The Bolivar Coast one of the world's largest oil fi .a - -.. - -.... " .. al field, located in the 11 sii elds. During June 1958, id1 :d 1,4UJ, Y41 barrels ot oil per day. At the end of 1957, th iated in the uruer u1 11.1 uiiiiun uarreia. Amiuuc;ri continuou ve daracaibo Ba the field prc uced at an average rate of production was 6.3 billion barrels and the remaining reserves were estim exploratory and development drilling had been IS for forty-five years, productive limits ha. not yet been defined in all directions. producer from the Miocene sands. For two di The Bolivar Coastal field was discovered in 1917 a ecades de..,.vpa..un.b buIIIII.-u I.LIuCrnm~ p,..aIus; until 1939. Some Paleocene and upper Cretaceous of little importance. rtern rim of the Maracaibo Basin, a structural and :es of the Andean mountain system. The sedimentary cent sandstones, sands, limestones, shales, clays and mations and the Miocene La Rosa and Lagunillas formations contain the orinciDa1 oroducinn sections. I essentially monoclinal with dips of 2 to 10 degrees ocene erosional surface. The Eocene and older strucgh-angle tura1 feal controlli iic and sti re mechar by §hell's wildcat R-2, which resulted in prolific Eocene production was not discovered production has been established, but, to date, is i Geologically, the field is on the northeas topographic depression bounded by several rang section is composed of Cretaceous through Re nlliiviiim. The Eneene Tmaiilln and Mkna fni Structure in the Miocene is fairly simple, anc which reflect the attitude of the underlying post-Ei ture is very complex. Innumerable normal, hi faults exist. Two north-trending faulted tures in this older section. ?d by stratigraphic traps. In the underlying ructural. The oil is asphalt base and ranges iisms are dissolved gas, gravity segregation anticlines are also prominent and important struc Accumulation of oil in the Miocene is largelj Eocene beds, the accumlations are both stratigrapl in gravity from 12.2 to 44.5" API. Reservoir dril and subsidence. By year-end 1957, a total of 8,945 wells hac auspended, 8,714 were completed as oil produce seven rigs are currently active.
I been driiiea in tne nela. ut this number, bU were rs, six as gas wells and 175 as dry holes. Twenty- .I... .. n.. A.. -... - - KSSUME. Le champ Bolivar, situé dans le Vénézuéla, est un des champs pétrolifères lea produisait une moyenne de 1.403.941 barils d accumulée se chiffrait à 6,3 milliards de barils a bassin de Mar i plus grands ULI monae.