SYNOPSlS. Canada hos recently acquired an oictstandiny position aniong the oil and natural gos producing countries o/ the World. Western Canada currently contributes about 99 per cent of Canada's uield. From a detailed description of the geological structure of this region evidence is given of prospective oil bearing territories. Di fierent tilpes of presentlu known reservoirs in Western Canada are surveyed with regard to their geological age and distribution. Cunaüa's oil and natural gas reserves are evaluated in the light of present knowledge, and some indication is giuen on the results to be expected from future exploration.

Rl%UMfi. A7c cours de ces derniéres années, le Cancrda u utieint icne sikmtion de pren&r plan parmi lcs pays producteurs de pétrole et de gaz naturels. Le 99 yo environ de sa production totale est fourni par les régions occidentales du territoire. L'Auteur décrit avant tout, de facon détaillée, la structure géologique du pays, éiiurnérant sur Ici base des données ainsi rassemblées les territoires présumés riches en gueinents pétroliferes; il emmane ensicite différents types de gisements déjd connus du Canada occidental, considérant k74r age géologique et leur distribution. Pour terminer, il eflectue une Eualuation des réserves tie pétrole et de gaz naturel du Canada sur la base des connaissances actirelles et il donne quelqedes indications sur les részcliots il attendre des recherches futures.


Nel corso di questi ultimi anni il Canadic ha raggimto una posizione di primo piano fra i paesi produttori di petrolio e di gas naturali: circa il 99 o& delln sua produzione totale è fornito cl all^ regioni occidentali. L'A. fa innanzitutto lo dettngliutu descrizione della struttura geologica del paese ed in base a questi dati elenca i territori presurnibilmente ricchi di giacimenti petroliferi. Esamina poi diversi tipi di giacimenti gici conosciuti d~l Cunaàcì occidentale, prendendo in considerazione tonto la loro etd geologica, quanto la loro distribuzione. Compie infine una valutazione delle riserve di petrolio e gas naturale del Carhadù sulla base siu della attuali conoscenze, sia di prevedibili risultati di future indagini. ('i Published by permission of /lie Deputy Rii~iistei~, DelJurtirient of Mines arid Technical Surveys, Ottawa, Canada. (* *) Geologist, Geological Survey of Canada, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Canada.

P CALEY-PETROLEUM IN WESTERN GANADA 3!J Tntroduction Manifestalions oÍ' petroleum have long heen known at widelj- separaled areas in Canada.

The explorer Mackenzie in 1789 and 1793 noted ihe presence of oil seepages in the Mackenzie River area Northwest Territories at the site of the present Norman Wells nil field and also drew attention to the heavy oil seeping from the sands alone the Athabasca River in northeastern Alberta. Oil seepages in the Gaspé region of Quebec we

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