
The paper is complementary to that prepared by Mr. L. C. Burroughs on "Progress in Oil Measurement Standardization in the United States".

It sketches the development of the work undertaken by the Institute of Petroleum in 1932 to the present day. Details are given of the various books and papers which have been published leading to the forthcoming production of the joint A.S.T.M./ I.P. book "Petroleum Measurement Tables" and the Manual of standardised oil measurement procedures. The significance of the valuable cooperative work with A.S.T.M. is stressed.


Cette communication fait le complément de celle préparée par monsieur L. C. Burroughs sur: "Progrès dans la standardisation du mesurage de pétrole aux Etats-Unis". Elle dessine à grands traits le développement depuis 1932 jusqu'à nos jours du travail entrepris par l'Institut du Pétrole. On donne des détails sur les divers livres et communications publiés qui ont contribué à la composition du livre combiné de l'A.S.T.34. et de l'1.P.: "Tables de mesurage de pétrole" et du "Manuel des procédés de mesurage de pétrole standardisés". On souligne l'importance du précieux travail de la coopération avec l'AS.T.34. by Mr. L. C. Burroughs, Chairman of the American Society for Testing Materials, Division II. As Mi.

Burroughs has plainly shown, standardisation work in the field of oil measurement has progressed side by side in the two countries. Mr. Burroughs and the present writer agreed that the 1951 World Petroleum Congress provided a suitable opportunity for recording briefly the results, of the individual and cooperative work undertaken by A.S.T.M. and I.P.

The views expressed by Mr. Burroughs in his paper relating to the need for accurate and uniform methods and procedures in oil measurement operations have the fullest support not only of the Institute of Petroleum but of all in the petroleum industry who desire to promote smooth international trade within and outside the industry.

Early I. P. Standardisation-Interconversion of Units of Measurement The need for standardisation of oil measurement procedures has long been recognised in the United Kingdom although active steps to achieve this are, as in the case of U.S.A., only of comparatively recent date. Standardisation in oil measurement matters may first be traced back to the setting up, in 1991, of a Standardisation Committee of the Institute of Petroleum, (then the Institution of Petroleum Technologists). The work carried out by thiy committee during its first year dealt with qualitative tests. but the effect on oil measurement of the Droposed standard method for specific gravity deterAination and the drawing up of specifications for petroleum hydrometers was brought to light in the discussion on a paper on Standardisation (i)* read before the Institution in 1922. The q

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