products: Laboratory experiments in catalytic refining are described, performed on the following

  1. petroleum topping distillates: gasoline and gasoils

  2. topping long cuts

  3. catalytic cracking gasolines and light coal tar oils

  4. catalytic cracking kerosene and gasoils

  5. deasphalted crudes These experiments were carried out at medium pressure in the presence of hydrogen on cobalt-molybdate catalysts on a natural alumina support. The conditions adopted for the experiments and the characteristics of the refined products are reported in detail. Catalytic refining was also extended to Middle East crudes, processed beforehand to segregete part of the asphalts and mineral substances. The results achieved in refining long cuts and deasphalted crudes give an idea of how the catalytic process may be successfully employed also with wide cut fractions and on whole crudes and how highly refined fractions can be obtained from the subsequent fractionation of the latter.



This part of the report gives the description and the operating data of a catalytic refining plant built by the Società Petrolifera Italiana at Fornovo Taro (Parma, Italy). The catalytic unit has a fixed-bed catalyst composed of cobalt-molybdate on a natural alumina support. This plant can run optionally to reform gasolines or for thd. desulphurization-refining of light and medium petroleum distillates. Reforming charges may consist of long cut or of light gasolines, while charges for desulphurization-refining should be gasolines and gasoline-kerosene blends. The industrial run has proved the advantage of operating for reforming with a fresh (or regenerated) catalyst and of operating for desulphurization with the partially spent catalyst. Catalyst activity, despite the continual changes in load and operating conditions, was still good after two years and the catalyst proved to have good regenerability. One catalyst charge has so far processed 11,000 volumes of liquid per catalyst volume (including 3,000 for reforming) and has been regenerated six times. ' lire PARTIE


respectivement effectuées sur les produits suivants: Les Auteurs rapportent les résultats des expériences de raffinage catalytique de laboratoire,

  1. Distillats du pétrole produits par "t~pping'~: essences et gasoils.

  2. Coupes longues obtenues par l'opération "topping".

  3. Essences de cracking catalytique et huiles légères de goudron de houille.

  4. Kérosène et gasoil de cracking catalytique.

5 *Director ana ** vice-uirector, atazione uperimentaie per i Combustibili, Milan Polytechnic, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, Italy; ***General Manager, and ****Refinery Superintendent, Società Petrolifera Italiana, Fornovo Taro, Parma, Italy. 83 a4 rWTH WORLD PETROL

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