The currzulative oil production of the United Sta, tes up to the end of 1952 was 45.5 billion (45.5 x io*) barrels. Of this, an excess of 0.7 billion barrelsor 1.5 percent, was obtained from fractured reservoirs; and the ultimate production from these reservoirs will probably exceed 2.5 billion barrels. The most important Iractured reservoirs in the Un.ited Sta, tes are: the Miocene Monterqj shale and chert from which the fields in the Santa Maria Valley in Catifornia produce; Jurassic basement schists from which the Edison, Wilmington, and several oth, er California. fields produce in part; the Wasatch and Green River shales in the Uinta Basin of Utah /rom which the Roosevelt and Duchesne fields produce; the Upper Cretaceous Pierre shale which is the reservoir rock for the Florence and Canon City fields in the Denver Basin; the Mississippian and Ordovician limestones and dolomites from which most of the Williston Basin fields produce; the Permian Spraberry siltstones from which Oil is produced over a large area in the Midland Basin of west Texas; the Ordovician Ellenburger bimestone and dolomite from which prolific production is obtained in west and north-central Texas; the Upper Cretaceous chalks tvh, ich are productive in southeast-central Texas, northwest Louisiana and western Alabama; a group oÍ serpentine nmsses derived from. bteried IJpper Cretaceous volcanoes in southeast-central Texas; and the Dev0nia.n Ohio bituminous shale from which large quantities of gas are produced in the Big San@ and associated fields in ecistern Keniibcky cinc1 rzeighborin, g areas.

RESUMB. A la fin de l'année 1952 l'ensemble de la production de pétrole aux Etats-Unis était de 45.5, milliards de barils. Le 1,5 yo de cette quantité, plus de 0,7 milliard tie barils, ont été extraits de roches réservoir fracturées: la production finale de ce type particulier de gisement sera probablement supérieure à 2,5 milliards de barils. Les plus importantes roches réservoir fracturées aux Etats- Unis sont: les marnes fissiles siliceuses de la formation Montermj dont provient la production du gisement de Ste. Marie Valley en Californie; les schistes du socle jurassiques productifs dans les champs Edison Wilmington et dans de nombreux autres champs de la Cali.fornie; les marnes fissiles de la formation Wasatach et Green River dans le bassin Ciinta dans l'Utah, d'otc provient la production des gisements de Roosevelt et Duchesne; les marnes fissiles du Crétacé supérieur de la formation Pierre qui constituent la roche réservoir des gisements de Florence et Cañon City, dans le bassin de Denver; les calcaires et les dolomies du Missisipien et de l'Ordovicien dont provient la production de la plus grande partie des gisements du bassin de Williston; le roches pélitiques permiennes de la formation S

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