
i\ survey is given of the activities of American I'etroleum Institute Research Project 44, which was established in 1942 for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, calculating and compiling data on the physical, thermodynamic and spectral properties of hydrocarbons and related compounds. A large nuriiber of tables of critically selected values of physical and thermodynamic properties of compounds havr been prepared in a convenient form for use by the industrial and scientific laboratories. Moreover, the Project has collected and distributed many selected infrared, ultraviolet, Raman and mass spectral data from cooperating laboratories.


On donne un aperçu des travaux faits par rapport au Research Project 44 de 1'American Petroleum Institute. Les études en question ont commencé en I942 dans le but de recueillir, d'analyser, de calculer et de compiler des données sur les propriétés physiques, thermodynamiques et spectrales des hydrocarbures et des composés alliés. On a préparé un grand nombre de listes contenant des valeurs minutieusement sélectées des propriétés physiques et thermodynamiques des composés; la forme de ces listes se prête très bien à l'emploi aux laboratoires industriels et scientifiques.

Le centre chargé du Projet 4 a en outre collectionné et distribué bien des données sur les spectres de masse, infrarouge, ultraviolet et Raman qu'il a reçus des laboratoires coopérant au projet.


In any technical or scientific research program, the necessary first task is to collect and critically appraise the pertinent information already available.

Such information frequently includes the physical, * American Petroleum Institute Research Project 44, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh 13, Pennsylvania.

D. ROSSTNI* thermodynamic, and spectral properties of the chemical substances to be involved in the investigation. In so far as such information comprises fundamental data needed by industry and science as a whole, many advantages result froin having the work performed systematically and consistently by a fulltime staff of experts rather than incidentally and sporadically by workers in different laboratories.

Such a program would result in the production of a complete, self -consistent, and reliable set of values of properties.

The American Petroleum Institute Research Project & was established in 1942 for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, calculating, and compiling data on the physical, thermodynamic, and spectral properties of hydrocarbons and related compounds.

While the work was sponsored and financed by the American Petroleum Institute for the petroleum industry, arrangements were made to have the data also made available to science and industry in general.

The headquarters of the Project was located at the National Bureau of Standards

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