The present paper surveys investigations carried out by Koninklijke/Shell-Laboratorium, Amsterdam, on the subject of sulphur compounds in gas oils, comprising determination and identification of various types of sulphur compounds, removal of sulphur by hydrogenation under otherwise non-destructive conditions (hydrodesulphurization), and removal of sulphur compounds by extraction methods. The merits of both types of methods are compared.
Le présent exposé passe en revue les recherches faites par le Laboratoire de la Royal Dutch/Shell 5 Amsterdam, au sujet des composés sulfurés dans les gasoils, englobant la détermination et le dosage de types divers de composés sulfurés, l'élimination du soufre par hydrogénation dans des conditions nondestructives (hydrodésulfuration) et l'élimination des composés sulfurés par extraction. Une comparaison est faite entre les mérites des deux méthodes.
With ihe increasing number of high-sulphur crudes to be treated in oil refineries, information about the composition of the sulphur compounds in these oils is becoming more and more necessary. To study the technical desulphurization methods, based either on the chemical removal of sulphur from the molecule (e.g. hydrodesulphurization), or on removal of the sulphur compounds as such (e.g. by extraction), it is essential to know as much as possible asbout the nature and quantity of the sulphur compounds present in the oil to be treated and about their specific physical and chemical properties. Moreover, after desuiphurization a small residue of given sulphur compounds of ten influences the technical properties of * Koninklij ke/Shell-Laboratorium, Amsterdam. the refined petroleum products to such a degree that the determination and the identification of these "rcf ining residue? have become of great importancc.
It is therefore not surprising that in various oil research laboratories much research work is being carried out on determination, identification, and removal of sulphur compounds from petroleum products.
The present publication aims at giving a description of investigations carried out by Koninklijkel Shell-Laboratory, Amsterdam (N.V. De Bataafsche Petroleum Mij.) about :
determination and identification of various types of sulphur compounds in some sulphur-containing gas oils (both straight-run and cat. cracked) of different origins;
removal of sulphur from gas oils by hydrogena-Lion under otherwise non-destructive conditions (hydrodesulphiirization);
removal of sulphur compounds from gas oils by selective extraction, e.g. with anhydrous HF.
Although these three parts of the investigation are described separately, there has been a continuous interaction, so that progress in analytical and identification methods,