The origin and development of fissures during the process of hydraulic fracturing of a stratum are considered on the basis of certain physical hypotheses and of methods inherent to the theory of elasticity. Particular attention is paid to the case of the formation of horizontal and vertical fissures under conditions of constant rock pressure in the vicinity of the bore hole, and to the iid pressure is decreased because of the extrusion of ral points related to model studies of hydraulic 'eatures of the application of hydraulic fracturing case of the formation of a horizontal fissure while sz plastic overlying layers into the bore hole. Seve fracturing are discussed. Some of the distinctive 1 in the USSR are presented.


L'origine et le développement des fie couche pétrolifère, sont étudiés sur la base de c hérentes à la théorie de l'élasticité. Une attention isures, au cours de la rupture hydraulique d'une ertaines hypothèses physiques et de méthodes inparticulière est donnée au cas de la formation des llDuulGu IIvIILivllllllGu Gb vGIIiIbpIGu uv- b.viiuiriviis de pression constante des roches aux alentours du trou de perforation, et au cas de la formation d'une fissure horizontale, alors que la pression mentionnée plus haut est diminuée par l'intrusion de couches plastiques de recouvrement dans le trou de forage. Plusieurs points concernant l'étude sur modèle de la rupture hydraulique y sont discutés. i de l'application en U.R.S.S. de la méthode de rupture hydraulique Quelques unes des particularités sont exposees.

Basic Physical Concepts)ment of fissures formed during hydrauli a stratum, using methods of the elasticit)f hydraulic fracthe correct physical concepts of its mechanism.

On the basis of several simpler physical hypotheses authors have attempted in recent years to clarify a number of problems relating to the origin and devel-OF c fracturing of y theory. fornced cvcr, dppearb LW du cI1uIlcuu~ upuuull. vvlL11 the preserice of a most insignificant initial fissure, its further low- - mrenrlinv nrartirnllv dnpc nnt rlenenrl strength of the rocks, since such great st the end of the fissure that no fragile m: able of withstanding them. The effect of at all on the resses arise at aterial is capthe fracturing liquid is like that of a wedge used since time immemorial to split giant rock blocks. We believe that the development and spreading of fissures is principally influenced by rock pressure, the elastic properties of the rocks, and the penetrative properties of the fracturing liquid.

Strata at depth are loaded by the weight of overlying f

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