine-Mediterranean have been assured by means of a radio communication system where the transmission stations have very low power (0.5 w at the antenna) and are totally transistorized. This solution permits to have intermediate stations of very weak power consumption and autonomous during approximately one year, thanks to a source of energy which is also autonomous.

New progress can still be obtained in this latter sense. This system permits savings of personnel and is compatible with desertic places or places which do not have energy sources.

A Marathon electro

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